Lola The Rescued Cat
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Zen Clipper Nail Trimmer - A Review

zen clipper

Most cats hate that dreaded time of the month.  You know what I’m talking about – nail trimming time! Ugh! Most of us don’t like our paws being handled because our paw pads are very sensitive.  Add that to the time that humans take to line up the clipper just right so our quick doesn’t get cut in the process and you have an annoyed cat on your hands.  And you know what else? That CLIP noise is scary! It sounds like our whole toe is going to get cut off! Who wants to sit through that?

Well, the folks at Zen Clipper have the purrfect solution for us – and you, too! The Zen Clipper is designed to cut only the tip of the nail through a unique conical, stainless steel blade that is patent pending. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Straw Hat Selfies

Lola: Happy Sunday, everyone! Today isn't only Selfie Sunday it's Straw Hat Day! 

Lexy: Let me tell you a little bit of the history of this day.  The exact day varies a little bit in the U.S. but it's usually said to be May 15th.  Straw Hat Day unofficially marks the beginning of summer, and in days gone by gentleman put away their felt hats and donned straw hats, which are much cooler in the summer. In 1915 the people of Jacksonville, FL were very stern about this because on April 22 of that year it was declared a crime to wear a felt hat after Straw Hat Day. Apparently people took their hats very seriously back then. 

Lola: OK, without further ado here are our straw hat selfies! We hope you like them. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

It's a Catit Weekend in New York City!

Hello and Happy Thursday Purrsday! Today we have some great news that will really make you purr! This weekend is going to be a Catit weekend here in NYC! 

That's right, Catit will soon open the doors to its first-ever pop-up shop and indoor pet playground. Get ready for some action-packed fun that includes an oversized kitty playground circuit, cat art gallery, pet expert discussions, and plenty of shopping for you and your feline friends. On hand will be author and cat photographer Lucas De Boeck giving tips on pet photography, and signing his cat portrait book, “Pure.” Animal Haven Shelter will be on hand with many “paws”-atively adorable kitties for cuddling – and adopting! Attendance is free (for you and your cat!), but attendees will leave with a complimentary Catit gift (while supplies last) to commemorate the event. Mock-“tail” refreshments will be served to round out the “purr”-fect weekend event.

It’s open to the public/consumers Friday, May 13 from 2-5 p.m., Saturday (May 14) from 10 to 6 p.m. and Sunday (May 15) 10-3 p.m. 

Mommy will be there and she can't wait! Did I mention there will be cat adoptions? I did? Well, it's worth mentioning twice! If you live in the Tri-State area, come spend a day in the Big Apple, check out the event, have a mock-tail and take home a kitty! MOL  

Do you have any Catit products? What's your favorite? We love our fountain and cat grass! 

Lola and Lexy

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

National Tabby Day Celebration!

Hello and Happy Wednesday! As I reported not long ago, April 30th was the first ever National Tabby Day!  Mommy went  to the celebration (which was also the book launch for Making the Most of All Nine Lives: The Extraordinary Life of Buffy the Catand she gave me a full report which I'm going to share with you. 

Unfortunately, Buffy wasn't there. But Sylvester the cat was! 

He even posed with author Sandy Robins and Tamar Arslanian of I Have Cat

Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Cat Mom's Love on Mother's Day- And a Selfie for Sunday

I have been very remiss in keeping my blog up to date lately, and I have to say Lola and Lexy aren't very happy about being out of touch with their friends.  Admittedly, I had no post prepared for today and had planned on posting a photo for Selfie Sunday with a few brief sentences to go along with it.  But as I began to get my photo ready thoughts started to flow through my head and the post started to take a different direction. 

The term "unconditional love" was in the forefront of my thoughts as I started to type. The researcher in me immediately looked up the terms agape (ah-guh-pay) and altruism, and the psychologist in me immediately thought of Carl Rogers's theory of Unconditional Positive Regard (accepting and respecting others as they are without judgment or evaluation.) But this blog is about my cats and me, so I should just speak from my heart without worrying about citing my work. 

As a 50-ish woman with no children I could very easily feel as if there was something missing from my life. (I find it interesting, though, that in graduate school I did a paper on women who were childless.) But as I sit here on the sofa typing this, I look to my left at Lola in her usual place on the arm of the sofa just being happy to be near me. I look to my right and see Lexy sitting on top of the recliner watching me, and I get a blink. And as other cat moms can only understand, I remember that I love Lola and Lexy as if I would love my own children.  Some people may think that to be a strange thing, but so what? 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Lexy's Sixth Gotcha Day!

Hello everyone! This is Lexy and I’m here to tell you that today is a very special day.  It’s my Gotcha Day, or my Adoptiversary as some like to call it.  I like to call it “the day my life changed forever”. It’s actually a two-part day, the first day being April 10.  Six years ago on April 10 Mother and I found each other. It was serendipitous, if I do say so myself.  By happenstance Mother found herself in Petco in Nanuet, NY, the same day I happened to be “on display” at an adoption event with Hudson Valley Humane Society

 OK, “on display” seems a little negative to say, but that’s how I felt.  Family after family, person after person, just passed me up. After a while even the most confident girl starts to feel there’s something wrong with her.  This went on for about a year, and then it happened. A human stopped by my cage and couldn’t take her eyes off of me.  It was Mother.  She oohed and aahed over me, and didn’t even look at the other cats. For the first time in a very long time, a human had eyes for only me.  I liked her – I could feel her positive energy, and I felt something else; love.  I didn’t get my hopes up too high though, because I didn’t want to get let down again. Especially when she left without me. 

A week later on April 17, 2010 , the volunteers (who were all so wonderful to me), told me I was going home.  They kept petting me (I didn’t do hugs back then, either) and telling me how happy they were for me.  I wondered if they had me confused with some other cat because surely I hadn’t been adopted. A little while later I smelled a familiar human scent – it was a human who had petted me before in my cage, but I didn’t know who.  I looked up to take a peek and there she was; it was Mother, and she looked so happy! She was accompanied by an entourage of humans who I later found out were my new relatives. They all came to see me! The next thing I knew I was in a carrier (well, a cardboard box type of thing) with my bed from my crate, and off I went in the car to Queens, NY.  (I never slept in that bed again.  I never went near it. That part of my life was over and I was happy when Mother finally threw it out.)

About 90 minutes later I was home.  It felt so strange to say that word – home.  The last “home” I had ended up with the humans moving and me being thrown outside, left behind, to fend for myself.  I had a feeling Mother wouldn’t be like that, though.  The house was already set up for the arrival of a queen, complete with fancy dishes, scratching post, beds and catnip toys.  Not to mention treats.  I took a look around (after a quick trip to the litter box), and then jumped in the kitchen window.  It was so long since I was able to do this. I missed the birds! I turned around and looked at Mother to say “thank you”, and at that moment I gave her my heart.  We’ve been in love ever since. 

Birds! Oh birds, how I've missed you so. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Blog The Change for Animals - #BtC4A - Baby Gracie

Once again it is Blog the Change For Animals day, a day when bloggers are encouraged to spread the word about helping animals and to inspire others to do the same.  Today I’m taking over the blog to write about a kitten my boyfriend rescued.

On July 31, 2014, my boyfriend, Will, was walking to the subway to get to work for the 3pm – 11pm shift. His usual shift is 7am – 3pm, but on a semi-regular basis it switches to an "off shift." While walking past a parked car he saw three children yelling and pointing underneath it.  There was a tiny kitten under the wheel of the car, which was just getting ready to pull away.  The children saw the kitten and yelled for the car to stop.  Without thinking twice Will bent down to pick it up, but it was terrified and scrambled further under the car.  This was taking place on a busy street and Will was fearful that the kitten would run out from the other side of the car into traffic, so he lied down on his stomach in the street and climbed under the car to get the kitten.  Thankfully he was successful! He scooped her up, put her inside his shirt and went back to his apartment. He set her up in the bathroom with a litter box, water, and some food and left to go to work (since he was already late).

Later that evening I got a call from him saying “I found a kitten and it’s in my bathroom.” I wasn’t home (I don’t remember where I was) so I couldn’t go over. The next day I left work early to go see the cat. The poor little thing was absolutely terrified! And she was sick. Her eye was swollen shut and had a discharge.  We went to the store to get kitten milk replacement, kitten food and a syringe (since I didn’t know if she could eat on her own because she was so tiny.) I also immediately called my vet and made an appointment to bring her in the next day and called my boss to tell her I wouldn’t be in.

I brought her home with me that night and set her up in the bathroom.  Lexy and Lola heard her little squeaks, but they never growled or hissed.  I guess they could sense it was a baby who needed help. After a couple of days of some good food and being indoors, her eye started to look a little better. She had the cutest little squeak of a meow! As feral as she was she seemed to appreciate my company, as she would quiet down when I went into the bathroom and spoke to her