Lola The Rescued Cat
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Lola and Lexy's Christmas Shelter Project

Hello and Happy Saturday! Today I'd like to tell you about a little project Lexy and I started a couple of years ago on Facebook. (We've recently learned that there are similar projects in the Blogosphere, which we did not know about. Last year at this time we were brand new to blogging didn't know many blogs.) 

We named our project "Lola and Lexy's Christmas Shelter Project".  Over the past five years we have made so many friends on Facebook, and we have sent and received SO many Christmas gifts! I mean, we have gotten A LOT of gifts. We are so very blessed that our Mom is able to provide us with everything we could possibly need, so we started this page to encourage others to give to rescues, shelters, and people with animals in need. We're very proud that we have inspired several of our Facebook friends to participate or even start little projects of their own to give back to the rescue community! 

If you go to the photo section on our FB page, you will find a list of shelters that you can donate to this year. If you would like to add a shelter, please post it to our wall or email us at

We also have a note in our Notes section with a list of possible things you can donate to a shelter/rescue. And of course, you can check the shelter's website for their Wish Lists.

AND... if you donate to any shelter, please post a photo of your donations to our wall so we can share it! Our friends over at The Cat On My Head have donated to Angels of Assisi. And Smoky Pino bought two things for Catopia Feline Rescue off of their wish list.  How pawesome is that??!!

Mommy will be bringing a bunch of stuff to Tabby's Place again this year, and we will also be donating to Oliver's Orphan Oasis, Catopia, and Hudson Valley Humane Society (where Lexy was adopted from). 

Lexy and I remember that Christmas in the shelter was so lonely, (in my book I wrote "I don't think Santa is going to come to this place.  I think all of us kitties here are forgotten"), and we want to bring cheer to other kitties so they don't feel forgotten.

If you'd like, you can grab our badge to help spread the word: 

Many thanks to Miss Ann of Zoolatry
for our graphics! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Safe and Stress Free Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving only a few days away, it’s important to remember a few tips to keep our kitties safe during the holiday. 

Many people may not realize that our centerpieces can be hazardous to our furry children.  Lit candles can be a big danger to you cat as well as your house.  If you’re planning on lighting candles please make sure your cat is locked safely in another room.  And please don’t forget that certain flowersand plants are toxic. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - It's a Miracle!

lola the rescued cat
My girls are napping together.  A miracle indeed!
We're part of the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! .


Monday, November 16, 2015

Constipation in Cats

Not that long ago Lola had a bout of constipation so I decided to write a post about it to help you recognize the signs and symptoms and to help prevent it.  If you think your cat is constipated, please seek veterinary advice for a definitive diagnosis and treatment options.

lola the rescued cat

 What is constipation?
Constipation is absent, infrequent or difficult bowel movements, and is one of the most common health problems associated with a cat’s digestive system.  It is also characterized as the passage of dry or hard feces.  Cats usually have one healthy bowel movement a day, but if your cats are not, or are showing any of the symptoms below, they need to be examined by your veterinarian. 
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Adopt a Senior Pet Month

Hello and happy Saturday!  Did you know that November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month? Senior cats often find themselves in the shelter for many reasons, and being separated from their family after all those years can be very traumatic.  Sadly, many senior pets never make it out of the shelter because they're often overlooked for a kitten. Today we're going to tell you why adopting a senior pet can be a great experience!

1. No need to kitten proof your house! A senior cat has   already learned their manners. 
2. Senior cats are already litter box trained! You don't have to  go through basic training and boot camp like you would a kitten. 
3. Senior cats are the perfect companions for senior citizens. It could be the perfect partnership for the rest of their lives.
4. Senior cats are over that "destructive phase." 
5. Older cats may be a better choice if there are young  children in the house.  Younger children can sometimes be very rough with a kitten. An older cat may be able to tolerate more handling and can leave on their own when they've had enough. 

This beautiful girl is Sheba and she's available for adoption through The Grannie Project.  The Grannies have this to say about Sheba: 

"Sheba is a sweet and petite darling of a cat! About 11 years old, she prefers the quiet life and genuinely adores attention and being near her special person. Her foster mom says she's a doll baby and would make an excellent companion. She's more fond of a affection than her toys, but a good pinch of catnip now and again makes her quite happy! Sheba's pretty blue eyes have a unique marble pattern to them, and her coat is a stunning lilac point color.
Sheba is spayed, vaccinated, FIV/FELV tested and negative, and microchipped. Adopt Sheba! ("

We have been friends with the Grannies since we started our Facebook Page. They are a wonderful rescue that specializes in senior cats.  To see other seniors that are looking for their forever home, visit The Grannie Project's Petfinder page, The Grannies on Facebook, or their website

You can also look for seniors at your local shelter. 

Have you adopted a senior pet? Tell us about it!
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day

Lexy: Today is Veterans Day - a day when we remember all who served in the armed forces to protect our country. 

Do you know the history of Veterans Day? Well, I did a little research on it and I'll sum it up in a few sentences.  During World War 1 in 1918 an armistice between Allied Forces and Germany went into effect on the on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Therefore, November 11 is considered to be the end of the "war to end all wars".  In 1919 President Wilson declared November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day. 

Thank you to Ann of Zoolatry for the graphic

Lola: And let's not forget the four legged soldiers! I have some information on what you can do for them.  Did you know that you can adopt a retired Military War Dog? Here's another site where you can get more information on that. After they retire they need a forever home! And you know what else you can do? You can send them a care package! Barkpost has some information on that.  The dogs must be so happy to get a package with supplies! 

 “While we can never truly repay the debt we owe our heroes, the least we should do for our brave veterans is to ensure that the government takes a proactive approach to delivering the services and benefits they have earned, so they can access the care they need and so richly deserve.” –Kristen Gillibrand

Lexy: You can also send care packages to human soldiers. And let's also remember the veterans that have served in wars passed. The Wounded Warrior Project is a great organization that helps veterans. According to their website, their purpose is to: 
  • To raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of injured service members.
  • To help injured service members aid and assist each other.
  • To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members.

Lola: And we're very proud of the veterans in our family. Mommy's father and two uncles were in the navy, and two of her cousins were Marines.  

Lexy: Let's never forget our Vets.  They're the reason we live in a great country. 

Lola and Lexy
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kong Triangle Play Mat for Cats - A Chewy Review

Hello and Happy Tuesday! Usually Lexy does the reviews, but I was very interested when Mommy opened the box, so Lexy said I could do the review today. 

That looks interesting.
Hurry, Mommy! Open it!