Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, June 13, 2016

My Cat Fainted and She Couldn't Get up! Vasovagal Syncope in Cats

A few months ago I had an experience with Lola that frightened me beyond words. I heard her meowing and knew she was going to vomit; which she doesn’t do that often. (Cat parents will understand that I know the differences in my cats’ meows and what they mean.) When I went to check on her she got startled and she bolted for the other room. Then she started retching heavily and finally vomited, and as soon as she did her limbs became stiff and she fell over onto her side and fainted. She tried to get up and fell over again.

my cat fainted

Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Small Break

Hello and Happy Thursday Purrsday! 

tabby cat

I'm here to tell you today that we will be offline for several days.  Mommy is going away because our human cousin (her niece) is graduating from college. This is exciting! We know we haven't been posting much lately, but we do try to visit some of our friends' blogs every day.  We'll be back to visiting soon! 

We are going to do our Caturday Night Meow on our Facebook page this week because we can schedule the post in advance.  We hope you'll join us at 8:00 PM on Caturday! 

See you all soon! 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Lexy's Favorite Hiding Spot

Hello everyone. Today I'm telling you about one of my favorite hiding spots.  Here is a photo of me sitting in Mother's armoire.  How do I get in there, you ask? I figured out how to open the door with my nails.  Once the door is open I take out some of the clothes to make room, and then I move around some other pieces of clothing to make a comfortable bed. 

Sometimes when Mother can't find me she'll see a pile of clothes on the floor and she'll know where I am.  I love it in here! It's my own private hideaway, my lair.  

Do you have a favorite hiding place? 

P.s. Yes, I do get hair all over Mother's clothes. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

A City Kitty's View of the World

Hello and Happy Friday! As you know, Lexy and I are city cats. Now, some may think that when we sit in our windows we only see a concrete jungle, but that's not true.  Lexy and I have lots of trees, birds and squirrels to watch. 

This is the view from our kitchen window.  We have lots of trees to see. What you can't see from this angle is the neighbor's yard, with even more interesting stuff.  See that balcony right there on the left? We have a doggie friend that lives there and when he comes out we sit and watch each other. 
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - Favorite Napping Place

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Catit Playground New York! (A Report)

Hello and Happy Tuesday! A couple of weeks ago Catit came to New York City with an awesome kitty playground. Mommy was very excited to be invited to their Black Cat Soiree and she had a great time.  I asked her to make sure she brought home a full report so I could share it with you.

I'm going to tell you about the best part first… the playground! 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wellness CORE Grain-Free Hearty Cuts - A Chewy Review

Hello everyone. This is Lexy checking in with our monthly review.  

wellness core|
I can't wait to get it open

wellness core|
I bet it's yummy!