Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, October 9, 2015

Make Your Bed Day? No Thank You!

Hello and Happy Friday!  September 11 was National Make Your Bed Day, but since September 11 is a day of remembrance we Mommy decided to wait to post about it on a different day.  I have to be honest – this is not a day that Lexy and I like.  We really don’t like it when Mommy makes the bed.  (Well, it’s fun playing with the sheets and getting in the way, but after that – bleh!) We like sleeping in a messy, lumpy bed.
That's OK, Mommy.  We can skip posting about this day.  We don't mind. 
Even though I protested, Mommy still insisted that I move so she could make the bed.  
Is this the Twilight Zone?
Friday, October 2, 2015

World Farm Animals Day

Hello everyone, this is Lexy checking in. Today I'm going to tell you about World Farm Animals Day.  

This day was created in memory of Ghandi who believed in treating all living beings with respect.  World Farm Animals Day was founded to bring attention the poor conditions suffered by some farm animals, and promote awareness in the hope something may be done to improve their lives. It makes sense that this day is observed during Vegetarian Month! 

Mother visited a farm animal sanctuary, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, in upstate New York.  She was actually there twice.  Once she attended their Thanksliving Celebration  and another time she and Will took a drive on a Saturday to visit.  They both loved it! 

The guest of honor enjoying his meal at Thanksliving

WFS was founded in 2004 by Jenny Brown and Doug Abel with a group of rescued chickens from a factory farm, and a rooster who had been dumped in a NYC schoolyard. 

Today WFS regularly takes in farm animals that are victims of cruelty and neglect. Most of these animals are rescued during investigations of farms, stockyards, auctions, and slaughterhouses; others arrive from humane societies and SPCA cruelty cases.

This cow's name is Elvis!

Believe it or not, a large number of the animals come from right here in the streets of New York City. For the first time in their lives, these animals that have only known fear, isolation and pain now enjoy warm and clean barns, nourishing food, veterinary care and love.

In 2015 the sanctuary moved from Woodstock, NY (yes, THAT Woodstock) to a larger farm in High Falls, NY.  Mother can't wait to visit the new place! 

WFS's philosophy is kindness and respect to animals is our duty and that all the creatures that share this earth are here with us and not for us. Like our faithful dogs and lap-sitting cats, farm animals are feeling individuals who deserve to be treated with compassion and to live free from fear and suffering. That's a philosophy we love. 

Here are a few more photos Mother took during her visits.  We hope you enjoy them! And don't forget to hug a farm animal today!
Of course Mother and Will found the resident cat!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Catswell Nutrisca Grain Free Food - A Chewy Review

Hello everyone, this is Lexy checking in with another fab review.  This month our friends at had another great list of things to choose from, and I chose the Catswell Nutrisca Grain-Free Truly Shredded Chicken and Tuna Entree in Savory Broth.  

Mother opened the case before she took a photo. 

We had never heard of this brand and I thought it would be nice to have a little change.  

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Book Review by Caren and Cody!

Oh my stars! Miss Caren of Cat Chat With Caren and Cody  reviewed our book! We are meowless about all the nice things she wrote.  

Photo courtesy of Cat Chat With Caren and Cody

You can read the review here.  Thank you Miss Caren for reviewing our book and for all of your kind words. 

Puppy Mill Awareness Day

Hello and Happy Monday! Yesterday we celebrated Lexy's birthday. That was a very fun day, but yesterday was also another very important day - Puppy Mill Awareness Day. 

Puppy mill dogs live a cruel and inhumane life.  The life of a mill dog is one of intense suffering.  Most females are bred as frequently as possible, with little to no recovery time in between.  Approximately 800,000 dogs are suffering on puppy mill production lines.  Despite this puppy mills are a billion dollar industry AND... they're LEGAL! This is just terrible! Horrible! 

A story always tends to stick in people's minds more than random facts, so I'd like to introduce you to my friend Maddie Belle, a puppy mill survivor.  

Maddie Belle shared her rescue story for my book and we cried tears when we read it.  Maddie Belle was raised in a puppy mill in Louisiana in a 2' X 2' cage and was forced to have puppies whenever she was in season - twice a year for 12 years.  That's right, I said 12 years.  When she was finally rescued, Maddie Belle was covered in feces, fleas, soaked in urine and her hair was heavily matted.  She couldn't eat or drink because her mouth was full of heavily rotted teeth and infection.  

Maddie Belle was nursed back to physical health, but her emotional health still had a way to go. When she was adopted by her forever family at first she was very scared.  All she wanted was to be held and had terrible separation anxiety.  She had to learn to love and trust people and to play with toys.  She has chronic stomach problems (puppy mill dogs often develop ulcers from the stress) but her medical needs are easily managed.  

Today Maddie Belle is proud to be a spokes dog (with her mamma's help) for legislation to stop puppy mills.  She shares her views and information on her Facebook page.  She also reminds people about spaying and neutering, adopting older dogs, and adopting black dogs and cats. Her most important role is that of Ambassador to Ninna’s Road to Rescue, the rescue that saved her.  She attends all adoptions and functions in which Ninna participates and also serves as a fundraiser for the rescue. She has been on local TV sharing her life and the importance of spaying and neutering. That's very special to be on TV! 

Maddie Belle is one lucky dog, but there are thousands of others who are not lucky.  Since sharing her story with us, Maddie Belle welcomed a sister, Chantel, into her family.  Chantel is not a puppy mill dog, but she also came from Niina's Road to Rescue.  Both of these gorgeous girls have the motto "Adopt Don't Shop!" 
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Happy Birthday Lexy!

Today is Lexy's birthday! Mommy doesn't know her exact birthday, but Lexy shares this celebration day with someone special - our human Grandmother, Mommy's mother, who is an angel now.  

Lexy is about seven years old today! I don't think she looks a day over five! 

Happy Birthday, big sister! I hope you enjoy all the extra catnip you'll be getting today! 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

And the Award for Best Bed Warmer GoesTo...! Hello and Happy Saturday Caturday! I've decided to give myself an award. 

I think I'm the best bed warmer ever! I know humans use electric blankets and things like that, but who needs that when I'm around? 

I'm very diligent about keeping the bed warm. When Mommy gets out of bed, I get right back in and start the warming process. 

tabby cat
I might look like I'm chillaxin' but I'm hard at work.
tabby cat
I have to stretch every now and then.