Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, September 26, 2016

To Catch A Cat - Book Review and Giveaway

I love books about cat rescue.  The story becomes more alluring to me when the act of rescuing and the cats themselves makes a life turning impact on a person.  Add in the fact that the author is a former New York City girl who viewed the trek into New Jersey to visit her boyfriend less than pleasurable (I have said on more than one occasion “Oh geez, I have to go to Jersey?”) and the book is a must read for me. (Disclaimer: It has nothing to do with New Jersey… it’s the traffic on the way!) So I was delighted when I was offered the opportunity to review To Catch A Cat – How Three Stray Kittens Rescued Me by Heather Green.

To Catch A Cat|Animal Rescue|Heather Green

Friday, September 23, 2016

Forgotten Felines at Tabby's Place - Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week

Hello and happy Friday! I’m here to bring you our third post in our “Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet” week series.  Today I’m presenting some of the “Forgotten Felines” at Tabby’s Place.  If you’ve seen our other post on the sancuary here you already know that Tabby’s is one of Mommy’s favorite places on earth and she’s met many of these cats.  Now, to be considered a “forgotten feline” means that the cat has been there 5+ years. That right… I said 5+ years! *shakes head* That’s way too long to be looking for your forever home if you ask me. 

First up is Mango. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Remember Me Thursday - #RememberMeThursday

Hello and Happy Thursday! Today Lexy and I are proud to be a part of the Remember Me Thursday Awareness Movement. Now going into its fourth year, Remember Me Thursday® aims to unite individuals and pet adoption organizations around the world to be an unstoppable, integrated voice for orphan pets in need of forever homes. As you know, our motto is Adopt Don’t Shop! By adopting you save an animal’s life. 

Remember Me Thursday|#remembermethursday

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

An Interview With a Cat With Special Features - Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week

Hello everyone! This is Lexy checking in with the second part of our series on "Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week." As promised, I have a spectacular interview a "special needs" cat. I'm happy to introduce Sophie, of Kitty Cat Chronicles! 


Monday, September 19, 2016

Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week

Hello everyone.  This is Lexy checking in and today to tell you that this is a very important week.  It’s Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week. Petfinder started the Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week campaign to raise awareness about the fact that special-needs pets are just as wonderful and loving as "normal" pets, and that they’re just as deserving of forever homes. And we here at the White House couldn't agree more. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Helpful Hints for a Happy Cat - Happy Cat Month

Hello, everyone, this is Lexy checking in.  As you know, September is Happy Healthy Cat Month.  We’re teaming up with the folks at Wellness Natural Pet Food to bring you some hits to keep your cat happy and healthy.

·       Instinctively, felines are natural hunters – help your cat or kitten stay on top of their skills with plenty of play time together. Not only does this keep your cat active to support a healthier lifestyle, it also keeps stress levels down and encourages bonding for a happy, purring kitty. Just be sure that you keep any laser pointers away from your cat’s eyes!

happy cat month, wellness pet food

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

5 Signs That Your Cat is Happy

Hello and happy Wednesday!  When people think of September, they usually think about kids going back to school, sweater weather approaching, summer humidity ending, and pumpkin spice lattes. But the folks at the CATalyst Council are reminding everyone that September is Happy Healthy Cat Month.