Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

#WordlessWednesday - Contemplating

Monday, February 16, 2015

Mother's holiday wake up call

Today may be a holiday and mother may be off, but kitties have needs.  I'd like to point out that I was being helpful by letting her know her blankets were on the floor.

Mother, I thought you'd like to know that your blankets are on the floor.
 While you're picking them up, perhaps you could feed me.

Friday, February 13, 2015

One Of Our Pinterest Boards

Hello everyone! We're participating in Blog Paws February Blog Prompt Inspiration today by sharing one of our Pinterest Boards.

Follow Lola_The_Rescued_Cat's board Rescued Pets From My Book on Pinterest.

This is board is very special to us because it features all of the rescued pets from our book; Lola: Diary of a Rescued Cat.  We hope you'll check out our board, and our book, too!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lola The Photo Bomber

When Mother bought new sneakers on Saturday, I got this magnificent box.  I decided to let Mother do a photo shoot of me in my new box since it's so lovely and I look like I fit in it just purrfectly.  Well, sometimes little sisters can be a pain in the tush, as you can see from the photos below.  Lola now has a new nickname: "Lola The Photo Bomber"! We finally did get a good photo at the end.  We hope you like them!


Just a second, Mother.  I think Lola is
standing there.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

#WordlessWednesday - How to convince your human not to make the bed.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Kittyland Dancing With The Stars!

Hello everyone.... Lexy here.... I want to tell you about a very special event happening on Facebook.  Every year our good friend Prince Pan Pan and his brother, Prince Pippin, host a fantastic event called Kittyland Dancing With The Stars! Round 1 of the event takes place tonight at at 7:30 PM.

Photo courtesy of Prince Pan Pan

Each couple chooses a pet charity to represent in the contest. The contestants who receive the highest number of votes will not only be the 2015 champions, but a cash donation will be made to the charity of their choice.  They will also win a prize package, and the Mirror Ball Trophies. The amount of the donation will be the proceeds of a special DWTS fundraiser created for the event. The designated charities of the second and third place winners will split the proceeds of a SPECIAL FUNDRAISER to be held later this year.

This is such a fun event! My partner is my good friend Jake from The Royal Ruskies.

Photo courtesy of Prince Pan Pan

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Not Really a Wordless Wednesday - Part 2

Last week I took over Lola's diary for a day and published a post about a photo of her that I think speaks 1000 words. I had originally considered posting it as part of #Wordless Wednesday, but Lola had other ideas about that (she can be an opinionated kitty at times.)

I also have a photo of Lexy that speaks to me in the same way.

I took this photo of Lexy about 10 minutes after bringing her home.  A little back story - Lexy was in a shelter for a time period of anywhere between 9 to 12 months (most likely on the higher side of that estimate.) For all of that time she lived in a cage.  She was also part of an adoption event every weekend, and she spent those weekends in a cage on display looking at people with her big, expressive eyes trying to woo them into taking her home.  That really broke my heart and was part of the reason I wanted to take her home right then and there.

Fast forward to her gotcha day.  As soon as I got her home she used the litter box, sniffed around a little, and then jumped in the window to look outside.  I don't remember how long she sat there, but I couldn't even lure her out with Temptation treats.  After all of those months of not seeing the outside world she was so excited to sit in that window, feeling the breeze on her fur and watching the goings on of the world.  When I look at this photo words that come to mind are awe, excitement, happiness, wondrous, exuberant.  At one point she looked at me and then looked back outside. I just know she was saying "Thank you".

You stole a piece of my heart that day, Lexy, and I never got it back.
