Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Got a Stinky House? Freshen it up With Fresh Wave!

When I was at BlogPaws in June I was happy to see that Fresh Wave was there.  I had heard about their products and was very interested in learning more about them.  I’ve been moving towards having a chemical free home for the past couple of years because products laden with chemicals really aggravate my migraines, and I like to use products that are safe for Lola and Lexy. So I’m always on the lookout for natural products and was not disappointed with Fresh Wave.

It was interesting to know that Fresh Wave has been around for over 20 years, way before it was popular to use natural products. Their mission is to emphasize the safe and the natural, concentrating on making great products without using harmful chemicals or destroying the planet.  A company with a conscience! I love it! Fresh Wave natural odor removing products use simple, pure and natural ingredients — water and natural extracts of lime, pine needle, aniseed, clove and cedarwood — to get rid of organic and inorganic odors. No chemicals, no headaches, and no worries around your pets. 

fresh wave|odor removing|odor remover

Friday, August 5, 2016

Introducing Bearden the Bearded Dragon for Not of my Own Species Day

Hello everyone! This is Lexy checking in with a special interview for Not Of My Own Species Day. Today I am happy to introduce to you to our special friend, Bearden, a bearded dragon! We met Bearden on Instagram and fell in love with him. We just know you will, too.

Hello Bearden! Since today is Not Of My Species Day,  I thought it would be a great day to introduce you to our blogging friends. Welcome to our blog and thanks for joining me.  Ok, can you tell everyone what species you are and where you originate from?
I am a bearded dragon and my breed originates from Australia!

bearded dragon
Bearden close up

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Rescue Stories: Max - He Healed Two Broken Hearts

Hello and Happy Thursday Purrsday! I’m really purring today because we have a great story for you as part of our Rescue Stories Series.  Today I present you with Max! We met Max on Instagram (@mrpawesome) and fell in love with him.  He’s also from New York, and... he was in the same shelter as me (NYACC)!  What a small kitty world! Max had a rough start, but he’s definitely living the good life now.  Read on to see how he mended two broken hearts…

On February 27, 2013, our world came crashing down.  I was getting ready for work when our three-and-a-half-year-old cat, Theo, suddenly collapsed and stopped breathing. Tragically, he passed away.  Theo was the love of our lives, and had been with us for exactly two-and-half years, to the day.  We were beyond crushed.  The experience of losing him - and the trauma of trying to get him help that rainy morning - was soul-crushing.

We knew we'd adopt again, but wanted to wait awhile.  I found solace chatting every night with others who'd recently lost pets at (Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement). Slowly, I began to heal from the trauma.

About three weeks after Theo's passing, I felt compelled to look at online adoptable listings. I was feeling brave, a bit stronger, and thought I'd try looking at cats without getting too upset.  I browsed through the listings, and then stopped when I saw an ad for a seven-month-old smokey tabby tuxedo kitty named Max.  His mischievous expression and unusual markings drew me in.  I felt my heart race a little, the same way I'd felt when I first saw Theo's photo.

mr pawesome|cat rescue stories

Sunday, July 31, 2016

KONG Cat Wobbler Treat Dispenser Review #ChewyInfluencer

Hello everyone! This is Lexy checking in with our monthly #ChewyInfluencer review.  Now, before I begin, I must tell you that Mother chose our review item this month. She should have left the choice in my paws, but you know how it is… sometimes we kitties have to let the humans feel like they’re in charge.|kong|treat dispenser

This month Mother chose the KONG Cat Wobble Treat Dispenser.|Kong|treat dispenser

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Does Your Cat Drink Enough Water? (Cat Dehydration Symptoms)

July is National Pet Hydration Awareness Month, which was started by the folks over at Pet Safe to get the word out to pet owners everywhere to be aware of their pet’s water in-take. I'm sharing some important information for cat owners to understand why keeping your cats properly hydrated is so important. 

pet hydration month

If you’re a Harry Potter fan you’ve probably heard of the Elixir of Life (a potion made from the Philosopher’s Stone that extends the life of the drinker.)  In our universe we don’t have a Philosopher’s Stone, but we do have our own, easily accessible elixir – water. 

Water is essential for all beings because it assists in lubricating joints, transporting nutrients through the bloodstream, regulating body temperature through respiration, flushing waste materials out of the body by way of urine, and cushioning the brain and spinal cord, and the list goes on. For all of these reasons and more, it’s important we make sure our cats (and all pets!) have access to plenty of fresh, clean water. 

catit fountain|pet hydration

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Cat Sitter Selfies for Sunday

Lola: Hello and Happy Sunday!  Today we present you with selfies from our cat sitters! 

Lexy: Our cat sitters are Dawn and Deb, and they always take a photo to text to Mother. Even I posed for one, which doesn't happen all that often. 

Lola: Mommy went away twice in the past few months.  One time Dawn came, and another Deb.  So we've got four selfies for you! 

Lola: This is me with Dawn.  I just love snuggles! 
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Clear The Shelters Day 2016 #ClearTheShelters

Hello and happy Saturday Caturday! I’m so happy to be spreading the word about the third annual Clear The Shelters event again this year! Lexy and I just love this day because it’s our wish for all shelters to be empty and for all animals to be with their forever families.  *sigh*… maybe someday the world will be that way. 

clear the shelters|#cleartheshelters

Until then I’ll spread the word about #ClearTheShelters! Clear the Shelters is a ground-breaking, community-driven initiative which matches deserving animals with loving, permanent homes.  The first Clear The Shelters event was launched in Texas in 2014 through a partnership between NBC in Dallas-Fort Worth and Telemundo.  Over 2,200 animals were adopted in one day through dozens of participating shelters.  How cool is that? Since that event was such a success, Clear The Shelters went nationwide last year.