Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, September 25, 2017

That Mess Ruined My Photo Shoot!

Hello, and Happy Monday! We've mostly been posting about informational topics lately and haven't been sharing a lot of photos of our day to day activities. There may be a reason for that. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Got Litter Box Odors? Freshen Up With Tidy Cats Deodorizer #ChewyInfluencer

Lexy usually does our Chewy Influencer reviews, but this month she didn't approve of my choice of products so it's all on me. (I can't figure out if it's because she's not getting a tasty treat or if she thinks I'm saying her poop stinks. Maybe it's a combination of both!)|Purina|Tidy Cats

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Lola: Ahoy, mateys! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! We be lovin' this day cause it be a lot of fun! How could ye not like talkin' like a pirate? 

Lexy: Aye! It be a fun day for sure! And today we gets us lots of grog to drink! And we honor our favorite pirate, Will Turner. He be a fine lookin' lad!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Win Cash and Prizes for Your Favorite Rescue #RememberTheRescueContest

Hello, and happy Monday! In just 10 days social media will be lit up for pet adoption on Remember Me Thursday, and I have some exciting information for you. Did you rescue your pet? You did? Pawsome! When you post their story for the #RememberTheRescueContest, you'll be entered to win some fab prizes!

Remember Me Thursday|Helen Woodward Animal Center

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Selfie Sunday - Posing on Set

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with a Sunday Selfie. It's been a long while since we've participated, and it's good to be back. Mother was working every weekend at her part-time job and we weren't able to join in. Well, now she will only be working twice a month on the weekends which means we'll be able to participate more often. Lola and I weren't very happy about missing our friends on this fun day, but someone has to make the money around here. 

Cat Selfie

Thursday, September 14, 2017

I Write to Save Lives #RememberTheRescue

Hello, and Happy Thursday Purrsday! If you read this post you know that Lexy and I (oh, and Mommy, too) are proud to be official partners with Helen Woodward Animal Center for Remember Me Thursday. We received a box of items to help us promote this oh-so-important day, which included this great sign. 

Helen Woodward Animal Center|Remember Me Thursday

Monday, September 11, 2017

Healthier Pets. Happier Lives.™ with Hills Science Diet #HillsTransformingLives

I’m embarrassed to admit this, but 25+ years ago I did not take my cats to the veterinarian on a regular basis. When my cats weren’t well or when I noticed that something wasn’t right I brought them in right away, but preventative care was not routinely scheduled. Fast forward to the present… I’ve learned so much since then, and now I make sure my cats are seen by my veterinarian regularly. 

Hills Science Diet