Selfie Sunday 6/30/24 | Lola The Rescued Cat
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Selfie Sunday 6/30/24

Happy Sunday, friends. I'm back with a few selfies today.  

black and white cat sleeping on a cat scratcher

My selfies are "sleepy selfies" this week. If you follow us on social media, you'll know Mother went to PetSmart to buy supplies and saw this scratcher. As soon as she saw it she said to herself, she said, "I bet Lexy would like this scratcher." 

Well, she was only a little wrong. I LOVE it! I'm always lying on it or just beside it. 

black and white cat sleeping on a cat scratcher

I'll let you in on a little secret...I was so comfy one day that I rolled over and fell off right in the middle of my nap! Luckily I didn't have far to fall. 

black and white cat sleeping on a cat scratcher

And since I'm meowing with you all, here's a little update on me. I'm actually doing very well! I'm eating pretty well and eat my kidney diet about 60% of the time. I'm grooming a little more and I'm not hiding. Paws crossed for continued improvement. 

black and white cat sleeping on a cat scratcher

June 27 would have been the day we celebrated Lola's birthday. She would have been 14. I hope she had a spectacular party at the bridge with all of our friends who are there. June 27 is the birthday of one of Mother's relatives who is also at the bridge and we hope they were celebrating together. Happy heavenly birthday, my sweet sister. I miss you every day. 

Here's a photo of the two of us doing a product review. This will be an ussie for today! 

two cats eating catit creamy treats

Enjoy your Selfie Sunday, friends. 


We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for their selfie Sunday blog hop. Hop on over to see more selfies! 

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  1. Sure glad that Lexy is doing much better!
    Sleeping is important for our kitties and they're lucky for having a favorite spot and being sheltered.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. You do look very comfy on your new scratcher, Lexy. I am sure there was a massive birthday celebration going on at The Bridge with all of Lola's friends there.

  3. Lexy, Enjoy your beautiful new scratcher.

    We are sure Lola had a most magnificent pawty at the Bridge - and that she misses you as much as you miss her.

  4. Lexy, we r so happy fur yoo and your new scratcher!!!

  5. Lexy it is so good to hear that you are doing well - especially that you are eating ! Purrayers and POTP continue from us !

  6. YES! Those scratchers are great as snooze spots. We have two because there would be fights otherwise! It's good to see you snooze Lexy.

  7. That's a beautiful and most cozy selfie sweet one.

  8. Three Chatty CatsJuly 5, 2024 at 9:52 AM

    Those are some very nice sleepy selfies.


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