Help Your Favorite Rescue/Shelter Get A Donation! | Lola The Rescued Cat
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Help Your Favorite Rescue/Shelter Get A Donation!

Happy Caturday! Today Lexy and I were sitting around meowing about how we have some donations to make since we got a royalty check.  We just LOVE sending donations, because it makes us happy to help kitties (and other pets) get what they need.  We had two ideas for a post today, so we decided to combine them into one. (Don't worry, it won't be TOO long!)

First, we wanted to share with everyone the rescues we have helped so far with the sales of our book. They are: Meow Stories, Anjellicle Cats Rescue,Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue, Oliver's Orphan Oasis, Tabby's Place, Second Chance Rescue, Riverfront Cats, Catopia Feline Rescue of Arizona,  and The Granny Project.  Abandoned Angels, Olivers, and Catopia are one person rescue, re-hab and re-homing organizations that rely on the kindness of donors and fosters.  Mommy personally knows Miss Carolyn who runs Oliver's out of her house. Carolyn specializes in pulling special needs cats from the New York City  shelter system, rehabilitating them and finding them forever homes.  She's an angel. (See this post that Mommy wrote about a cat names Sal that Carolyn saved from the shelter. Get your tissues ready if you haven't read it already.) Miss Linda rescued Shiloh, who is a good friend of ours now (and his sister, Sadie Mae, has a story in our book.) And Miss Shonda from Catopia wrote a blurb for the back cover of our book.  We are proud to have been able to support all of these organizations, and proud to be friends with some of them.

So we had an idea!  Beginning today through July 18, everyone who buys a book directly from us can nominate a shelter of their choice to receive donations.  All nominations will be put in and a winner will be chosen.  That rescue will receive not 10, not 15, but 20% of the proceeds of our book sales during that time.  (NOTE: Rescue must be a 501(c)3 organization.) The rescue doesn't have to be for kitties only, it can be for any animal.

To order, you can click the "Buy Now" button on the side bar on the right, click on the menu tab for "Our Book", or email us directly at   Let's help animals in need!

Lola and Lexy

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  1. Y dat is so pawsum of y'all to do dat. And weez also fink it's gweat dat you Lola was chosen as Cat of da Week. ConCats to you. You two booties have a pawsum weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  2. Paws up - this is a great idea!

  3. I wish I had the green papers to buy a book but I’ll be paying off Blogpaws’ bills for a long time.

  4. When you and Lexy work together pawesome and amazing things happen! We are choosing this time to buy a book!


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