Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, January 20, 2017

Catnip Caves by Smarty Kat - A Review

Hello, everyone.This is Lexy checking in with toy review.  Today I present you with Catnip Caves by Smarty Kat. 

There are many things that we kitties like, and two of them are paper bags and catnip. Catnip Caves are both of those rolled into one. 

smarty Kat|catnip caves

SmartyKat Catnip Caves are irresistible to cats because they combine the allure of a rustling hideaway with stimulating catnip. The surface of the paper inside the bag is treated so catnip scent is released with every touch – just like a scratch ‘n sniff sticker! The paper bags are made with recycled material, and we like being kind to the environment. 
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Lola's Great Collar Caper

Hello and Happy Wednesay! The other day I had a caper - Lola's Great Collar Caper! Mommy came from work and noticed I didn't have my collar on. I was naked! She asked me where it was, but I wouldn't tell her. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

It's My Sixth Gotcha Day!

Hello and Happy Monday! Do you know what today is? Go ahead, take a guess. OK… never mind… let me just tell you. Today is my gotcha day! Six years ago today I came home to live with Mommy and Lexy. Six whole years – I can’t believe how time flies. I don’t have a ton of pictures of me during that time, so I have to use the same photos every year.  I really hope you don’t mind. 

OK, so my adoption journey has three parts. It all began on January 6, 2011 when I was rescued from the shelter.  Here’s what I wrote in my diary that day: 

“Today was an exciting day! A worker came to my cage to take me out and put me in a box. I got real scared because I thought I was going to be put to sleep.  I couldn’t see out of the box so I didn’t know what was going on.  I heard a lot of humans talking, and the next thing I knew I was in a car.  Imagine that! A car! A little while later I finally got to come out of the box and I couldn’t believe it – I was in a different doctor’s office.  “Oh boy, here we go again” I thought. I looked up – and there was the lady that was asking about me yesterday!” 

It was so good to be out of the shelter, even though I was a little confused. 

The second part of my journey is probably my favorite, and that’s the day I met Mommy. Before I tell you about that, let me share a little something she wrote on Facebook on January 7, 2011. 

Photo courtesy Janice Rossel

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Selfie Sunday - Practicing My Innocent Look

Hello and Happy Sunday! Today for my selfie I'm practicing my "Innocent Look".  Mommy would never believe I was up to no good kitty mischief if I gave her this look. 
sunday selfie|cat selfie

What do you think? 
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wellness Natural Hairball Control and Kittles Crunchy Cat Treats Review

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with a review of some great food by Wellness. Lola and I were lucky to receive a bag of Natural Hairball Control  AND some packages of Kittles Crunchy Cat Treats.

Let’s start with the good stuff first, and by that, I mean the treats.

Monday, January 9, 2017

2017 Pet Blogger Challenge

I’ve been a little out of the blogging loop lately and was unaware of the’s 2017 Blogger Challenge. On Friday I read Melissa’s post on Mocha’s Mysteries and Meows which inspired me to participate and share my answers with you. My goal for 2017 is to challenge myself as a writer and a blogger and move out of my comfort zone.  I've never participated in a challenge before, but here goes! 

1.  When did you start your blog and, for anyone who is just seeing it for first time, please provide a description of your site. Would you say your blog focuses more on sharing stories with your readers, or providing a resource for your audience?

I started my blog around May of 2014. I was very new to all of this, and was on a platform that I didn’t understand, so I didn’t do much with it. In December of 2014 I decided to move over to Blogger and that's when I started blogging. 

I originally started my blog as the official website for my book but as time went on it began to take on a life of its own. Lola The Rescued Cat is a humorous blog written (mostly) from the perspective of my cats, Lola and Lexy. I am passionate about rescue and animal welfare and like to promote this as well as responsible pet ownership. I do this by sharing information on health, safety, and animal welfare. I want cats to be able to live happy and healthy lives with their owners and stay out of the shelters and off the streets. My blog focuses both on sharing stories and providing resources. I’m planning on sharing more stories about the day to day antics of Lola and Lexy in the coming year. 

2. What was your proudest blogging moment of 2016?

Being accepted for my first paid blogger’s campaign was definitely a proud moment.  For me that meant that my blog was getting attention, and also that my writing was improving and was on a level that made brands want to work with me.  

3.  Which of your blog posts was your favorite this year and why? (Please include a link.)
Choosing one is hard, but one that is on the favorite list is one I wrote about Tabby’s Place for Blog the Change for Animals. Tabby’s Place is one of my favorite rescues and I always enjoy writing about them to bring attention to what they do. 

tabby's place|animal shelters|cat sanctuary

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Selfie Sunday - Caught!

Hello, everyone.  This is Lexy checking in with my selfie for Sunday.  Up until now, rumor had it that I was the culprit when it came to tearing open food bags.  Pictures say 1000 words and tell 1000 tales, so I can no longer tell a lie.