Lola The Rescued Cat
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday Selfies - While the Mouse is Away the Cat Will Play! (And why We've Been Missing Lately!)

Hello and Happy Sunday! It's a Happy Sunday, indeed, because we're back to participating in Sunday Selfies! And I'm excited! (As you can tell!) We haven't participated in Sunday Selfies since January 17th! That's two whole months, and Lexy and I aren't happy about that.  

What's that Lexy? I should stop meowing and get on with the selfies? Well, I've got a lot to say! But you're right, onto the selfies! 

This is me and our cat sitter, Dawn. (How cool is that? She has the same name as Mommy!) We took this last week when Mommy was away on a business trip. I was giving her snuggles and I thought this would make for a fab selfie! 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Tortitude: The BIG Book of Cats with a BIG Attitude - Book Review

I’ve been a fan of Ingrid King and The Conscious Cat long before I started blogging, so I’m very happy to share with you my review of her new book, Tortitude: the BIG Book of Cats with a BIG Attitude.

Not long after I started my Facebook page for Lola I came across Ingrid’s page for The Conscious Cat and I immediately knew I had to read Buckley’s Story (which was one of the first “cat books” I had read after entering the world of social media.) Buckley’s Story resonated with me on so many different levels and shortly after I finished it I just had to read Purrs of Wisdom. That book also resonated with me because Ingrid and I share many of the same “schools of thought”, views of life, and we are both Reiki practitioners.  I was lucky to meet Ingrid a few years ago (on a freezing December night) when she was in town for a signing, and twice after that (at BlogPaws and again when she was in town for a summit.)
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - Napping


We're joining the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tiki Cat Gourmet Carnivore Canned Food - A Chewy Review

Hello everyone! This is Lexy checking in with a great review for you.  This month as part of the Chewy Blogger Outreach Program I chose the Tiki Cat Gourmet Carnivore food.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

World Spay Day 2016

Hello everyone! Did you know that today is World Spay Day? 

Launched in 1955, World Spay Day is an annual campaign that encourages people to save animals' lives by spaying and neutering their pets and ferals.   Spaying and neutering saves lives by keeping animals out of shelters – shelters that are often overcrowded and don’t have resources to provide care or find home for all of them.  You know what that means…euthanasia.  According to World Spay, an estimated 2.4 million animals are put down in shelters each year.  That’s one animal every 13 seconds – cats and dogs who are healthy, treatable, sweet, and would make great companions.    

There are many benefits to having your pet spayed/neutered.  Spaying your female pet early in life can help protect them from some serious health problems later in life such as uterine infections and breast cancer. Neutering your male pet can also lessen its risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate gland) and testicular cancer. Having ferals spayed/neutered through TNR can reduce the number of cats in your local colonies. Life on the streets for a cat can be rough for a cat, and when a feral finds their way into a shelter, if often does not end favorably. 

photo courtesy Doodlecats

Saturday, February 20, 2016

It's Love Your Pet Day!

Hello and happy Caturday! Did you know that today is Love Your Pet Day? When Lexy and I were meowing about what to post for this day, we decided on something cool.  We polled some of our Facebook friends and asked them how they know their humans love them.  This is what they had to say: 

Since I have lost most of my hearing due to old age, when my mother sees me drinking from the water bowl in the kitchen, she will avoid going in there so she doesn't startle me. - Minnie Pearl

My mom brings a can of whipped cream home and gives me a little bit with my wet food! - Gus

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sun Puddle Sillies

Hello and happy Thursday Purrsday! Today I'm sharing a little video that Mommy took of me. This Valentine's Day it was a chilly -1 degrees Fahrenheit. That's cold! I found a sun puddle to warm my belly, and I got a little silly.  It was so warm and it felt so good, I lost myself. If you can't view it below, you can view it on YouTube here

Do you get silly in a sun puddle?  