Lola The Rescued Cat
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Our Events From Prince Pan's Royal Art Gallery

Yesterday I shared an interview I did with Prince Pan Pan. Today Lexy and I are sharing some photos from events we attended at his Royal Art Gallery.

This is from one of the several events called Kittyland Dancing With The Stars.  This is Lexy and Jake from The Royal Ruskies. (He and his brother Elwood are our great friends.) Don't they look great? They won third place this year, and Pan Pan did a special auction to benefit Jethro's Anipal Sancutary, the shelter they danced for.
Lexy dancing with Jake

This is me dancing with Elwood, Jake's brother.  We never do as well as Lexy and Jake do, but we always have fun together.
Lola dancing with Elwood
Friday, July 10, 2015

Adopted Cats Who Support The Rescue Community - Part 4 (Meet Prince Pan Pan!)

Hello and Happy Friday! Today I'm very excited to introduce you to Prince Pan Pan! He's the royalty of Kittyland on Facebook! (And one of our oldest friends.) He is a master fundraiser, MC of many Kittyland functions, and has his own art gallery.  Prince Pan Pan is joining us from sunny Florida! 

Pan Pan looking regal on this throne. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Trying to Get My Secretary to Work!

Ummm.... 'scuse me, Mommy.  Mommy? Helllll-ooooo Mommy! Can we please get to work here? I have important things to meow about in our blog. (You might want to get the duster out too, and the windex. And maybe clean up the entrance way a little bit.) 

Lola The Rescued Cat, cat blogger
Do I have to bribe her with treats? 

Do you kitties have trouble getting your servants secretaries to work? Tell me about it! 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Adopted Cats Who Support The Rescue Community - Part 3 (Meet Miss Dixie!)

Hello and Happy Monday! I'm here today to bring you another great interview in the series that Lexy started about adopted cats who support the rescued community.  

Today you'll be meeting a lovely calico named Miss Dixie. Miss Dixie lives in Alabama and she has a book! Imagine that! One of our friends also has a book.  I have to say, we're a talented bunch of kitties! *giggle* OK, down to business.  Here is Dixie's interview. 

Oh hi, Miss Dixie! Thank you for sitting and meowing with me today, it’s an honor. So, can you tell us about your early life and how you were rescued? (We just LOVE a good rescue story with a happy ending!)
Hi Lola! I was a kitten when I was dumped - but Mommy saved me when I was about 8 months.   I am 2 1/2  will be 3 Nov. 1. Mommy saw me at Winn-Dixie grocery store one day and realized I was lonely and hungry . She and Daddy started coming every day to feed me and leave me fresh water. Several people had tried to trap me, but Mommy was the lucky one !

Friday, July 3, 2015

I'm Still Too Sexy For This Storage Box

Hello everyone, this is Lexy checking in with an update on my storage box.  It's still here! And I still look as stunning on it as I did the last time.  Living with a lazy human can be to a kitty's advantage (sometimes.)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Adopted Cats Who Support The Rescue Community - Part 2 (Meet Shiloh!)

Hello everyone, this is Lexy checking in with another fab interview in our series. Today you'll be meeting Shiloh. Shiloh is a four year old Snowshoe mix who hails from Ohio.  He is the spokescat for Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue and he shares his tail with us today. 

Shiloh waiting for belly rubs!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Science Diet Grain Free Crunchy Creations - Review

Hello and Happy Monday! We are very excited to be a part of's Blogger Outreach Network! Today we're reviewing Hill's Science Diet Crunchy Creations Grain Free Treats.  Lexy usually does our reviews, but I'm doing this one today because I LOVED them!

We received two bags of the Crunchy Creations treats.  One chicken flavor and one salmon flavor.

Chicken looks really good!