Lola The Rescued Cat
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Caturday Meow!

Happy Caturday, Kitties! This week we'd like to dedicate our Caturday Meow to Brian of Brian's Home.  Earlier this week he was rushed to the emergency vet. He's doing better now, but still recovering.  Let's meow loud enough for him to hear us all the way over at his house so he can feel the power of the MEOW!

Are you ready? 1... 2.. 3! LIVE from NEW YORK it's Caturday Night! All the kitties in the house say MEE-OWW!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Prayers for Brian!

Our friend, Brian from Brian's Home was taken to the Emergency Vet last night.  Let's all put our purr power together and pray for a speedy recovery.  Get better soon, Brian!

Lola, Lexy and Mom
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Caturday Night Meow

Are you ready? LIVE from NEW YORK it's Caturday Night! All the kitties in the house say Mee-ow!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Review - The Cat's Meow Toy

I admit it. Even though I've never met a box I didn't like, I can be a picky kitty.  I'm picky about my canned food, and I'm picky about toys.  So is Lola (and she's REALLY picky about food, too. But don't tell her I told you.) It takes a special toy to hold our attention on an ongoing basis, and we have a toy box full of stuff to prove it.  Mother has bought many a toy with the vision of the two of us jumping for joy while playing with it, only to have her bubble (and wallet) broken.  Well, that was until she brought home The Cat's Meow.

Photo courtesy of

I have one word for this toy, and that is MEOWZA! It is unbelievably F.U.N. and I can't get enough of it! Here I am sitting next to it waiting for Mother to turn it on for me.

Excuse me, Mother.  Could you use those thumbs to turn this on?

Saturday, April 11, 2015

It's Time For The Caturday Meow!

Last Caturday we told everyone about our Caturday Night Meow party on Facebook.  Since not everyone is on Facebook, we have decided we're going to start meowing on Saturdays right here on our blog.  We hope to hear a lot of Meowing!  (It may only be Caturday morning here in NY, but it's Caturday Night somewhere in the world!)

Are you read? LIVE from NEW YORK it's Caturday Night! All the kitties in the house say mee-oww!

Lola and Lexy
Saturday, April 4, 2015

LIVE from NEW YORK, It's Caturday Night!

Happy Caturday everyone! We've been blogging now since December, and we've been so busy learning the ropes and trying to fit in that we totally forgot to tell everyone about our Caturday Night Meow! Every Caturday at around 8:00 PM EST (or EDT, depending on the time of the year) we host a meow party. Kitties and humans come around and shout out their best meows. Now, you don't have to be a kitty to meow with us.  Doggies, bunnies, birds... you name it.. everyone is welcome! And if you want to woof instead of meow, that's fine with us.

Here's a little background on our CNM. When we started our Facebook page  one of our very first friends was Calculus Q. Jones from Maryland.  Mommy became very good friends with his humans as well, and they were instrumental in helping us with getting our book together.  CQ's (or simply Q for short) dad designed our logo and helped us with the photos for our book.  His mom helped us make initial edits to the manuscript and gave us ideas to make it flow better.  She encouraged us to keep writing - and we did! We love them all very much.

Every Caturday Q would start his famous Meow Party. He would announce it by meowing out "Live From Germantown", cause that's where he lived. So many people and kitties looked forward to meowing with him.  A very sad thing happened and Q got sick and went to the bridge.  We were heartbroken, and Caturday Night was never the same.  One day, Q's dad suggested we take over the CNM.  We couldn't believe it! It was such a honor! We didn't think we could do it, but with the help and encouragement of friends we continued the tradition.  We hope Q is looking down from the bridge and meowing along with us each and every Caturday Night. And we hope he's proud that we're trying so hard to keep his legacy going.

Okay, so here's how it goes.  Every Caturday Night we post this photo

to get the party going.  This lovely photo was made by our friends Prince Pan Pan and his brother, Prince Pippin. (Cause, you know, Mommy can't do this kinda stuff. Sigh... but we love her anyway.) After we post, the meowing starts by everyone leaving comments under the photo.  It's fun!

We're hoping some of our blogging friends will join us. And we may even start meowing right here, we're still thinking about it.

Happy Caturday and MEE-OWW!


Lola and Lexy
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Rescue Stories: Lennie - From Scared Shelter Cat To Happy Man Of The House!

Today we are very excited and honored to share the story of Lennie from OldCatsRule. Gina, the editor of OCR, has been a friend of ours for four years, since Lola was adopted and we started our Facebook page.  We cried when Bubba and Chyron went to the bridge, and are so happy Gina found it in her heart to adopt another kitty. Please visit their blog or their Facebook page.  

There is an important message in Lennie's story: cats in shelters may be stressed or depressed, and may not present as perky and friendly.  This may result in cats who could be wonderful companions being passed up.  When adopting from a shelter, please look at all the cats closely. You may find your soul mate hiding in the back of a cage. 

Lennie's Story, Or The Cat Least Likely to.....

Handome Lennie.