Lola The Rescued Cat
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Adopt A Cat Month - Part 1

June is Adopt A Cat Month, and this will be the first post about that subject we will share.  Adoption is a subject near and dear to our hearts, so we couldn't let June go by without sharing our thoughts and important information.  Adopt a Cat Month is brought to you in June by the American Humane Association. On their website they say "each spring during “kitten season,” thousands of newborn kittens join the millions of cats already in shelters across the country. That means your local shelter has tons of cute, cuddly newborns, in addition to all the mellow, older cats and everything in between". We join the AHA in bringing this to the public's attention.  Let's get cats out of shelters and into forever homes!

As you all know Lexy and I were adopted from a shelter.  Lexy came from the Hudson Valley Human Society and I came from Animal Care and Control of New York City. This is my shelter photo, which many of you have seen before.

Lola The Rescued Cat
Me in the shelter. 
I wrote in my book "Well, here I am in the shelter, where they gave me an animal ID number and named me Lola. My name isn’t Lola, but they don’t understand what I’m meowing when I’m trying to tell them my real name. The lady who named me is nice to me, so I’ll let her call me Lola. I’m warm and I have a bowl of food, but I don’t like this cage. I don’t like this place. I want my home". It was a scary time and I'd like to save every cat in the world from this.
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Help Your Favorite Rescue/Shelter Get A Donation!

Happy Caturday! Today Lexy and I were sitting around meowing about how we have some donations to make since we got a royalty check.  We just LOVE sending donations, because it makes us happy to help kitties (and other pets) get what they need.  We had two ideas for a post today, so we decided to combine them into one. (Don't worry, it won't be TOO long!)
Friday, June 5, 2015

Pawesome Pet Of The Week!

I'm the Pawesome Pet of the Week over at Pawstively Pets!  Miss Ann interviewed me and it's posted today. 

Click on this link to read my interview.  Many thanks to Miss Ann for including me and thinking I'm pawesome!


Oh, Box Of Swag, Where Are You?

Stop the presses! I'm putting out an ABB (All Box Bulletin) on our Box Of Swag that Mommy mailed from Nashville! It still hasn't arrived and Mommy can't locate it.  GRRRRR.... It has A LOT of stuff in it!

She did bring home a few things that we can show you.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

National Hug Your Cat Day

Today is National Hug Your Cat Day! Here is Mommy giving us hugs.

National Hug Your Cat Day
You're squishing me a little bit, Mommy

National Hug Your Cat Day
OK Mother, we're done now.

Did you hug your cat today?

Lola and Lexy
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blog Paws Boot Camp?

Mommy is stuck at the airport in Nashville,  but we hacked into her account so we could post something.  After seeing some of her stuff Lexy and I think she should have gone to Blog Paws Boot Camp before she left.  Stay tuned, you'll see why.

OK, so we told her we wanted to see EVERYTHING from Blog Paws and this is what we got:

The fountain in the hotel:

Her Blog Paws badge. (Did she REALLY have to put the new attendee ribbon on it?):

Monday, June 1, 2015

House Patrol

Mommy is coming home tomorrow! I've  been very busy while she has been away doing House Patrol. As you can see, I've  been making sure her pillow is safe. Not only is it safe, it will be nice and warm and covered in my pretty fur.  The rest of the house is safe, too. She put a lot of stuff away before she left so we wouldn't  knock it over, but I found  some of it under the coffee table. I'm  keeping my eye on that stuff, too. This is a lot of work so I'll  be glad when she walks through that door! And Lexy I and want to hear all about #BlogPaws!