Lola The Rescued Cat
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Don't Pass Up Your Chance to Win Some Purrfect Play Toys!

Hello and Happy Tuesday! We just wanted to remind you that you still have a few days left to enter out giveaway for a basket of Purrfect Play toys! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This has been one of our most popular giveaways, so get your entry in now! You can read Lexy's full review here and learn more about the toys. 

AND.... don't forget to use our exclusive code, just4lola, to get 20% off your order through September 5th.  (You can use the code twice!) 

Good Luck! 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Purrfect Play - Review and Giveaway

Hello everyone, this is Lexy checking in with another fab review.  Today I’m reviewing some great toys from Purrfect Play.  

When Mother was at BlogPaws she had the pleasure of meeting Purrfect Play’s head honcho, Pam Wheelock, who gave her a cute little bag of toys for us. 

Tabby Cat

When Mother got home and looked at Purrfect Play’s website and read what their values are, we knew we had to feature them on our blog.
Friday, August 28, 2015

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Hello and Happy Friday! Today we are joining our friends over at Zee and Zoey's in celebrating Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. 

Today is a special day to honor the lost pets in your life. Mommy has written before about her cat Marvin and how much he meant to her, and she decided to write about him again, but with a different twist.  

We hope you participate today in honoring your pets who have made their journey to the bridge, and for those of you who have not read Marvin's story, we hope you enjoy it.  

OK, Mommy, go ahead...

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
Samantha (L) and Marvin (R)

When people think about the term “soul mate” they think of a romantic relationship when in fact a soul mate can take many different forms and resonate with you on many different levels, such as a best friend or even a family member. A soul mate relationship is one which will be life changing. It is an instant knowing and an uplifting surge of energy from within and the depth of connection you form will last a lifetime. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that some of my soul mates have fur and whiskers. 

I grew up in a cat loving family and we had cats just about my entire life.  When I was 19 my 11 year old cat died from Leukemia. Shortly after that my neighbor’s cat had kittens and being the cat lover that I am I stopped by to see them. When I looked into the box where the kittens were being kept I saw this little energetic ball of black and white fluff scurrying around.  When I picked him up and looked him in the eye (and saw that cute little smudge by his nose that looked like a crooked moustache), I was smitten and I knew he was my cat. Cat owners understand this – you see a cat and you have this instant connection.  When Marvin was eight weeks old he came home and our love story ensued. 

Marvin was my sidekick, my baby, my friend, and a constant in my life full of changes. There was no doubt he was my cat and we had an unbreakable bond.  When he was a kitten he would lay on my chest while I watched TV, just purring away. As he matured he did not grow out of this habit.  As an adult cat he would jump on my lap and put his face in front of mine so I couldn’t see the TV, book or whatever I had in front of me.  Marvin wanted me to have eyes for only him.  When I would bring boyfriends home he would sit on the floor in front of them and give them the stare down. As long as my boyfriend was sitting next to me Marvin would be right there acting as my guardian.  Passing the “Marvin test” was an honor for any boy visiting my house!  When I would go away on vacation he would look for me around the house and sit by the door as if he were waiting for me to come through it at any moment.  So when I would call home to check in my mother would hold the phone out so Marvin could hear my voice. Marvin was my shadow (or maybe I was his), and he was never far from me. 

When I was 31 I ended a long-term relationship and was absolutely devastated when I wasn't able to bring Marvin to live with me in my new apartment.  I cried hysterically to my mother who suggested I ask my soon to be ex-boyfriend if he and his daughter would keep him. They of course said yes, but I was still devastated.  I tried to alleviate my guilt by telling myself he was staying in the home he knew for years, with not only people he knew and who loved him, but he’d stay with his best cat friend, Samantha.  I knew he would be well cared for and that my mother would check on him, but the guilt still ran deep.

After I moved out I was never able to speak about Marvin.  Not having him left a hole in my heart and my life that I thought would be never be filled, and the remorse of leaving him behind never really went away.  My mother respected this and never forced the subject nor did she ever make me think I made the wrong decision. A couple of times she said “I spoke to (ex-boyfriend) and (his daughter).  Marvin and Samantha are good” to which I would respond “OK”. A couple of years after Marvin went to the bridge she mentioned it in passing to me when it fit in a conversation, then continued on with what we were talking about without forcing me to comment. Somehow she knew deep down inside I would want to know – and of course she was right. I went home and cried for the love I lost. 

For the next 16 years I always lived in places that did not allow pets so I never had to think about having one. I did miss the companionship of a pet (and whenever I saw a black and white cat I became euphoric), but I think secretly I was glad I wasn’t able to have one. Marvin was still the love of my life and I didn’t know if another cat could ever mean as much to me. One day in April, 2010 I was in Petco with my family buying supplies for my niece’s new puppy when I came across the Hudson Valley Humane Society’s adoption table. There were several cats waiting for their forever humans, but I only had eyes for the black and white cat named Lexy sitting quietly in a cage. When I petted her my heart began to sing as I remembered my cherished Marvin and the love we felt for each other.  I had no intention of adopting a pet of any kind, but I couldn’t resist asking questions about this little beauty. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I was once again smitten and I knew right then and there that she needed a home (well, actually she needed ME! Or more accurately, I needed her) and that we were meant to be together.  And we are.

Lexy is not a lap cat and does not appreciate being picked up for hugs, but there is no doubt that I am her human.  She follows me around the house; watches me cook, put on my makeup (or any other task I’m doing); and waits for me at the door.  In the morning when she hears me stirring she runs into the bedroom to greet me good morning with so many head bonks and purrs it’s as if she’s saying “I’m so glad you’re up! I missed you all night!”  She’s fond of my boyfriend, but only I’m the only one she rolls over for to show off her belly. 

Eight months after bringing Lexy home I decided she needed a companion and that’s when I came across Lola’s photo on Facebook. I decided to go to meet her in the hospital where she was being medically boarded just to show support. Even though she isn’t black and white something in her eyes drew me to her.  When I met her the love and affection she showed me reminded me so much of Marvin, and once again my heart began to sing as Lola found her way into it immediately.  

One week later she was discharged and after coming home with me had taken over where Marvin left off. She is constantly by my side and if I’m sitting or lying down she is right on top of me relentlessly showering me with kisses and hugs. She enjoys chatting and constantly “talks” to me to get my attention. 

I never imagined that a cat could have such a lifelong effect on me.  I’m so grateful for Marvin being born just when I needed him and for his memory leading me to open my heart to two other cats who complete my life.  I may be biased, but soul mates with fur and whiskers are the best kind. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Eight Photos of Happiness

Hello and Happy Thursday! A couple of weeks ago we were nominated by The Lone Star Cats to participate in the Eight Photos of Happiness Challenge. (Thanks Travis, Crockett and Angelique!) 

These are the guidelines for the challenge: 

  • Thank your nominators and link them to the post.  
  • Link to the creator of the tag, Ariel's Little Corner of the Internet. 
  • Post your eight photos of happiness. 
  • You can either write a brief description of why the photo brings you happiness, or you can just let the photo speak for itself. 
  • Tag up to 10 other bloggers. 
Here we go! 

This was taken a couple of weeks after I came to live here. This makes Mommy happy because for the first time I looked so peaceful and relaxed.  

This is Lexy a few minutes after she came to live here.  Mommy loves this picture because Lexy was so happy to sit in the window and watch the world after living in a cage for almost a year. 
Monday, August 24, 2015

And the Winners are.....

Hello and Happy Monday! Our book giveaway was a huge success, thanks so all of you! We had so many entries we couldn't believe it.  So without further ado, here are the winners! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Our friends at Sweet Purrfections won the grand prize! We will be making a donation to Pawmetto Lifeline on their behalf.  

Second prize goes to Nancy B.  We will be making a donation to Blind Cat Rescue on her behalf.  

Thank you all for your participation! We have a couple more giveaways coming up for some cool stuff! We hope you'll enter those as well. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Catit Bench Scratcher - A Chewy Review

Hello everyone, this is Lexy checking in with another fab review.  This month our friends at had a great list of products for us to choose from, but I chose the Catit Bench Scratcher.  Everyone knows how much I love a good scratcher, but one I can lounge on is even better! 

lola the rescued cat reviews
Photo courtesy of

As soon as Mother took it out of the box, I jumped right on it to give it a work out. (Please excuse the photo bomb by my pesky little sister.) 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Giveaway Reminder

Hello and Happy Thursday! It's a lovely day here in New York and Lexy and I are enjoying sitting in the window with a lovely breeze.  We hope that it's a lovely day where you are. 

We're just sharing our giveaway in case some people missed it.  We're giving away personally pawtographed copies of our book and some other goodies. 

You can enter here.  Good luck everyone!
