Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, August 29, 2016

Pate, Shredded, Morsels... Wet Food Options for Your Cat

Hello and Happy Monday! Today we're sharing some great info from Petco about feeding your cat wet food. Read on for some of their great hints!

How do you feed your cat? There are plenty of options, but if you haven’t investigated the range of soft cat food, you may want to give it a try.

Wet, or soft cat food comes in an array of types, from pate to shredded, flaked, cubed, morsels, and broths. Each one of those relies on differing textures as well as varying amounts of liquid. If you are going to try wet cat food, there are certain considerations to follow. Wet food can’t be left out all the time, but dry food can. Instead, you have to train your cat to eat at certain times of day and store it in the fridge when your cat isn’t eating.
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day - Hobbes, AKA Stinky the Cat

Lexy: Today we’re joining Deb Barnes and the Zee and Zoey gang to celebrate Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. 

Lola: We’re writing about one of our best friends who made his journey to the rainbow bridge two years ago. His name is Hobbes, AKA Stinky the Cat, and we miss him so much. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Rescue Stories: Keigo - Adopted During a Lunch Outing

Hello and Happy Friday! Today we have another installment in our Rescue Stories series.  Meet Keigo, who was adopted when a family went out to lunch.  We met Keigo on Instagram and quickly found out he's a cool dude cat.  Read on to see how he adopted his family. 

My children had always wanted to have a cat, but my husband was not really keen on the idea. But after much persuasion, he finally relented when a family friend’s cat had kittens.  Our friend promised to give one of the kittens to my children once it was weaned from its mother. Over the course of few weeks he sent pictures of the kitten to us and my children fell in love madly with the little fluffball. Unfortunately, a few days before we were supposed to pick the kitten up, we received devastating news; the kitten had contracted a deadly virus and did not survive. My children were heartbroken and we felt so sorry for them.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Addiction Pet Food - Review and Giveaway #Sponsored #PetAndPeopleFoodHop

When Mother returned home from BlogPaws, I smelled some deliciousness in the swag bag that I couldn’t wait to get my paws on. I snuck a small bag out, but Mother put it back. When I was finally allowed to delve into the swag bag I was in my glory. Here's a little video so you can see how determined I was. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Rescue Stories: Olive - It Was Love at First Sight

Hello and Happy Friday!  Today as part of our Rescue Stories series I present Olive. Olive is also a NYC kitty, who we met on Instagram and then became great friends with. Would you believe our Mom and her Mom were at an event together before we met them? Imagine that! Read on learn more about her love at first sight story, and how she filled her human’s heart and home with more love than she could ever imagine. 

As long as I can remember, I was always a cat person. I just loved them!  Growing up as a child my mom did not want pets in the house, so I "adopted" all the strays in the backyard of our building (I grew up in Israel and there were lots of them).  This was before I knew the hardship of stray cats, or about spay and neuter.

We moved to America and to my surprise I found out that I was allergic to cats.  The hopes of getting a cat of my own when I would eventually grow up and move out were crushed.  

One winter, my friend got a new kitten and to my surprise there were no allergies.  After a few weeks some of my dear friends convinced me to “just go and look” at cats at the ASPCA in NYC.  That Saturday we did not see any cat that seemed to be the “one“ for me.  The following Saturday we were the first ones in line at the ASPCA when they opened. I really wanted was a small kitten and we were told there was only one, who the previous week had an eye infection.  All of her siblings were adopted the week before.  We went upstairs and I saw this little grey tabby jumping all around the room playing with the volunteers.  I think I fell in love that moment.  I got to meet “Beatrice”, who shares her birthday with my dad.  She did test positive for FIV which I knew nothing about.  I was taken around and met other cats, but kept thinking of her in her little cubby calling to me. The vet at the ASPCA met with me and explained FIV to me and that there was still a chance she was false positive. I decided to take a chance.  

ASPCA, cat in shelter, adopt don't shop
This was the first picture I took of Olive. I texted it to my friend and told her I think she is going to be my cat. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

And the Winners are.... Lola and Lexy!

Hello and Happy Monday! Since we've been blogging we've been very lucky and have won several giveaways.  Today I thought I'd share some of our recent winnings with you. 

We won the Petmate Flitter Cat Toy from The Island Cats! Here's a little video of me playing with it. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Rescue Stories: Rico - Rescued From A Dumpster

Hello and Happy Friday! As part of our Rescue Stories series we have a great story for you.  Today I present you with Rico! We met Rico on Instagram and just had to find out more about his rescue. Rico was found in a dumpster, just like me. And let me tell you, the dumpster is not a nice place. Read on to see how his Mom fell in love with him at first sight. 

Almost 12 years ago I lived on a busy street, and as I was walking home one day, I took the short cut which was behind a shopping center. As I walked past a dumpster I heard a cat crying.  I looked around but didn’t see anything, so I kept walking. The further away I walked, the louder he cried.  It’s so strange to say this, but it was as if he knew that I was walking away. I stopped and went back to where I could hear him more clearly, and realized it was coming from the dumpster behind a fast food place. I immediately searched for a couple of boxes so I could reach him deep down in the dumpster. I was horrified at this tiny emaciated kitten that obviously was put in there by a human (for the lack of a better word!) He had no hair except for the tip of his tail and you could count his bones that were protruding from his little body.  I walked across the street with the kitten to my vet’s office to get him some help. He was infected with ring worms and infested with fleas and round worms.  The vet treated him for all but the fleas. I brought him home and named him Rico. I had to de-flea him with a bath of pesticide, and I had to keep him away from my senior cat, Tazz, (who was diagnosed with cancer) for four weeks. In about two months he was fully recovered. 

black cat|rescued cat
Rico is a handsome boy!