Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, June 15, 2015

I'm Too Sexy For This Storage Box

Hello everyone, this is Lexy checking in.  Mother was going to take this box to our storage unit, but I had other ideas.  I really like lying on it, it's a purrfect size.  So in my infinite wisdom I laid on the charm and tried to give my most stunning pose to deter her from removing it.  I didn't realize I was giving her my centerfold look! I think I look beautiful, and there is no way she could remove my lovely pedestal.  What do you think? Is it still here?

Mother will never be able to resist this pose

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Temptations Snacky Mouse - Review

Hello everyone, this is Lexy reporting.  I'm here today with another fabulous review for you. When Mother was at BlogPaws  in Nashville  she spotted the Temptations table and made a beeline for it because she knows Temptations are our favorite treat.  (OK, I"ll be honest - ONE of our favorite treats.  I rarely turn down a treat.) Temptations had this interesting little item on their table called a Snacky Mouse Toy.  Mother tried to sweet talk the Temptation people into giving her one, but to no avail. (She's new at that, so she's forgiven. Maybe she learned some tips she can use next year.)  She just had to get one for us, and luckily she found one in our local Stop &Shop when she got back.

According to the Temptations website, The Temptations Snacky Mouse Toy is "the most delicious game of cat and mouse." All you have to do is fill it with your kitty's favorite Temptations treat and watch the fun begin.

It comes in this cute little package.

Lola is trying to figure out what it is.

Temptations Snacky Mouse, Lola The Rescued Cat
That's not a real mouse, Mommy. 
I think it looks very interesting.

Temptations Snacky Mouse Toy, Lola The Rescued Cat
Let's open this and play! 
Here's a little video of Lola with the Snacky Mouse.  She couldn't quite figure out what to do with it.  She is not food driven at all, you should know that.  I'm quite sure that has a lot to do with it.

And here I am with it.  Of course, I knew what to do. And of course, "you know who" video bombed me.  What else is new? 

I knew Mother was trying to get video and photos, so I stopped playing with it.  I may not be a Tortie, but I've got a 'tude! MOL  When she came home she found it empty 

Temptations Snacky Mouse toy

Overall, the Temptations Snacky Mouse Toy gets two paws up from me.  I was interested in it right away and started getting my snacks out of it.  It was lots of fun! And it gave me something to do when Mother was at work, which is always a good thing. As I said before, Lola isn't food driven, so she wasn't very interested in it.  But if your kitty is like me, they will LOVE it!

Disclosure: We did not receive any compensation for this review.  All opinions are our own.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Adopt A Cat Month - Part 3

Today we bring you part 3 of our series celebrating Adopt A Cat Month.  Yesterday we gave you some things to really think about before you adopt a cat. It's an important decision, because too many  animals end up in a shelter every year.  Do you know why? Here are some reasons:

People realize they never should have gotten a pet in the first place.
Make sure getting a cat is for you! Take a good look at your life and make sure kitty fits into your lifestyle.

Sometimes people move to places that don't allow pets.  Pet-friendly housing can be hard to find.  You can do a web search for pet friendly housing, or reach out to a local shelter or rescue to see if they have contacts.

Financial problems. 
The cost of a pet can be high at times.  Sometimes people don't realize the financial obligation before they adopt, or they may come upon hard times. .

Changes in lifetsyle/no time. 
How sad is this? A new baby may come into the family and there is no room in the family for kitty. Or maybe someone has fallen ill. Or maybe the human got a new job and will not be home much.  Poor kitty.

Litterbox/behavior problems. 
Litterbox issues may be a symptom of an underlying medical problem.  Or it could be an easy fix like keeping it cleaner or getting an extra box.  Also, look at where the litter box is. Does kitty need more privacy?

Now that you're ready, where do you go to find one? Well, the first thing we have to say is ADOPT, DON'T SHOP! Just because it's "Adopt" a cat month doesn't mean everyone understands not to shop. I'm sorry, I get on my kitty soap box when it comes to this subject. It's easy to find a shelter/rescue cat that needs a home. Below are some sites you can use.

All of the above will search for pets in your local area.

If you have allergies or really have your heart set on on particular breed, there are breed specific rescues you can look into.  You can also do a web search for local shelters in your area so you can visit in person.   Whichever path you choose, remember, you will be giving a cat the best gift you could ever give her - a forever home with a forever family of her own, filled with love and happiness.

We hope you enjoyed our Adopt A Cat Month series.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Adopt A Cat Month - Part 2

Today we bring you part 2 of our series celebrating Adopt A Cat Month and we are writing about things to consider before adopting a cat.  According to the Human Society of the United States, 6 to 8 million pets end up in shelters each year.  Before adopting a cat (or any pet)  you need to remember that pets are FOREVER.  We are not disposable, we are a long term commitment! So before adopting, think about the following:

 Why do you want a cat? 
Too many pets are adopted just because someone felt like it one day. Or because it's Christmas and we're a gift. Or because our daughter's friend got a kitten and now she wants one.  You get the picture.  Think about why you really want a cat.

Photo courtesy of morgueFile
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Adopt A Cat Month - Part 1

June is Adopt A Cat Month, and this will be the first post about that subject we will share.  Adoption is a subject near and dear to our hearts, so we couldn't let June go by without sharing our thoughts and important information.  Adopt a Cat Month is brought to you in June by the American Humane Association. On their website they say "each spring during “kitten season,” thousands of newborn kittens join the millions of cats already in shelters across the country. That means your local shelter has tons of cute, cuddly newborns, in addition to all the mellow, older cats and everything in between". We join the AHA in bringing this to the public's attention.  Let's get cats out of shelters and into forever homes!

As you all know Lexy and I were adopted from a shelter.  Lexy came from the Hudson Valley Human Society and I came from Animal Care and Control of New York City. This is my shelter photo, which many of you have seen before.

Lola The Rescued Cat
Me in the shelter. 
I wrote in my book "Well, here I am in the shelter, where they gave me an animal ID number and named me Lola. My name isn’t Lola, but they don’t understand what I’m meowing when I’m trying to tell them my real name. The lady who named me is nice to me, so I’ll let her call me Lola. I’m warm and I have a bowl of food, but I don’t like this cage. I don’t like this place. I want my home". It was a scary time and I'd like to save every cat in the world from this.
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Help Your Favorite Rescue/Shelter Get A Donation!

Happy Caturday! Today Lexy and I were sitting around meowing about how we have some donations to make since we got a royalty check.  We just LOVE sending donations, because it makes us happy to help kitties (and other pets) get what they need.  We had two ideas for a post today, so we decided to combine them into one. (Don't worry, it won't be TOO long!)
Friday, June 5, 2015

Pawesome Pet Of The Week!

I'm the Pawesome Pet of the Week over at Pawstively Pets!  Miss Ann interviewed me and it's posted today. 

Click on this link to read my interview.  Many thanks to Miss Ann for including me and thinking I'm pawesome!
