Wordless Wednesday - You Can't Find Me! | Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wordless Wednesday - You Can't Find Me!

Wordless Wednesday|blog hop
Mommy will never find me here! I bet you can't see me, either!

We're joining Comedy Plus for their Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Join the fun and see what everyone else is posting today! 


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  1. Wait. I HEAR Lola, but where could she be??? :)

  2. Oh... I think I can find you! ;-)

  3. Oh gosh, someone is great at hiding! I wonder if she’ll ever be found!

  4. Dang, where in the world did you go?!?!

  5. I can't find you either. Too cute.

    Thanks for joining Wordless Wednesday. Nice to meet you.

    Have a purrfect Wordless Wednesday, Lola. My best to your peeps. ♥

  6. Lola . . . Lola . . . Lola where are you? Lola? Lola are you hiding somewhere? I can't find you. Lola? Wowy, you picked a tricky hiding place! Can you give me a hint where you are? Purr purr purr and winks. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  7. Hope you're looking at some great Squirrel or Bird TV, Lola!

  8. I've looked and looked but I can't see you, Lola.

  9. You are kidding us right. Unless you are a shadow caw who shimmers by like a whisper.

  10. you couldn't be found in a million years.


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