Lola The Rescued Cat
Thursday, January 22, 2015

National Hug Day!

Lola: This morning we found out that yesterday was National Hug Day.

Lexy: Our secretary, (A.K.A. Mother), is not always as fast as we'd like her to be.

Lola: But it's never too late to give a hug, so we're sharing a few pictures of Mommy hugging us.

Lexy:  I'm not much of a hugger, but I humored Mother for the three seconds that it took for the camera to take the photo.

Lola: Oh, I'm a big hugger! I just love to hug.

Lexy: We know, Lola. Mother is always saying how she can't get you off of her no matter what she does.

Lola: See, I told you, I'm a hugger.  Hey, wait a second..... are you saying Mommy thinks I hug too much?

Lexy: Let's just show the pictures, Lola.

Lola: OK, here you go folks. Our hug pictures!

Lexy: *whispers*  It's a good thing she's easily distracted!

Mommy, I know you love me, but I think your
squishing me a little. 

1, 2, 3! Smile! Ok, now put me down please, Mother. 

Lola and Lexy

Friday, January 16, 2015

My official Gotcha Day!

Over the past couple of weeks, I posted about a few special days.  First was my Rescue-versary when I was saved from the shelter.  Next was the anniversary of when Mommy adopted me. Well, yesterday was the day I consider my official Gotcha Day.  Why? Well, four years ago yesterday I was finally discharged from the hospital and went with Mommy to my forever home! (We're one day late in posting.  Sometimes Mommy is not a very good secretary.)

I was so excited to go home that I didn't sleep a wink the night before! And oh boy, was I meowing my little head off when Mommy and Will picked me up! I was so happy  I talked all the way from Manhattan to Queens!

I had to live in the bathroom for a while (which I called the Executive Suite - it sounded better than "the bathroom") because I was still sick and still on medicines.  I had diarrhea because of those yucky antibiotics, but Mommy didn't mind.  She just put towels down on the floor.

Here are a few pictures of me on my first day at home: (It was so nice to have room to stretch my legs and not live in a cage anymore!)

Ahhh... this bed is comfy
Hi Mommy! Thank you for brining me home.
When do I get to meet my sister?

And here I am on day two.  I was already settled in and loving having a home. 
This is one of Mommy's favorite pictures of me.

Lexy and I have the same wish, and that's for all animals to be as lucky as we are.  We want to save the world one rescued pet at a time!

Are you a rescued pet? Did you rescue a pet? We would love to share your stories.  Please email them to us at or share them on our Facebook page.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today is dress up your pet day!

January 14 is Dress Up Your Pet Day! Lexy and I don't really like to dress up much, but we did manage to get a photo shoot.  Our friend Goody from France sent us this very special coat which he calls "The Number One Magic Coat".  Goody sent this  coat from France to a special group of friends, and we are honored to be a parr of that group.  We hope you like our photo shoot.

Did you dress up your pet today? Share your photos on our Facebook Page.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy Anniversary, Mommy!

Guess what today is? It's another anniversary day! Four years ago today I met Mommy for the first time! After seeing my picture on Facebook, she emailed Aunt Leslie and made plans to come meet little old me! This was me the first day she met me:

Even though I was fur and bones, couldn't meow, and had such a stuffy, runny nose that I blew bubbles when I breathed, she thought I was beautiful. Even way back then I was chatty!

Mommy said I had the cutest little silent meow. It would be another week before she could bring me home, though. But that was OK cause I was adopted! And now I'm a Princess.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's Wordless Wednesday!

This is my our Wordless Wednesday post! We hope you join the Blog Hop!

This was taken after coming to my forever home

Lexy liked her new bed right away after coming to her
new forever home!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Rescue-versary!

Four years ago today I was rescued from the shelter! My Aunt Leslie was given the all clear to come pick me up.  Many people don't know this, but the shelter wasn't going to let Aunt Leslie take me.  I was on antibiotics for a VERY bad Upper Respiratory Infection and they wanted me to finish them before I was released.  Aunt Leslie was very worried, because she didn't think I was going to make it that long and she knew I needed more care.  But the kitty angels were looking over me and the shelter decided to let Aunt Leslie take me.  This is what I looked like four years ago:

Photo taken by Janice Rossel.  This photo made Mommy
want to help me. 
This photo was taken by a very nice lady named Janice Rossel.  Aunt Janice and her husband take photos of many of the shelter animals to help find them a forever home (and more importantly, save them from Death Row *shudders*) When Aunt Janice saw me in the shelter she took me out of my cage and let me sit on her lap.  She fell in love with me and knew I had to get out of there! She didn't know this at the time, but this picture was the start of my new life.  After Mommy saw this picture of me on Facebook she knew she had to meet me.  

As soon as Aunt Leslie got me, she took me straight to Manhattan Cat Specialists to get better. They took such good care of me there, and Dr. Plotnick is still my doctor today.  I'm all better now, but I have Chronic Sinusitis.  That means I have a stuffy nose and sometimes a runny nose. And oh boy, do I SNEEZE!! You can find my sneeze accidents all over the house.  Mommy doesn't mind though.  She says it's all worth having me in the family (even when I sneeze in her face!) 

So today, on my Rescue-versary, I send big hugs and kisses to Leslie Kaufman and Janice Rossel. Thank you for thinking I was important enough to save.  

This is why I urge people to adopt and save a shelter/rescue pet, not buy one.  

Stay tuned, because I'll have two more milestones to share! 


P.S.  Aunt Leslie owns the BEST cat sitting service in NYC! On All Fours Cat Sitting

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Our First Post of 2015!

Well, I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to write for our first post of 2015. So I decided to just post what I would share on our Facebook page or what I would write in our book.  I figured that's who we are, so I'll share it for the world!

Well, I started 2015 off doing something I never did before! I hid in a box! I have never, ever, in my whole 4 and 1/2 years of life hid in a box.  Boxes are Lexy's thing, they're not mine.  But here's the proof! (I was moving pretty fast, so the proof is a little blurry.).

Mommy heard something in the box and couldn't believe it when I popped my little head out!

I'm almost out! 

OK, I admit, that was kinda fun!

Lexy spent the morning napping.  She was snoring on the new blankie we got from Albert Spot and Runty.

Lexy: I heard that, Lola! Queens do not snore. And since I am a Queen, I was not snoring.

Ummm.... well... ummm..... hmmm..... Anyhoo..... that was our first morning of 2015.  We hope you all think out of the box this year (or in my case, in the box! MOL) and try something new, just like I did.  You never know what you might find.

