Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, July 24, 2017

Eazee Deshedder Makes Grooming Your Cat Easy!

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with a review of a product lots of cats can really use during the summer. No, it’s not a cooling mat or a water fountain. It’s a deshedding tool! I present you with the Eazee Deshedder by Foolee. 

Eazee by Foolee
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Lola, Where are Your Manners?!?

Lola: Oh boy! Look at those birdies, Lexy! 
Lexy: Yes, Bird TV is quite entertaining, Lola. 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Pet Animal Welfare Society - Blog the Change for Animals #BtC4A

Today is Blog the Change for Animals day, a day when Bloggers are encouraged to spread the word about helping animals and to inspire others to do the same. Today I’ve chosen to write about Pet Animal Welfare Society of Norwalk, CT, also known as PAWS. 

Apricat. Yes, her name is Aprica-CAT. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Keep Your Cat Hydrated During the Dog Days of Summer! #PetHydrationMonth

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with some important health information. Did you know that July is Pet Hydration month? The folks at PetSafe® Brand started this important campaign so they could get the word out to pet owners about proper hydration for pets. 

Friday, July 7, 2017

It's Never Too Late for a Celebration!


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Animal Massage as an Alternative Therapy for Your Pet

You may know that one of the many hats I wear is as a Licensed Massage Therapist. When I started massage school I was looking forward to learning animal massage, but much to my disappointment I soon learned that the massage laws in New York state that a Licensed Massage Therapist cannot massage animals. Well, there went my new career path! 

In the course of participating in the BlogPaws Community Boosts, I met Heather Wallace of Bridle and Bone Wellness and I was intrigued when I read that in New Jersey she is legally able to perform massage on animals. We missed each other at BlogPaws so I wasn't able to chat with her about her business, but I'm happy that Heather agreed to write a guest post for my blog about her experiences that I think you'll enjoy. You can learn more about what Heather does and her business by visiting her on her website, Facebook and Twitter. As Heather mentions, please be aware of the laws in your state regarding animal massage. 

Did you know that there are massage therapists for animals? It’s true! Trust me, because I am one. I swear. My job is to massage horses and dogs. Best. Job. Ever. My name is Heather Wallace and I am the co-owner of Bridle & Bone Wellness LLC based in beautiful New Jersey. While my day job is awesome, it is not a very well-known career and I’d love to tell you more about it. Luckily, my friend Lola the Rescued Cat has a furmom that is very interested in massage therapy.

Bridle and Bone|animal massage

Friday, June 30, 2017

New Things Aren't That Bad

Hello, and Happy Friday! If you follow us on Instagram, you already know how much I love my pillows. Not that long ago Mommy bought new ones for her our bed. At first, I wasn't that happy about them and I said so! I told Mommy that they were just too fluffy and I thought I was going to roll off.