We are very excited to have a guest post today from
Speedy The Cheeky House Bunny! Speedy shares his rescue story with us, and we're sure you'll love it. We are so glad Speedy was rescued, and even happier that we're friends now. Thank you, Speedy!
It all started the day I arrived at an animal auction.I was in a cage with 2 other bunnies,we were all a bit nervous not really sure what was going on.All we knew was that nobody wanted us and were put up for auction the the day's final sales which usually meant the Reptile Breeders would buy us cheap, the 3 of us for 1 british pound.Luckily for us we were Brought at the last minute by this really nice man and he took us all home with lots of other bunnies.He housed us all in big hutches in his lounge,keeping us in the groups we came in so we wouldn't be lonely and then advertised us for rehoming in a local pet shop.
"This is Thumper just before he left for the Rainbow Bridge |
Mummy and Daddy had just lost my predecessor Thumper 3 days earlier they had had him a long time so Daddy was very upset as was Mummy but she knew she wanted to find a special bunny to bring home and love,plus she later told me she couldn't stand Daddy's constant crying.Mummy said that she had done her good byes and did her special mourning ritual which made her cry the whole time but once she had finish and the funeral was finished she dried her eyes because she knew Thumper was safe and happy and not ill anymore and that is when she started looking for me.She searched everywhere online at shelters,and on craigslist and gumtree and she even rang her local pet shop to see if there was any Bunnies that they knew of because Mummy and Daddy wanted a Rex,and Daddy wanted a white one.But where we live it was slim pickings,all there was was an advert on Gumtree for some in a village a few miles away but they were a sandy brown colour and then there was the advert in the pet shop.Mummy phoned Both places up one was a young lady Breeder the other was a nice man called Neal.Mummy made Daddy go to both places first to see the brown ones and Daddy said shall we have on of these but Mummy said they should go and see the other place as one was White.
This is me on my first couple of days in my new Forever Home!
The 2nd place they went to was a little farm/small holding it was a little scruffy with animals everywhere ,dogs, cats, chickens, geese.They walked up to the gate and Neal was there in the garden waiting for them and showed them in to the house to where he was keeping the bunnies.He explained that he went to animal auction to save as many rabbits and other animals from the reptile breeders as he could and then re home them for a small feel,Neal rescued the trio of bunnies that I was in and 2 were Rexes one was a copper colour and the other one was me.So Mummy and Daddy opened the Hutch up to give us each a scratch,one just tried to hide and the copper Rex was a bit braver But I was the Bravest so Daddy picked me up to give me a cuddle and I really enjoyed it.Daddy showed me to Mummy and she was very Happy that she gave me a cuddle too and for some reason I felt at home in her arms that I started to tooth pur (Tooth purring is when a rabbit who is happy and content chatter and grind their teeth) Mummy exclaimed that to Daddy that I was Tooth purring.Anyway they put me back and closed the hutch up and I was begging them to take me but they left.
Mummy and Daddy told me that they went out to the car to talk,it seems Daddy was still upset over Thumper and was unsure about getting another Bunny but he also didn't want to leave me.5 minutes later they came back with a blue carry box.They took me out of the hutch and gave Neal the adoption fee,he only want £10 but Daddy gave him £15 for doing such a wonderful thing.Mummy and Daddy put me in the box and Carried me out to the car for the drive home on Mummy's lap.She looked on the box and Daddy asked what is was doing as he was driving and Mummy told him I was laid out ,totally relaxed and unafraid.When we got home they put me in my den with lots of food and Hay.
Me in my new den... home at last!
In my new home I didn't have a care in the world. Life was and still is good!
This made Mummy and Daddy laugh!
My first play day in the kitchen!
My first warm days in the garden!
To me going out for adventures in Dartmoor!
Neal Saved me from a Horrible Fate and started me on my journey to my Forever Home and all my adventures I have had since but that is another Story!
I never knew Speedy's rescue story - I'm so glad he shared it here!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it wonderful, Summer? We just love rescued stories that have happy endings.
DeleteThank you Lola for sharing my Story,it gave mummy and daddy a few sniffles,xx Speedy
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful story! I'm so happy that Speedy found a safe and loving forever home!
ReplyDeleteWe love Speedy! It is great to read his story! Thanks for interviewing him :)
ReplyDeleteWe love Speedy. And we sure enjoyed reading his rescue story. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful story! We are so happy that Neal saved Speedy and that Speedy ended up in such a wonderful, loving forever home!
ReplyDeleteSpeedy sure is a lucky bunny! I would have giggled if I saw him in that cute pose in his den. Thanks for sharing this great story!