Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, October 7, 2016

Surefeed Sealed Pet Bowl Review and Giveaway

Hello everyone. This is Lexy checking in, and have I got a great product to tell you about today.  When Mother was at BlogPaws this past June she saw the Surefeed Sealed Pet Bowl by SureFlap and liked it right away.  She thought it would be a great product for us (and she was right.) We were very excited when we were contacted by the folks at SureFlap to give this bowl a try. 

surefeed sealed pet bowl

surefeed sealed pet bowl

surefeed sealed pet bowl

Monday, October 3, 2016

Animal Assisted Psychotherapy

One day as I was browsing through Instagram I came across the profile for @julie.wilson.indigo. I was intrigued to read that Julie Wilson is a psychologist who utilizes Animal Assisted Psychotherapy (AAP).  As a mental health professional and an animal lover I was interested to learn more about Julie’s work so I reached out to her. Julie graciously agreed to be interviewed for my blog and explain more about this wonderful approach. 

animal assisted psychotherapy|julie wilson
Julie and one of her beautiful horses.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Rescue Stories: Popoki - From Shelter Cat to Queen of her Catio

Hello and Happy Friday! I'm back with another great tail tale in our Rescue Stories series. Today's story is about one of our blogging friends, Popoki, from Welcome To The Menagerie.  Popoki's mom, Jean, took Popoki home to foster her, and the rest is history. Read on to see how Jean fell in love with Popoki and how she became a member of the family. 

I'll never forget the first time I clapped eyes on Popoki. I was volunteering in my local animal shelter, as I had done every week, and I peered into a kennel to find this absolutely gorgeous cat trying desperately to hide behind her litter box. She was overwhelmed by the sights, smells and sounds of the shelter, and the staffers told me she had been too worried to eat very much. In addition, she'd picked up a bit of a cold in the shelter, so she was sneezing and her eyes looked just terrible. 

rescued cat|welcome to the menagerie|popoki|rescue stories

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Purely Fancy Feast Natural Treats Review - #ChewyInfluencer

Hello everyone. This is Lexy checking in with our monthly review. 

fancy feast|

Monday, September 26, 2016

To Catch A Cat - Book Review and Giveaway

I love books about cat rescue.  The story becomes more alluring to me when the act of rescuing and the cats themselves makes a life turning impact on a person.  Add in the fact that the author is a former New York City girl who viewed the trek into New Jersey to visit her boyfriend less than pleasurable (I have said on more than one occasion “Oh geez, I have to go to Jersey?”) and the book is a must read for me. (Disclaimer: It has nothing to do with New Jersey… it’s the traffic on the way!) So I was delighted when I was offered the opportunity to review To Catch A Cat – How Three Stray Kittens Rescued Me by Heather Green.

To Catch A Cat|Animal Rescue|Heather Green

Friday, September 23, 2016

Forgotten Felines at Tabby's Place - Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week

Hello and happy Friday! I’m here to bring you our third post in our “Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet” week series.  Today I’m presenting some of the “Forgotten Felines” at Tabby’s Place.  If you’ve seen our other post on the sancuary here you already know that Tabby’s is one of Mommy’s favorite places on earth and she’s met many of these cats.  Now, to be considered a “forgotten feline” means that the cat has been there 5+ years. That right… I said 5+ years! *shakes head* That’s way too long to be looking for your forever home if you ask me. 

First up is Mango. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Remember Me Thursday - #RememberMeThursday

Hello and Happy Thursday! Today Lexy and I are proud to be a part of the Remember Me Thursday Awareness Movement. Now going into its fourth year, Remember Me Thursday® aims to unite individuals and pet adoption organizations around the world to be an unstoppable, integrated voice for orphan pets in need of forever homes. As you know, our motto is Adopt Don’t Shop! By adopting you save an animal’s life. 

Remember Me Thursday|#remembermethursday