The PIXI Smart Feeder by Catit | Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The PIXI Smart Feeder by Catit

I don’t have the typical 9 to 5 job, and I work erratic hours sometimes. Add my part-time job to the mix and there are days I find myself leaving the house at 7:00 am and getting home at 10:00 pm. I always leave food out for Lexy and Lola but worry if it’s enough, or if Lexy will binge eat. When I come through the door at night they are sometimes immediately meowing for their evening meal. 

Catit pixi feeder twitter graphic

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Catit. Catit is not responsible for the contents of this post. Lola The Rescued Cat only shares information we feel will be of interest to our readers.

This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase an item after clicking an affiliate link, we will earn a small commission to buy the girls some treats. You will not pay a higher price.

The PIXI Smart Feeder by Catit turned out to be the answer to my feeding problems. No more worries about Lexy overeating or Lola going hungry. 

black and white cat with the PIXI smart feeder by catit

What is the Catit PIXI Smart Feeder? 

The Catit PIXI smart feeder is a WIFI-enabled remote control feeder that allows you to schedule your cats' feeding times or dispense food instantly at the press of a button. The unit comes with a free app that does not require a paid subscription to use.

The Catit PIXI Smart Feeder will serve your cat the right amount of food, at exactly the right time. Even when you’re not at home or you want to hit the snooze button a couple of extra times in the morning. With the mobile app, it’s easy to schedule regular feedings without fail or delay and to monitor food intake by setting custom meal sizes.

Set Up 

Set up is very easy. All you have to do is: 
  • Insert the plug into the bottom of the unit.
  • Attach the bowl.
  • Attach the food reservoir. 
  • Insert the desiccant package into the top.
  • Fill the reservior with food.
  • Put the top on, plug it in, and you're ready to go! 

PIXI Smart Feeder set up

PIXI Smart Feeder food reservoir

PIXI Smart Feeder by Catit
The top has cat ears! And the dispense food button is in
the shape of a nose. Adorable!

There is no need to worry about power outages. Insert four C Batteries into the battery backup compartment and you're covered. 

Catit PIXI App 
After the unit is put together it's time to set up the app, which is available for both Android and IOS. I had no problem at all syncing the feeder with the app. 

After you connect to Wi-Fi, give your unit a name. You can then schedule meal times, including portion sizes. 

Catit pixi smart feeder app screenshot

Catit pixi smart feeder app screenshot

All of your scheduled meals will appear on the app. When the meal is dispensed, you will get a notification on your phone alerting you that your cat has been fed! 

Catit pixi smart feeder app screenshot

Catit pixi smart feeder app screenshot

If the food level is low, it will display as an alert on your notification and on the app. 

The "dispense food button" is very handy! If you're working late one evening and haven't scheduled a meal, you can dispense food remotely with a press of the button. 

There is detailed information on the unit in the app, complete with frequently asked questions, video, and tips on setup. I've found it very helpful when I've had a question. 

Our Experience
I wondered if the girls would take to an automatic feeder since we have never had anything like this in the house before. Lexy didn't blink an eye, and after a few automatic feedings, Lola accepted it easily. 

The unit emits a beep immediately before the food is dispensed, which can be used as a training tool. When Lexy hears the beep this morning, she comes running. 

black and white cat with catit pixi smart feeder

On the nights I'm scheduled to work late, I can schedule meals in advance so Lola and Lexy stay on their feeding schedule. Another feature I really like is the "dispense" button on the app. If I'm out and will be getting home later than I expect, I can dispense food at any time, as well as control the portion sizes. I no longer have to worry about the girls being hungry if I'm not home when they are expecting their meals. 

Key Benefits for Your Cat - and You!
Both you and your cat can enjoy the ease and convenience of the Catit PIXI Smart Feeder. Some of the key benefits are: 
  • The ability to control the amount of food being offered to your cat.
  • Provides your cat with consistent meals that are perfectly portioned.
  • Helps prevent binge eating.
  • The large, stainless steel top bowl reduces whisker fatigue.
  • The Catit Pixi app allows you to customize and schedule your cat’s meals times, dispense food instantly, or plan out an entire week’s worth of feedings. 
  • Eliminates concern of overfeeding.
  • Assists with weight loss.
  • The mobile app is free!

catit logo

Key Features of the Catit PIXI Smart Feeder: 
  • Portion control and instant feed options.
  • Can be controlled via built-in Wi-Fi with the free mobile app.
  • You can schedule up to 12 meals per day.
  • Holds 10 to 15 days of food for one adult cat.
  • The desiccant pad helps keep food fresher for longer and prevents mold. (Remember to replace every 30 days.)
  • Works with all types of food and kibble shapes
  • The reservoir has an airtight rubber sealing ring in its lid to keep food fresh.
  • Stainless steel bowl is removable and dishwasher safe
  • The quiet motor has an anti-clogging control that detects if a piece of food has become clogged, and will rotate in the opposite direction.
  • The nose-shaped instant feed button dispenses an extra portion when pressed. It can also be deactivated.
  • Battery backup lasts approximately 58 hours in the event of a power outage.

The Final Verdict
The Catit PIXI Smart Feeder gets two paws up from the girls, and two thumbs up from me. I love that I don't have to worry about Lola and Lexy being hungry if I'm out late or worry about Lexy binge eating (and then vomiting) if I leave out too much food. One of the features I really like is the "dispense food" button. This eliminates the need to schedule several feedings and then needing to delete them when they are no longer required. 

I feed the girls both dry and wet food. (It's a long story, but if Lola doesn't have dry food she won't eat enough.) Being able to give them a little bit of dry food definitely holds them over until I get home to serve them their wet food. No more worries about them being hungry. 

I have had several Catit products over the years, and their quality is always very good. The PIXI Smart Feeder is no exception. It is very easy to assemble and use, with no overly complicated instructions. The app is very user-friendly, and any info you need can be found under "Help and Advice." 

The feeder can also come in handy when you go away. Even though a sitter will be coming to take care of your furry loved ones, emergencies or natural disasters can happen which may prevent them from arriving on schedule. Your worries can be put to rest since you'll be able to dispense food from anywhere. 

I definitely recommend this automatic feeder to cat parents who worry about their cat's feeding schedules. 

catit pixi smart feeder features

Purchase Yours Today!

You can order your Smart Feeder on the Catit website for $129.99. It is also available on Amazon for the same price. The desiccant silica gel replacement packs can also be purchased on Amazon. 

It's a Giveaway! 

Thanks to the generosity of our friends at Catit, one lucky reader will win a PIXI Smart Feeder for their cat. The giveaway is open to U.S. residents, 18+ years of age, except where prohibited by law. The winners will be selected randomly by Rafflecopter and contacted via email and will have 48 hours to claim their prize. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the prize, and a new winner will be randomly selected by Rafflecopter. Please note that to qualify for the prize a comment must be left on this post. The giveaway closes on Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 12:00 am Eastern Time.

catit pixi smart feeder pinterest graphic
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Good luck to everyone who enters! To stay up to date with Petlibro, make sure to follow them on social media.

Have you ever tried an automatic feeder with our cats? Tell us in the comments. 


About the Author:
Dawn White is an award-winning writer/blogger and the author of Lola: Diary of a Rescued Cat.  Dawn has been writing in the pet industry for over seven years and has been a contributing writer for the Jackson Galaxy Project’s Cat Pawsitive Pro Program, BlogPaws, and

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  1. I love that the feeder is so cute in addition to being functional!

    1. It is cute! It would be a great way for my always hungry cat.. Timesaver!

  2. Thanks Lola...that is quite a feeder.

  3. I can visualize Chili Bruce staying next to this feeder, hoping to score some nuggets!

  4. I have a petsafe feeder, and Mrs H loves that as she can measure every gram of my food. Naturally, I hate it as I get the minimum. Be interesting to know how accurate the food weight delivery is?

  5. I love that design, thanks for showing it off to us all!

  6. Great review. That looks like a nice product. I will pass on the giveaway though because I can never figure out apps. The design is cute too. :) XO

  7. That is a great idea and looks good too. There is one thing I am wondering about. If Lexy binge eats, does she leave any for Lola?

  8. That's super cool that it has a WIFI function and can be controlled thru the app. It looks like a great product for those who may be away at work during the day and need a way to feed the kitties!

  9. Thanks for taking the time to share this super review of this feeder. Sometimes we work really late here and this is an excellent product for when we are running a little late getting home for dinner for our little ones. Have a great day and thank you again for this post.
    World of Animals Rittenhouse

  10. That would have been ideal when both of us were still we're the on demand feeders!

  11. Wow, we think that is super cool. Ava would be listening out for the beep, for sure. Ha ha. Seriously, though, this would make us feel so much better when we're a bit late getting home. :)

  12. That's a great option for making sure your cat has enough food...and doesn't eat too much.

  13. i have never had one. it would be great for my kitty. i used to feed him both wet and dry. sadly its only dry now.

  14. I haven't but it looks so helpful and would love to have something like this

  15. No I have never tried an automatic feeder

  16. I never have but have always been interested to!

  17. I've never used one of these before, I love the convenience of it!

  18. I have never used an automatic feeder for our cat. I think she would like one.

  19. I've used a self-feeder before, but it would always clog and I wouldn't know until Bella would start meowing, continuously. I'd given up on self feeders and went back to regular bowls.

  20. No. I've been looking into them though. With 3 indoor cats it's probably overdue

  21. My kitty has never had a automatic feeder. He eats too much and is very overweight. I would like to limit what he eats and when he eats so he can get on a regular schedule.


  23. I have not tried an automatic feeder before.

  24. Fran - No, not yet

  25. I have not, but this would be so awesome!

  26. I have never had an automatic feeder before, but would love to have one!

  27. I've never used an auto feeder, my cat has a problem working herself up to where she's hungry when I feed her that she gobbles it and throws up. I wonder if something like this would help...

  28. I have never used a feeder, but I am considering doing so since my fur baby is overweight.

  29. I never used an automatic feeder for my cat

  30. I've never used an automatic feeder before, but I think this would be great for our cats!

  31. No, I've never tried one but I really want to

  32. I haven't used one, but I have been looking at buying one- thanks for the giveaway!

  33. I have never used an automatic pet feeder for my cat! I can see why it would be extremely handy to have though, especially when you travel or leave home for longer periods.

  34. I have not but would love to try one

  35. No, we haven't yet but have been thinking about it.

  36. What a cute feeder! Our only hang-ups is (1) TW doesn't have a mobile phone for the app and (2) is the food stored in a plastic container? I see the bowl is stainless steel. Best of luck to the winner.

  37. I have not used an automatic feeder but this would really come in handy when we travel for the weekend.

  38. I haven't but my nephew has and I love how the cats know when it's about to go off

  39. I have never used an automatic kitty feeder.

  40. Very nice to have when you are camping and leave cat home overnight

  41. Never used one, but we've been in the market!

  42. No, I've never used an automatic feeder.

  43. Well done review! I would love to have this to give me the flexibility to take short trips without having to try to find someone I trust to feed my shelter rescue Schatzi!

  44. I haven't ever used an automatic feeder but have been thinking about getting one.

  45. We've never used one before but we have a new cat who prefers a set schedule.

  46. I have never used one. I am about to adopt a cat named... pixie, I think this is a sign. Hope to win!

  47. I've never used an automatic cat feeder, but I would really love to have one. We travel a lot and this would give me a lot of peace of mind to know that they aren't going to devour their entire food bowl on the first day we're gone and then go hungry for the rest of the weekend.

  48. We have never owned an automatic cat feeder. So Mocha has never eaten out of an automatic feeder. My husband and I are senior citizens with health problems. I want to make sure our baby is well taken care of! Thank you for the opportunity from us & Mocha :)

  49. No, I have never owned this smart pet feeder. It sounds fantastic!

  50. I have never tried an automatic feeder but would love to try one. I am sure my cat would love it.

  51. No, I have not! But I have always wanted to try one out. This looks like a great one!

  52. I have not used a automatic feeder but have been thinking about investing in one since I have several cats and have to keep filling up thier water bowl alot

  53. We have not tried one but they seem cool

  54. We use regular bowls but I wonder if my cats would be interested in this.

  55. I’ve never used an automatic pet feeder before but a few of my friends have and they love them.

  56. No, my cat has never had an automatic feeder but have read a lot about them and I'm interested.

  57. I have never used an automatic feeder.

  58. I have never used an automatic feeder...yet.

  59. I have never tried or used an automatic feeder but I love the idea of it!

  60. No, I've never used an automatic feeder but would love to.


  62. That's cute and fancy. We got two activities feeders for Christmas - hoping to get Tilly to slim down a bit.

  63. Never used an automatic feeder, but I have been wanting to get one. Added peace of mind that there would be extra food for the kitties.

  64. Yes, I have used an automatic feeder and loved it. It was a simple one that couldn't connect to an app or anything though.

  65. I've never used an automatic feeder. This one seems so cool. And it's also very cute.

  66. I need this, my cat will wake up the whole house to get fed.

  67. no, i have dogs and have an automatic feeder but never used because of the food i feed. it is refrigerated. however, i would love this to donate to safe haven for cats, it would be a great help with all of the cats they have to feed everyday.

  68. I have never used an auto feeder.

  69. I have not- and this seems like such a great idea!!

  70. Yes, I have an older automatic feeder right now.

  71. I have never used an automatic feeder but it would sure be nice rather than them waking us up at 3am for feeding every day.

  72. We have one cat that will eat all of his food and then eat the others. Then we have one cat we have to coax to eat even the smallest amounts of food. I would love to have them self feed in their own areas so I can sleep without them meowing that they are starving!

  73. I have not had any automatic feeder for my pets.

  74. I have not had any automatic feeder for my pets.


  76. I have never seen this before but is such a great idea! My daughter would be much better at feeding our cat if she only had to refill this! One task a day that would be so much easier and make sure he is not being over fed!

  77. What a Perrrrfect way to know my precious cats would be dining at the right times with summer coming.
    I would be able to make sure that they their eating times are set and that it's not always just sitting there

  78. Susan L
    What a Perrrrfect way to know my precious cats would be dining at the right times with summer coming.
    I would be able to make sure that they their eating times are set and that it's not always just sitting there

  79. Oh my gosh, this is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I've never tried an automatic feeder, but I've been wanting to try one.

  80. Yes, I automatically told my daughter to feed her cat everyday

  81. No, I never used an automatic feeder for our cats but I would love to give it a try.

  82. I have never used an automatic pet feeder

  83. I have not used one before but would love too.

  84. I have never used an automatic feeder but I am using a pet water fountain right now

  85. We have one water cooler fountain downstairs and would love something special for upstairs cats.

  86. We have never used one. It would be awesome though.

  87. This is so cute! I have never used a self-feeder, but I have 8 cats. I have one that likes to turn over the dry food dish.

  88. I have an auto feeder, and I have to fill it up every day. Would love to try one that I could leave for when I can't fill it each day.

  89. My kitties use a Surepet feeder. I love well designed feeders!

  90. We don’t have an auto feeder for Mimi but she does love her fountain from CatIt

  91. I haven't tried an auto feeder yet but I'm thinking about it.

  92. This would help feed my kitty if I need to be away a day or two and not have to leave too much food!

  93. I have not used an automatic feeder before. But it would be amazing. Thank you

  94. Feeding two cats from the same bowl is always tricky ... especially when you have one that will eat everything and the other that might need extra encouragement to eat. Honestly, both my cats are a little on the larger side, so maybe this should be something we try.

  95. I've never used an automatic feeder before. I think it would help a lot though.

  96. No, we haven't but I'd like to try one as he has a tendency to throw up after he eats, altho he's gotten better since I got some sensitive stomach & skin food now. Thanks and God Bless! ILuvTheEucharist @ aol dot com

  97. I have used an automatic feeder for Layla, but it wasn’t nearly as nice as this CatIt one.

  98. I have never used an automatic food dispenser. I have used an automatic water feed system

  99. I haven't used one, but am excited to try it!

  100. I have never used one before, but with 3 cats I need one.

  101. I haven't tried one yet

  102. I have not used an automatic feeder.

  103. This looks really good. I would love to try it.

  104. No, but wondered what a cat would think of it--being the curious beings that they are. I can't have a cat but visit my daughter who does have one that she adopted from the shelter. Shorty is adventurous and curious to a fault. I would love to see how he responds to being able to see his food drop, but can't get to the rest of it to pig out before time.

  105. I have not used an automatic feeder for my cats. With 3 cats on, what appears to be completely different eating schedules, I can only imagine how this would help in my house!

  106. No I have never used an auto feeder before but I would love to. This would be so useful

  107. I haven't ever used an automatic cat feeder.

  108. I haven't used an automatic feeder for my cats yet.

  109. I have not used a automatic feed for my cat. I do like this idea! Thank you for the giveaway!


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