Lola The Rescued Cat
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

5 Things I Learned from BlogPaws That Improved my Blog

I had never considered starting a blog until I published a book, which needed an “official website” to go along with it. And believe me when I tell you it was a lot harder than I thought! Initially, I intended my blog to be a continuation of Lola’s diary, chronicling her and Lexy’s daily activities, and after seeing what other people were doing with their blogs I wanted to take mine to a different level. But my blog wasn’t getting much attention and I didn’t know how to improve that until I joined BlogPaws®. 


This post is sponsored by the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network™. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about how BlogPaws helps educate and inspire pet influencers but Lola The Rescued Cat only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. BlogPaws is not responsible for the content of this article.

The more I got involved with the BlogPaws community, the more I realized a successful blog is more than just posting a photo with a story to go with it.  My cats are cute;

blogpaws influencer network|blogpaws

Friday, February 17, 2017

Critical Supplements for your Aging Pet - A Guest Post

Hello and Happy Friday! We here at Lola The Rescued Cat like to bring you as much information as possible that can be helpful for you to keep your pets healthy. Today we have a guest post from the folks at CAMFormulas about supplements for aging pets. As always, you should check with your vet before giving your pet anything.

CAMFormulas|pet supplements

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Results From my Gotcha Day Comment-thon Are In!

Hello and Happy Monday! It's a happy Monday for sure, because I've got great news! The results of my Gotcha Day Comment-thon are in! 

I invited our pal, Shiloh, for the big reveal. Shiloh is the spokescat for Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue, the rescue we raised money for. Hi, Shiloh!  

abandoned angels cat rescue|mcfluffersons
Photo credit: McFlufferson's Fluffy Fluffs

OK, in case you don't remember, we promised to donate 50 cents for every comment on my Gotcha Day post here on the blog, as well as on our Facebook page. We had a total of 96 comments, which means AACR is getting $48.00! How fab is that? 

Thank you all for making our comment-thon a success! And thanks for joining us, Shiloh! 
Thursday, February 9, 2017

5 Signs Your Cat Needs Dental Care

February is National Pet Dental Health Month.

Pet dental health month

To address the significance of oral health care for pets, the AVMA sponsors National Pet Dental Health Month every February.  Dental disease is the most common disease seen in pets. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA),  80% of dogs and 70% of cats show signs of oral disease by the age of three. 
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

It's National Send a Card to a Friend Day!

Lola: Hello and Happy Tuesday! Do you know what today is? Just wait until you find out!

national send a card to a friend day

Lexy: Lola, what are you doing? 
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Seflie Sunday - Never Turn Down an Opportunity for a Selfie.

Hello, everyone.  This is Lexy checking in with a selfie for Sunday. I was not planning on doing a selfie from my cat tree this week, but a girl has to make the best out of a situation. And I think I did! 

I was sitting here minding my own business, engaged in bird watching, when Mother starts her business with the camera. Now, I know I'm photogenic, but sometimes a girl just likes to relax and not worry if her fur is combed. 

black and white cat|tuxedo cat|cat tree

As you can see, I wasn't all that thrilled. 
Friday, February 3, 2017

How Pets Save Billions on Health Care Costs

Hello and Happy Friday! We're teaming up today with the folks from Petco to bring you some information on how pets make you healthier and save money on health care costs. Recent research from the Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI) shows that our pets are good for our health. A few ways pets benefit their parents' physical and mental health are: reduction of allergies; improvement in cardiovascular health; improved cholesterol; stronger immune defense against infection and improved mental health. 

Want to learn more about why pets are good for your health? Take a look at this graphic.

Of course, we pets already knew we're good for humans, but now there's research to back it up! 

Does your pet have an effect on your health? 