Lola The Rescued Cat
Thursday, June 4, 2015

National Hug Your Cat Day

Today is National Hug Your Cat Day! Here is Mommy giving us hugs.

National Hug Your Cat Day
You're squishing me a little bit, Mommy

National Hug Your Cat Day
OK Mother, we're done now.

Did you hug your cat today?

Lola and Lexy
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blog Paws Boot Camp?

Mommy is stuck at the airport in Nashville,  but we hacked into her account so we could post something.  After seeing some of her stuff Lexy and I think she should have gone to Blog Paws Boot Camp before she left.  Stay tuned, you'll see why.

OK, so we told her we wanted to see EVERYTHING from Blog Paws and this is what we got:

The fountain in the hotel:

Her Blog Paws badge. (Did she REALLY have to put the new attendee ribbon on it?):

Monday, June 1, 2015

House Patrol

Mommy is coming home tomorrow! I've  been very busy while she has been away doing House Patrol. As you can see, I've  been making sure her pillow is safe. Not only is it safe, it will be nice and warm and covered in my pretty fur.  The rest of the house is safe, too. She put a lot of stuff away before she left so we wouldn't  knock it over, but I found  some of it under the coffee table. I'm  keeping my eye on that stuff, too. This is a lot of work so I'll  be glad when she walks through that door! And Lexy I and want to hear all about #BlogPaws!
Monday, May 25, 2015

Getting Ready For Blog Paws

Mommy has just packed for the THIRD time! First she had a big suitcase. Then she went to two smaller ones. Then she decided it wasn't  worth paying $70 round trip to check an extra bag so she went to a big one again. Then she read UPS will be at Blog Paws so humans can mail their swag (I guess that's  fancy talk for free stuff) home. So she watched you tube videos on how to pack and downsized to a smaller suitcase. Geez..... I guess she's  a little nervous and excited.
Now that she has a smaller suitcase Lexy will not be able to fit. That's  OK, she got lots of hair all over Mommy's wrinkled clothes so  she won't miss us too much.
Are your humans ready for Blog Paws?
Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Midnight Photo Shoot

I sleep with Mommy every night without fail.  She goes to bed, and I follow her in a few minutes to go to bed, too.  I usually sleep right on top of her - her legs, her chest, her side, her face (well, I don't really sleep on her face, but that sounded funny. MOL).  If I'm not on her, I'm right next to her. When the weather starts to get warm, I don't sleep on her, though. It's just too hot. But I am still on the bed.  Now, Mommy tosses and turns A LOT during the night! And when she doesn't feel me right next to her, she feels around on the bed to see where I am before she tosses and turns.  If she doesn't I could get covers or pillows thrown on me, I could get kicked a little, or worse... well, let's not meow about me getting squished. *shudders*

One night recently Mommy felt around and got my tummy. I was sleeping on my back with my paws up. She thought I probably looked cute and grabbed her phone and started taking pictures in the dark. As you can see, some of my poses are a little... ehmmm... uncomfortable.  When I asked Mommy why she didn't put the light on so I wouldn't have these embarrassing pictures she said to me, she said, "Lola darling, if I put the light on I knew you would have gotten up and I would have missed the photo op."  How can I argue with that?

How embarrassing!
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Meet Our Sponsor Sister, Rose

Did you know that we have a sponsor sister? Her name is Rose and she's a beauty.

Tabby's Place
Rose says "Hi"! 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Book Signing Reminder!

Hello and Happy Caturday! We just wanted to remind you about our book signing tomorrow! Mommy will be at My Brother Vinny's Walk at FDR Park in Yorktown Heights, NY tomorrow signing books! We have a fantastic new banner so you'll be able to find her from far away! If you live in or near Westchester County, please come out and say hi. Mommy would love to meet you. There is LOTS going on tomorrow, and it will be a fun filled day with lots to do. Please spread the word! 

Oh, and P.S... Auntie Carolyn of @Oliver's Orphan Oasis will be at the table with Mommy! And Will will be there, too!

On Sunday May 17th, 2015! Come and Join Forces with us at FDR Park, 2957 Crompond Rd, Yorktown Heights, NY, Lot #1

Our walk is so much more than a walk!! It is a celebration of life, party, festival like atmosphere to help us help others and celebrate our journey through the year!
Charitable Forces from all walks of life joining in! Fire Forces, Military Forces, Police Forces, Super Forces, Zumba Forces with one mission! To help My Brother Vinny continue to "Help mankind one good deed at a time"

NO REGISTRATION FEE! Raise $25 or donate and receive an My Brother Vinny Walk T-shirt!
My Brother Vinny is a 100% Volunteer, 501c3 Organization
Event - Registration - 9 am - Light Breakfast will be served (Please arrive early)
Warm Up and Kick Off - Zumba Love and Adelfi Steppers
Walk - 10 am sharp - 2 mile leisurely walk for good around FDR Park!
Luncheon - 11 am - Free BBQ/Luncheon Party for all donors/participants
Live Music - WHUD, Fun Crew, DJ - Sailing Stone, Carrie Lane, US Veteran Kazi Oliver (African Drummer)The Wedding & Party Center
Entertainment - Raffle Extravaganza, Face Painter, Balloon Twister, UMAC Demo, Vendors, Police Demo, Fire Demo, Military Groups, Bouncy Slides, Pony RIdes, Gymboree Demo, Zumba Love Moves ++
Special Guest - Empire City Garrison 501st Legion - Storm Troopers & Darth Vader, Wonder Women, Miss International NY, Batman and other characters. Trooper Meredith Govoni and K9 Lexy - Somers Barracks, Trooper K, H4HUS-Hearts 4 Heroes.
Vendors -
Good Reasons
Younique by Dana Castellano
Park Lane Jewerly by MaryEllen Howard
Jamberry Nails by Natalie Diamanti
Jane I See the World
Lola the Rescued Cat
Oliver's Orphan Oasis
Paparrazi Accessories
Thirty One - Kristen Marie
Ambit Energy
Salon LaPenta
Sole' Tan
Yorktown Self Storage