Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - Peek a Boo!

wordless wednesday


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday Selfies With Will

Hello and Happy Selfie Sunday! 

tabby cat, cat selifes

I was hanging out on the couch with Will one day, and I had a great idea! I meowed "Mommy! Get the cell phone! Will and I should do selfies!" 

tabby cat kissing

I decided to give Will kisses first.  He thinks it feels funny when I kiss him. 
Friday, July 8, 2016

It's National Pet Professionals Week! #NationalPetProfessionalsWeek

Hello and Happy Friday! We found out the other day from Cody over at Cat Chat With Caren and Cody that this week is National Pet Professionals Week! Thanks for telling everyone about this, Cody!

national pet professionals week

American Pet Professionals is celebrating their second annual #NationalPetProfessionalsWeek July 5th through the 11th. I bet you're wondering what this week is all about.  Well, to quote Nancy Hassel, who is not only the president but the founder of American Pet Professionals,  "this week is a celebration of our ever growing and amazing pet industry and the pet professionals who are so dedicated and passionate about our pets!” 
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - Whiskers

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Lola's Tummy Tuesday

Belly rubs, anyone? 

tummy tuesday

Saturday, July 2, 2016

8 Tips to Keep Your Cat Safe on the 4th of July

Hello everyone! This is Lexy checking in with a very important PSA.  I have eight tips for humans to follow to keep their cats safe this Fourth of July. 

fourth of july cats

July 4th is a great day for our nation because it’s the day we celebrate our independence and freedom.  Celebrations often include back yard parties, barbeques, and what cats consider to be the dreaded fireworks and firecrackers.  Many cats are very frightened of all of the commotion, but if you follow my tips kitty can be very comfortable. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Our BlogPaws Book Signing

Hello and Happy Friday! When we did our BlogPaws Round Up post yesterday, we told you that Mommy did a book signing with the Cat Writer's Association.  I had planned on posting a lot of pictures from the event, but the photos Mommy took didn't come out very well.  She had a few on her cell phone, but they didn't come out very well, either. (Summer's human gave Mommy a few tips to change the settings on her camera, so hopefully that will help her.) 

Anyhoo, Mommy did signings on Thursday and Friday. And guess who she sat next to? Can you guess? OK, never mind, I'll just tell you; Summer and her human! 

sparkle cat