Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, February 23, 2015

20 Random Things About Lexy

Last week Lola shared 20 Random Facts about her. Today is my turn. I hope you like them.


  1. I’m a rescue cat. I was left behind by my family when they moved.  They left me outside.
  2. When Mother saw me at an adoption event she wasn’t even looking for a cat. But it was love at first site.  She wanted to take me home right then and there.
  3. Mother describes me as “contemplative”.  I can be seen looking out of the window as if I’m deep in thought.
  4. I LOVE catnip.  I can smell it a mile away.
  5. I really like Lola, even though she’s indifferent to me.  I always get her to play chase with me, though.
  6. Mother has to hide the treats and she has to make sure the dry food is in a container.  I can open any cabinet and package to get what I want.
  7. I am the inspector of the house.  Everything that comes into the house has to have my seal of approval – grocery bags, mail, clothes, you name it.  I have to approve.
  8. My favorite toys are small, soft, toys.  I have a couple of mice and fish that I love to play with, but my absolute favorite is my toy weiner. It’s an appeteaser from Fat Cat.
  9. I am terrified to leave the house. When I go to the vet I shake and I try to stay as close to Mother as I can.
  10. I’m learning something from Lola – I’m meowing more! I like talking to Mother.
Saturday, February 21, 2015

20 Random Facts About Me

I was nominated by a couple of my Facebook friends to share 20 Random Facts About Me.  This was a lot of fun! Lexy will be working on hers next

1 . I’m a rescue cat. I was saved from the city shelter by my Aunt Leslie.
2. Because I was so sick when I was young, I have something called chronic sinusitis. I sneeze a lot and often have a runny nose.
3. I don’t react to catnip. It does nothing for me.
4. I’m a picky eater sometimes. I drive Mommy crazy.
5. Mommy always brings me my breakfast. I’m usually sitting in a window waiting for it.
6. I’m an author! We donate ten percent of the proceeds of our book to animal rescues and shelters.
7. My favorite toys are my string and the cat dancer toy. I don’t play with my mousie as much as I used to
8. I take over Mommy’s Queen sized bed at night. I either sleep on top of her, or right next to her so she can’t move.
9. Whenever Mommy opens the bookcase (or another cabinet in the living room) I come running because I think she’s taking out the cat dancer.
10. One of my most favorite things in the world is Mommy’s jewelry! Whenever she opens her jewelry box I come running!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Rescue Series: Speedy The Cheeky House Bunny - Saved at an Auction

We are very excited to have a guest post today from Speedy The Cheeky House Bunny!  Speedy shares his rescue story with us, and we're sure you'll love it. We are so glad Speedy was rescued, and even happier that we're friends now.  Thank you, Speedy!

It all started the day I arrived at an animal auction.I was in a cage with 2 other bunnies,we were all a bit nervous not really sure what was going on.All we knew was that nobody wanted us and were put up for auction the the day's final sales which usually meant the Reptile Breeders would buy us cheap, the 3 of us for 1 british pound.Luckily for us we were Brought at the last minute by this really nice man and he took us all home with lots of other bunnies.He housed us all in big hutches in his lounge,keeping us in the groups we came in so we wouldn't be lonely and then advertised us for rehoming in a local pet shop.

"This is Thumper just before he left for the Rainbow Bridge
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

#WordlessWednesday - Contemplating

Monday, February 16, 2015

Mother's holiday wake up call

Today may be a holiday and mother may be off, but kitties have needs.  I'd like to point out that I was being helpful by letting her know her blankets were on the floor.

Mother, I thought you'd like to know that your blankets are on the floor.
 While you're picking them up, perhaps you could feed me.

Friday, February 13, 2015

One Of Our Pinterest Boards

Hello everyone! We're participating in Blog Paws February Blog Prompt Inspiration today by sharing one of our Pinterest Boards.

Follow Lola_The_Rescued_Cat's board Rescued Pets From My Book on Pinterest.

This is board is very special to us because it features all of the rescued pets from our book; Lola: Diary of a Rescued Cat.  We hope you'll check out our board, and our book, too!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lola The Photo Bomber

When Mother bought new sneakers on Saturday, I got this magnificent box.  I decided to let Mother do a photo shoot of me in my new box since it's so lovely and I look like I fit in it just purrfectly.  Well, sometimes little sisters can be a pain in the tush, as you can see from the photos below.  Lola now has a new nickname: "Lola The Photo Bomber"! We finally did get a good photo at the end.  We hope you like them!


Just a second, Mother.  I think Lola is
standing there.