Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, March 30, 2015

Book Sale!

We are having a book sale! Our book, Lola: Diary Of A Rescued Cat, will be on sale for $12 from 3/30/15 through 4/20/15.

Ten percent of the proceeds of this sale will go to benefit Oliver's Orphan Oasis. OOO is a rescue that is near and dear to our hearts.  Mommy first found out about this rescue when she started following the story of a cat on "Death Row' named Sal.  (Mommy wrote a post about him here.).  Auntie Carolyn, the owner and president of OOO, also helped Mommy when Will (Mommy's boyfriend) found a little feral kitten. Auntie Carolyn took the little baby, socialized her, and found her a forever home! 

OOO is a one woman operation, run from Auntie Carolyn's home.  We hope to raise a lot of money to help her out.  

If you'd like to get our book at the sale price, you can order it here.  And guess what? Each copy will be purrsonally pawtographed! When ordering, please don't forget to add a note saying how you would like it personalized. 

Shipping is $5.75 Priority Shipping in the USA, and $16.75 International.  

If you have any trouble with ordering, please email us at 

Right now we have 80 books in our inventory.  If we sell all 80 books we will give Oliver's Orphan Oasis $100! Please spread the word!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Rescue Stories: Annie - How a Poster Changed Her Life

Today we are sharing  the rescue story of Annie! Annie is the star of Annie's House Co-Starring Pierrot and we're very excited she chose to share her story with us.

In August 2011, my husband and I were going about our daily lives. We lived in California and had two ailing senior kitties that required quite a bit of care. One day, my husband went to get the mail and saw a picture posted of an orange tabby girl named Annie stating that her owners were moving and they weren't taking her with them. As much as I love cats and have a heart for all the homeless ones, I was really surprised at my husband. Not only did we have the two senior kitties, we were in a small apartment and we had one cat more than the apartments' one-cat-per-household rule. We were not looking for a third kitty. He brought her into our lives, however, by bringing that picture home.

I contacted the person listed on the ad and she said they were going to put Annie in a shelter if they couldn't find her a home but all the no-kill shelters were full. We decided to take her as an interim foster solution and try to place her in another home.

Beautiful Annie.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

#WordlessWednesday - Bliss

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

And the winner of The Lola Collar is.....

May we have your attention please?!?! We have an exciting announcement to make! We are proud to announce the winner of our very first giveaway.  The winner of The Lola Collar is.....

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Christy Paws! Concatulations, Christy! We are sending you an email for more information.

We had more entries than we expected,which made us very happy. Thank you to all of our wonderful friends, old and new, for making our first giveaway a success.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Pom Pom Photo Bomb

I was trying to have a photo shoot on our cat tree, and I was photo bombed.  By a pom pom of all things!

Be afraid, Pom Pom.  Be very afraid.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

Still time to enter to win The Lola Collar!

You still have a couple of days left to enter to win my signature The Lola Collar made exclusively by my bestie, Pickles, over at Sweet Pickles Designs.

We're very excited that we got a lot of entries for our first giveaway! You can enter Enter here! here.
Saturday, March 14, 2015

What I think of Daylight Savings Time

Mommy has been VERY tired this week.  She was in a training every day and worked late, but I was eavesdropping overheard her on the phone and she said she was tired because of Daylight Savings Time. I guess that's why she didn't help us with a Daylight Savings Time Post on time, or why she didn't help us with a post for Pie Day today.

(Lexy, off to the side, whispers: psssttt, Lola. It's not PIE day, it's PI Day. )

Pi Day?

(Lexy, still off to the side: Yes. Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “Ï€”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159.)

You mean I don't get Catnip Lime Pie?

I don't think I like this Pi Day.

Anyhoo, back to my original story about this Daylight Savings Time stuff.  I had a hard time waking Mommy up this morning! When I was walking all over her she said to me, she said "Lola, it's still dark out.  It's Daylight Savings Time." Hmmpppfff.  I was up and ready for the day

so I thought she should be, too.  Daylight Savings Time is cramping my style and this is what I think of it: 

Next year I think Mommy should just tell it to talk to the paw. 
