Lola The Rescued Cat
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Morris The Cat is Back With Grooming Tips for Kitties!

Hello and Happy Thursday Purrsday! With spring coming up and after that, the dreaded bathing suit season (eek!), We know everyone's searching for ways to look their best. We’re happy that our readers have a 'paw up' on the competition because we're about to get some style and wellness tips from someone who knows a thing or two about looking awesome... I'm talking, of course, about Morris the Cat. Thanks so much for stopping by, Morris! It’s always a pleasure to have you. 
In case you're not familiar with this illustrious feline (we don’t know how someone couldn’t know who Morris is, but you never know!), Morris is the original celebricat, starring in over 50 9Lives cat food commercials from the 1970s up through today. He's even been called "the Clark Gable of cats," and that's about as debonair as it gets! In his "Dear Morris" column, he'll be answering some readers' burning questions about good grooming, and he's also giving away a human-sized, 9Lives-branded bathrobe, a $300 Spa Finder gift card, and a whole year's supply of 9Lives cat food! Enter at his website: (Just think how happy your favorite shelter would be to get that food!)

 OK, Morris, take it away!
Dear Morris,
I love my cat, Baxter, but man, does he shed! Every time I leave the house I'm covered in cat hair. It's getting to the point where we can't even cuddle together without me looking like the sticky side of a lint roller! Unleash your wisdom, Morris... there must be something I can do.
Hairy Harry

Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Sneaky Sunday Selfie

Hello and Happy Sunday! Today's selfie is a sneaky one.  Mommy was doing a photo shoot with me sitting on her pillow, and when she walked away for a minute she left her phone. I just couldn't resist getting a quick selfie before she came back! The lighting isn't very good because I wasn't able to turn on the bedside lamp (since I have no thumbs.) I hope you all like it! 


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday Selfies - Not Quite Right!

Hello and Happy Sunday! For today's Sunday Selfie I had Mommy help me by holding the cell phone.  Eh.... not such a great photo session! Maybe next time I'll use a tripod! 

Blurry and too close! 

A little better. 
I'm getting a little annoyed.

This is my selfie for this week. This
is the best of the bunch!


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - Snuggle Schmuggle

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Catatouille for two, Please. (A Chewy Review)

Hello everyone! It’s time for our Chewy review! This month as part of the Chewy Blogger Outreach Program I chose Natural Balance Delectable Delights Catatouille Stew. 

Delectable Delights is famous for flavors such as O'Fishally Scampi and Sea Brûlée, but we’re not fish girls in this house.  So when I saw Catatouille Stew on their menu, I knew we had to try it.  

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Dr. Catsby's Bowl For Whisker Relief - A Review

Hello everyone! I (Lexy) usually bring you the latest news on pet products through my reviews, but today Mother asked to take over the blog.  She really loves this product and wanted to share her thoughts on it.  Okay, Mother, go ahead…

I’ve discussed many times in the blog that Lola is not a big eater.  When she first came to live with me I noticed that if I took some dry food out of her bowl, put it on the floor and sat next to her, she’d eat.  Since she was so thin at that time I was just happy she ate.  Through the years I would do the same thing to get her to eat more, and I had no idea that Whisker Fatigue existed or that she could possibly be uncomfortable when she was eating.  Once I heard about it I tried different bowls that claimed to relieve whisker fatigue - low rimmed, shallow, oval… you name it, I tried it.  The result was that Lola didn’t spend any more time in front of the bowl eating.  I had heard great things about Dr. Catsby’sBowl For Whisker Relief and was very happy when I was contacted to do a review.

What is Whisker Fatigue?
While many cat lovers are enamored by the cuteness of whiskers, they serve more functions than making our furry kids look cute.  Whiskers provide cats with important information about their environment.  There is a receptor on the end of each whisker that send sensory signals to the brain and central nervous system.   Whisker fatigue occurs when whiskers (and those tiny receptors on the ends) touch the sides of the bowl. This can be very uncomfortable and even painful.

What are the signs of Whisker Fatigue?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Easter Poison Prevention

Hello everyone. This is Lexy checking in, and I’m back after a hiatus with some very important information for the humans. Did you know that this is National Poison Prevention Week? With Easter upon us, I thought I would give you some information on potential Easter poisons and some other Easter dangers.