Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, January 29, 2016

Nature's Variety Instinct Raw Boost Mixers - A Chewy Review

Hello everyone! This is Lexy checking in, and I have a great review for you today.  This month, as part of the Chewy blogger program, I chose something tasty to review. Today I bring you Nature's Variety Instinct Raw Boost Mixers.  Nature's Valley is an independent pet food company whose mission is to empower people to transform the lives of their pets.  Sounds good to me! 

Oh boy! These smell yummy

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Cat Art and a Giveaway!

Hello everyone! This is Lexy checking in with a great interview with a fabulous artist and a giveaway! Today I bring you a fantastic Etsy store, Starlustudio2, with art created by Gina Stark.  We first became familiar with Gina through our friend, Prince Pan Pan.  Every Friday in the Royal Art Gallery there is an exhibition of cat art and Gina’s work caught Mother’s attention. 

Flying Gray Cat Angel

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Move Over, Leonardo DiCatrio.. the Award Goes to.... the Cats!

You love cats. We love cats. The Internet loves cats. That's why Meow Mix brand launched the Oscars edition of the Cat's Meow Awards -- a celebration of the best cat moments of the past year and the one-of-a-kind bond that only cats and humans share. Mommy LOVES award shows and we always watch them with her, and we agree with Meow Mix -- it's time for cats to get their purr-aise! 

We recently partnered with Meow Mix cat food to recognize the year's top four-legged performances in The 2016 Cat's Meow Awards.

That's right! You won't see Jeni-purr Aniston nominated and that's because this year's most anticipated awards show honors a flurry of furry faces.

Meow Mix brand received more than 25,000 submissions from all over the country for the Cat's Meow Awards, which was established to celebrate the best cat moments of the year and the one-of-a-kind bond that only cats and humans share.

View clips from The 2016 Cat's Meow Awards show below:

Best Cat Napper: 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Book Reading - Part 2.

Hello and happy Monday! Welcome to Part 2 of my book reading and thank you so much for coming. 

Today I’m going to share a few of my diary entries when my life took a turn for the better.  I’ll be reading about when I was rescued – and adopted! Yay! 

This is what I wrote on January 6, 2011: 
Today was an exciting day! A worker came to my cage to take me out and put me in a box. I got real scared because I thought I was going to be put to sleep. I couldn’t see out of the box so I didn’t know what was going on. I heard a lot of humans talking, and the next thing I knew I was in a car. Imagine that! A car! A little while later I finally got to come out of the box and I couldn’t believe it—I was in a different doctor’s office. “Oh boy, here we go again” I thought. I looked up—and there was the lady that was asking about me yesterday! But she was crying, and that made me nervous. Everybody was fussing over me and saying things like “poor baby” and “what a shame.” The doctor came in to look at me and had a list of stuff he had found wrong: I only weigh 3.2 pounds, I have a bad URI and a broken canine tooth, and I’m dehydrated and hypothermic. And my nose is really sore and it started to bleed when they cleaned it. The vet tech force-fed me with a syringe. I didn’t like that very much, but she said I have to eat to get strong. Everyone here is so kind to me, and it smells a whole lot better than it did at the shelter. I have a whole room to myself, too. So now I’m going to turn in for the night and cuddle up to my snuggly warm heating pad and not have to worry about “Death Row.” That lady who took me from the shelter is my fairy godmother.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Meet Diamond and Stanley Blaze on Change a Pet's Life Day

Today is “Change a Pet's Life Day,” a day devoted to encouraging animal adoption and spreading awareness of animal welfare issues. 

There are many ways to participate, but I chose to share the amazing stories of two rescued cats, Diamond and Stanley Blaze, and the amazing women who rescued and adopted them. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

We have questions for Mommy

Lola: Well, we're still getting used to blogging. Yesterday, after we posted about National Hug Day, we found it was National Answer Your Cat's Question Day.  Sigh..... we'll get this right some day.
Anyhoo, I'm always thinking of things I want to ask Mommy.

So Lexy and I put together a couple of questions for her.

It's Answer Your Cat's Questions Day!

Today is National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day! 

We love this day because we always have a bunch of stuff to ask Mommy. Lexy and I each chose two questions.