Catnip Caves by Smarty Kat - A Review | Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, January 20, 2017

Catnip Caves by Smarty Kat - A Review

Hello, everyone.This is Lexy checking in with toy review.  Today I present you with Catnip Caves by Smarty Kat. 

There are many things that we kitties like, and two of them are paper bags and catnip. Catnip Caves are both of those rolled into one. 

smarty Kat|catnip caves

SmartyKat Catnip Caves are irresistible to cats because they combine the allure of a rustling hideaway with stimulating catnip. The surface of the paper inside the bag is treated so catnip scent is released with every touch – just like a scratch ‘n sniff sticker! The paper bags are made with recycled material, and we like being kind to the environment. 

smarty Kat|catnip caves

The bags come in a pack of two and measure 12 inches long x 17 inches wide x 7 inches high. I had lots of room to be comfy. They’re printed with purple sayings such as Purrr, Zowee and Meeoooooow! 

smarty kat|catnip caves

I love paper bags; I love the crinkling, the rustling and hiding. Unfortunately, the catnip didn’t last as long as I would have liked it to. The bag was still fun to play in, though. 

You can buy a package of SmartyKat Catnip Caves Infused Bags at Amazon.  

Do you think your cat would like a catnip cave? 

This post contains an affiliate link. If you make a purchase through the link we make a small commission. 

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  1. Those are cool bags. Now how do we get Mom to get us some!

  2. Those Catnip Caves look like so much fun!

  3. We had those too and thought the catnip was sure lacking. You're right, bags are always fun though!

  4. L & L....catnip and bags iz all most az grate az perch ona pizza !!! thanx for tellin uz bout them....we will sneek over two amazon while de food gurlz still at werk :)

    heerz two a frogmouth catfish kinda week oh end two all ♥♥♥

  5. I didn't think they were still around MOL!!! Reviewed them years ago!!! Didn't they come with catnip scented markers and stickers too? Mine did. catchatwithcarenandcody

  6. Lexy, you are so darn adorable! Yes, I think Pierrot would like these.

  7. We do have a few nip heads over here, so we think this catnip cave sounds super cool! Thanks for sharing about it with us. We'll have to check it out.

  8. MOL Mommy bought us some of these fur .50 cents a while back. She couldn't believe da deal she got until she got home and realized she had paid money fur paper bags and stale nip. MOL Glad ya'll enjoyed them. Big hugs to all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  9. We like paper bags almost as much as we like boxes. These look like a lot of fun.

  10. Sadie and Vincent would love these!


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