Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, March 27, 2020

Paused in New York, and Some Self-Care Techniques to Help Get You Through a Difficult Time

As the world is experiencing turbulent times, I find myself living in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic – New York City. Super Storm Sandy and 9/11 couldn’t bring us to our knees, but the Coronavirus did. We’re practically shut down, and the streets are eerily desolate in a city where hustle and bustle, crowded streets, and bumper-to-bumper traffic are a daily way of life. Although those things can be frustrating and intolerable at times, right now it would all be a welcome comfort. Yesterday I went for a walk in the afternoon and I was actually afraid. 

I didn't take this photo. I will look for the source and credit. 

As I write this there are a little over 20,000 confirmed cases here in the city, and it is estimated that 80% of us will contract the virus. Overnight there were 100 deaths. I’m lucky to be well, and I’m extremely lucky to be able to work both of my jobs from home – for now. My anxiety is running high and is increasing every day. I worry about my family, some of who have pre-existing conditions, and I worry about friends who are essential workers who are out there every day. I hate to leave my house (which I rarely do), and it’s almost getting to the point where I’m scared to do so. My full-time job is in congregate care and every day I live in fear that I’m going to be told I have to return to work to take care of the clients (several who have tested positive for COVID-19.) 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Oxyfresh - Environmentally Safe Products for People and Pets

One of my goals here at Lola The Rescued Cat is to bring information to our readers that can help their cats live happier lives. (Well, not only the cats but their people, too!) One way I accomplish this is by doing product reviews so pet parents get a glimpse of different cat-related products that are out there that can make life easier for two-legged and four-legged family members. 

Oxyfresh Pet Products

Friday, March 13, 2020

Will You Adopt Me? Meet Cinnamon - A Sassy, Smart Lady at Monmouth County SPCA

I’m sure most of you know by now that I am a contributing writer for the Jackson Galaxy Project’s Cat Pawsitive Pro Program. It’s a project that I absolutely love volunteering for because I love seeing cats who were previously considered “unadoptable” find their happy forever homes. From time to time I also form a great relationship with one of my assigned shelters and I love keeping in touch with them. Although the semester is just starting, I’m already forming a wonderful relationship with Monmouth County SPCA in Eatontown, NJ.

When Nina Lucow, their Feline Adoption Manager, sent me a draft of their first report I immediately fell in love with the cat, and knew I just had to share her story on the blog and all over social media to help her find her forever home. I’m elated to introduce you to Cinnamon, a beautiful orange Tabby girl with a little bit of cattitude. 

Monmouth County SPCA

Monday, March 9, 2020

Rescue Stories - Plush: A Rags to Riches Kitty

Hello, and Happy   ! We're back today with another Rescue Story we're sure you'll love. Today we're featuring our friend, Plush, from Life & Cats! Poor Plush went through a rough period, but his story has a very happy ending. Read how he went from being abandoned to being a beautiful show cat! Plush has a wonderful life and family now, and we're so happy for him! 


Cat Rescue Stories
Monday, February 24, 2020

Lola on the Road: PURRsonal Space - South Jersey's Cat Lounge (Palmyra, NJ)

Welcome back to "Lola on the Road." I'm continuing the series into 2020, and this year I'll be staying closer to home. Don't worry, though! There are plenty of cafés within driving distance to keep me busy! I'll never get tired of reporting on coffee and cats! 

purrsonal space |cat cafes

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Rescue Stories - Donovan: He Found the Love of His Life in a McDonald's Parking Lot

Recently a dear friend, that I met through the Facebook cat community just after I started my Facebook page, passed away. When I asked for rescue story submissions for my book Sherry was one of the first people to contact me. Her beloved cat, Donovan, was a rescue and she was very excited to share his story with the world. And she was so grateful to me for including his story so his spirit would live on through my book. She didn’t realize how grateful I was to her for sharing her story with me.

Sherry had a big heart. She was kind and giving and never turned a cat (or a person) in need away. I wanted to pay homage to her in some way, so I decided to share Donovan’s story on the blog for those of you who have not read it. Donovan made his journey to the bridge a few years ago, and I know he jumped into Sherry’s arms when she made her transition. Sherry, I will forever miss you. Until we meet again, my friend. 

This is Sherry's story as told to me in 2013.

rescue stories

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Catnip Nation, Award Winning Documentary, Now Available on DVD

In May of 2017, I introduced Catnip Nation to my readers. As I waited (not so) patiently for the film, Director and Producer Tina Traster contributed thought-provoking and heartfelt articles for my blog. (The Catnip Nation series won a Certificate of Excellence in the Cat Writers' Association Communications Contest last year.) When the time finally came to see the film I was SO excited, and it did not disappoint. Catnip Nation is now an award-winning film, and it is also available on DVD. 

catnip nation dvd