Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, June 3, 2016

A City Kitty's View of the World

Hello and Happy Friday! As you know, Lexy and I are city cats. Now, some may think that when we sit in our windows we only see a concrete jungle, but that's not true.  Lexy and I have lots of trees, birds and squirrels to watch. 

This is the view from our kitchen window.  We have lots of trees to see. What you can't see from this angle is the neighbor's yard, with even more interesting stuff.  See that balcony right there on the left? We have a doggie friend that lives there and when he comes out we sit and watch each other. 
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - Favorite Napping Place

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Catit Playground New York! (A Report)

Hello and Happy Tuesday! A couple of weeks ago Catit came to New York City with an awesome kitty playground. Mommy was very excited to be invited to their Black Cat Soiree and she had a great time.  I asked her to make sure she brought home a full report so I could share it with you.

I'm going to tell you about the best part first… the playground! 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wellness CORE Grain-Free Hearty Cuts - A Chewy Review

Hello everyone. This is Lexy checking in with our monthly review.  

wellness core|
I can't wait to get it open

wellness core|
I bet it's yummy! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Making the Most of All Nine Lives: The Extraordinary Life of Buffy the Cat - A review

Hello and Happy Tuesday! Have I got a spectacular book review for you today.  You might be surprised that I’m writing a book review since Mommy is usually our book reviewer, but let me explain.  Today’s book is about a tabby cat, and since I’m the only tabby here at the White house I’m the best reviewer for this book.  Makes sense to me! 

Buffy The Cat

Buffy tells us that Making the Most of all Nine Lives – The extraordinary Life of Buffy the Cat “documents how I managed to trade hairballs for golf balls and scratching posts for the Evening Post. I’ve always felt that I never received enough attention, so I decided to transition from litter box to literature with this new tale of tabby.” Buffy personally loved learning to karate chip, which is great for self-defense and even better for hunting mice! This handsome ginger tabby really gets around.  His owner, Paul Smulson, does a very nice job of photographing Buffy’s adventures, which include: 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

My First Ever Selfies!

Hello and Happy Sunday! Today I have something special to share with you. I wanted it to be a surprise, but the title of my post gives it away.  That's OK, it's still special.  Today I present you with my first ever selfies! 

Now, you may be thinking that you're going to see Mommy in these selfies, but I took them before I even met her! Here is my very first ever selfie: 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Zen Clipper Nail Trimmer - A Review

zen clipper

Most cats hate that dreaded time of the month.  You know what I’m talking about – nail trimming time! Ugh! Most of us don’t like our paws being handled because our paw pads are very sensitive.  Add that to the time that humans take to line up the clipper just right so our quick doesn’t get cut in the process and you have an annoyed cat on your hands.  And you know what else? That CLIP noise is scary! It sounds like our whole toe is going to get cut off! Who wants to sit through that?

Well, the folks at Zen Clipper have the purrfect solution for us – and you, too! The Zen Clipper is designed to cut only the tip of the nail through a unique conical, stainless steel blade that is patent pending.