Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, July 1, 2016

Our BlogPaws Book Signing

Hello and Happy Friday! When we did our BlogPaws Round Up post yesterday, we told you that Mommy did a book signing with the Cat Writer's Association.  I had planned on posting a lot of pictures from the event, but the photos Mommy took didn't come out very well.  She had a few on her cell phone, but they didn't come out very well, either. (Summer's human gave Mommy a few tips to change the settings on her camera, so hopefully that will help her.) 

Anyhoo, Mommy did signings on Thursday and Friday. And guess who she sat next to? Can you guess? OK, never mind, I'll just tell you; Summer and her human! 

sparkle cat

Thursday, June 30, 2016

A (Sort of) BlogPaws 2016 Roundup

Hello and Happy Thursday! Mommy is home from BlogPaws and we asked her for the whole scoop! She did a little better than last year (that report was very disappointing!) and this is what we got from her this year: 

Everything started out with a wedding!

cat wedding invitation
Astrid of The Cat On My Head and Sampson from The Kitty Cat Chronicles tied the knot! 

Cat wedding party
 The wedding party looked just gorgeous! 
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - BlogPaws Aftermath

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

BlogPaws 2016 or Bust!

Hello and Happy Tuesday! Mommy is headed off to BlogPaws in Phoenix tomorrow, so we won't be blogging, Facebooking, or visiting friends until she gets back.  

It's possible that she'll post something from the conference, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.  She didn't do a great job of reporting on last year's events, as you can see from this post.  She's learned a lot since then, so maybe we'll get a better report this time around. 

We have a couple of things to leave you with before the BlogPaws break.  

First, Mommy will be doing a book signing at the conference! She'll be at the CWA table on Thursday from 2:30 pm  to 5:00 pm and from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.  She'll also be there on Friday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Please stop by and say hello, Mommy would love to meet you. We will be donating all of our proceeds from the sale of our book to Catopia Feline Rescue of Arizona.  Miss Shonda, the president of Catopia, wrote a blurb for the back cover of our book and Mommy is very excited to get to meet her in person! 

Second, I was interviewed by Kristian over at

Monday, June 20, 2016

Sojos NaturalCat Freeze-Dried Treats Review #ChewyInfluencer

Hello everyone! This is Lexy checking in with our monthly Chewy Influencer Review. 

sojos natural cat|chewy

Saturday, June 18, 2016

International Box Day - 2016

Hello everyone! This is Lexy checking in on my absolute FAVE holiday of the year; International Box Day! I praise the Box Gods on this day for bringing me one of my most favored things in the world. This year I chose a photo that I believe depicts my gratitude for not only boxes but for this day of celebration.  I hope you like it as much as I do. 

international box day

If you'd like to see my post from last year, you can see it here.  Are you celebrating today?

We're joining Mudpie and Gertrude in celebrating International Box Day! 


Friday, June 17, 2016

Waiting for Mommy to Wake Up

Sometimes I wake up before Mommy and I just lie around waiting for her.