Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, July 27, 2015

Dining Al fresco

Hello and Happy Monday! Those of you who have know me for a while now from Facebook know how much I used to love eating my breakfast in the kitchen window.  I stopped doing that for a while. Why? Well, mainly I wanted to drive Mommy crazy. See, I'm a picky eater and she is always worried about what I'm eating (or not eating.) So for a while I made her follow me around the house until I picked the purrfect place to eat and she would put my bowl down for me.  (And she's a behavioral psychologist!  Hmmff.. I wrapped her right around my paw.  I hope she does better with the people she works with!) 

Anyhoo... I decided to start eating my breakfast al fresco again. I have to admit, I missed the view and watching the birdies, and the breeze is just lovely in the morning. 

This Fancy Feast is really good this morning. 
What's that?!
Look at that bird go!
OK, back to Fancy Feast

Do you kitties always eat in the same spot, or do you like a change of scenery from time to time? 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Scratcher? I Don't Think So...

Hello and Happy Caturday! Will was here over the weekend, and he helped Mommy take all that stuff to storage - finally! So when Mommy went to Petco the other day, she bought us this chaise lounge scratcher since we have some extra room.  

She thought maybe I would like to use it, since I prefer to scratch on flat surfaces and never use a vertical surface (unless it was her suitcase, which she wasn't happy about.) I really like to scratch the rugs, but she doesn't think that's a good idea.  Why? I don't know.  Humans are funny about their stuff sometimes. Here I am checking it out: 
She wants me to use this thing? 

Can you tell what I'm doing?

Friday, July 24, 2015

Friends Live Forever in Our Hearts

When we posted our interview with Prince Pan Pan on Friday, July 10, 2015, we had no idea we would be back two weeks later to let everyone know that he has made his journey to The Rainbow Bridge.  We are heartbroken and feel a sadness that is beyond words.  Pan Pan was one of our oldest friends and there is a hole in our hearts today.  

Pan Pan wrote this on his Facebook page last night: 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Adopted Cats Who Support The Rescue Community - Part 5 (Meet Smoky, a Black Cat That RULES!)

Hello everyone, this is Lexy checking in with another fab interview in our series. Today you're meeting a beautiful black cat named Smoky. Smoky is about eight years old and just moved to sunny Florida. She is an advo-cat for black cat adoption, a philan“purr”ist, and holds a marvelous ball every year.  

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Spring Cleaning in July?

Hello and Happy Caturday! We haven't been posting very much because Mommy has been busy de-cluttering.  

Who every heard of spring cleaning in July? All of this stuff has to go to storage eventually. Lexy is happy though.  Can you guess why? 

Just call me Sexy Lexy
Mommy has also been working A LOT lately, too, which cuts into our social lives.  She says her work schedule will be busy for the next month or so. We've been visiting our friends as much as possible, though, and you can always find us on our Facebook, page. (Come meow with us tonight during our Caturday Night Meow!)

We still have a couple of more interviews coming very soon, so stay tuned! 

P.s.  If you want to know why Lexy is happy, you can read her posts here and here about her storage box.  

Thursday, July 16, 2015

What a Beautiful Day!

Mommy, it's such a beautiful day that Lexy and I won't need the air conditioner.  Can you open the window, please? I'd love to feel the breeze on my fur. 

Lola The Rescued Cat
I can't wait for Mommy to open the window! It's a lovely day. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rescue Stories: Jeddah - Found Broken and Dirty on the Streets of Saudi Arabia

Today we bring you the story of Jeddah.  I have followed Jeddah's Facebook Page for some time now, and was always moved by her story. She may have had a rough start in life, but now she has wonderful parents and lives the life of  a princess.  

Jeddah's Journey
Jeddah is one of the smartest cats I’ve ever known. She’s a survivor, but considering where she came from, she had to be. Her journey to the United States began in May, 2011 when she was just a baby kitten struggling to live on the dusty streets of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.My husband was in Saudi Arabia on business for three months, and his hotel sat next to a small shawarma restaurant with tables and chairs situated outside. He would have dinner there every couple of days and one day he noticed a tiny, dirty kitten jumping against the legs of the patrons, begging for food. Everyone seemed to enjoy the little cat’s company and fed her scraps, smiling and trying to pet her.

The restaurant where Jeddah was found.

One afternoon my husband called me sounding worried. He found the little kitten laying in the dirt near the restaurant, pulling herself along the ground unable to walk. One of the workers of a nearby ice cream shop had given her a small cup of ice cream that she was trying to lick. He didn’t want to leave her injured on the ground so he asked me what he should do. I told him to bring her to a local veterinarian, but to tell them she belonged to him so they wouldn’t put her to sleep or deny her treatment. We really had no idea what they would do. It was so late in the evening the vet clinic wasn’t open so he hid her in a bag and smuggled her into the hotel he was staying in. One of the workers at the ice cream shop was worried that my husband was taking her away, but he assured the worker he was bringing her to the doctor. When he got back to his hotel, he put her in the bathtub for the night so she wouldn’t injure herself further and could stay in one place.

Jeddah in the tub in the hotel.