Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, July 7, 2017

It's Never Too Late for a Celebration!


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Animal Massage as an Alternative Therapy for Your Pet

You may know that one of the many hats I wear is as a Licensed Massage Therapist. When I started massage school I was looking forward to learning animal massage, but much to my disappointment I soon learned that the massage laws in New York state that a Licensed Massage Therapist cannot massage animals. Well, there went my new career path! 

In the course of participating in the BlogPaws Community Boosts, I met Heather Wallace of Bridle and Bone Wellness and I was intrigued when I read that in New Jersey she is legally able to perform massage on animals. We missed each other at BlogPaws so I wasn't able to chat with her about her business, but I'm happy that Heather agreed to write a guest post for my blog about her experiences that I think you'll enjoy. You can learn more about what Heather does and her business by visiting her on her website, Facebook and Twitter. As Heather mentions, please be aware of the laws in your state regarding animal massage. 

Did you know that there are massage therapists for animals? It’s true! Trust me, because I am one. I swear. My job is to massage horses and dogs. Best. Job. Ever. My name is Heather Wallace and I am the co-owner of Bridle & Bone Wellness LLC based in beautiful New Jersey. While my day job is awesome, it is not a very well-known career and I’d love to tell you more about it. Luckily, my friend Lola the Rescued Cat has a furmom that is very interested in massage therapy.

Bridle and Bone|animal massage

Friday, June 30, 2017

New Things Aren't That Bad

Hello, and Happy Friday! If you follow us on Instagram, you already know how much I love my pillows. Not that long ago Mommy bought new ones for her our bed. At first, I wasn't that happy about them and I said so! I told Mommy that they were just too fluffy and I thought I was going to roll off. 

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Lola The Rescued Cat Has a New Look!

Lola: Hello, and Happy Thursday! Oh boy, do we have an exciting surprise for you today! Take a look around our blog for a second… do you notice anything different? Go ahead… take a look. We changed our design! 

Lexy: That’s right, folks! We have re-branded and re-designed. Mother has been working behind the scenes with Glogirly on our new look. It was so clandestine that even Katie and Waffles weren’t able to give us any information! I may be biased, but I think it’s just fab.  

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Catnip Nation's June Report: The Plight of a Jones Beach Feral Colony

Last month I brought you the first installment of a series of posts by Tina Traster, Producer and Director of the documentary film Catnip Nation. This month Tina tells us about a lawsuit that could have a devastating long term effect on feral cat colonies. Thankfully, Alley Cat Allies is involved in the case and hopefully it will have a positive outcome. It saddens me that this is happening so close to my home. Please tell us your thoughts in the comments below and let's get this conversation started. I'm also asking you to please share this post on social media to bring attention to what's happening on Jones Beach. 

There are still a few days left to help out Catnip Nation on their Seed and Spark campaign. Let's help them spread the word about the importance of advocating for feral cats. And don't forget to come back in July to read Tina's next update. 

Cats Versus The Birds on Jones Beach

Hello all, from the Catnip Nation team. You may remember reading about our documentary project a month ago on this blog. We’re planning on keeping you updated on a monthly basis on our project, and to give you an inside peek into the stories we are following.

Catnip Nation is a documentary that tells the stories of a handful of unsung and unseen heroes who care for ferals, and the adversity they come up against.  Ultimately, we will use the film to advocate for laws for TNR, and to stimulate a national conversation so people who do this incredible work can come out from the shadows.

Catnip nation documentary

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Wordless Wednesday - Scratcher Heaven

I'm such a lucky girl because I have several scratchers. These are two of my favorites. It's like I'm in scratcher heaven! 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Catnip Heaven With Kitty Kick Stix- Review and Giveaway!

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in, and I’ve got a great catnip toy to tell you about. Not long ago, Lola and I won a giveaway over at Layla’s Woof for Kitty Kick Stix toys. After looking at our blog the nice folks at Kitty Kick Stix contacted us and asked if we’d like to do a review. How could a catnip connoisseur like me pass up this opportunity? 

Kitty Kick Stix
That looks interesting!