Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, December 22, 2017

Merry Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas from the White House! No, not THAT White House... ours! MOL 

We are all eternally grateful for your friendship and for supporting our blog. We wish each one of you a wonderful holiday filled with love and happiness. 

Thank you for being part of the Lola The Rescued Cat family. 

Love and Purrs, 
Lola, Lexy and Dawn

Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas Is Coming! 6 Tips To Cat Proof Your Christmas Tree!

Hello, everyone, this is Lexy checking in. Now that the holiday season is here, many people are putting up a Christmas tree. Christmas trees can be a hazard for cats, but with my six simple tips, you can have a tree that is safe for your cat while it still looks very festive!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Blogging Cats Weekly Planner - Get The Discount Code!

Hello, and Happy Thursday! I have something very cool to share with you today! Every year Miss Paula over at Sweet Purrfections puts together a Blogging Cats Weekly Planner. 

blogging cats weekly planner|

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Selfie Sunday - On our Christmas Set

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with a Sunday Selfie. As I was looking back through our blog last night, I discovered that we haven't participated in Selfie Sunday since October 29 when we posed with Phoebe's Traveling Shades. That's just not acceptable if you ask me. I'll have to have a chat with Mother to ensure we get better at this. 

Anyway, on to the photos. We set up our set (a.k.a our living room) for Christmas shoots. Mother laid out some fake pine boughs, which I just love! Every time she turns around, I'm lying on it. 

Friday, December 8, 2017

I Lost My Teeth! My Experience At The Dentist

Help! Help! Someone took my teeth! If you happen to find two canines, a molar, and two more teeth please return them to Lola The Rescued Cat! 

 *giggle giggle* Sorry, I couldn’t resist being silly. Hello, and happy Friday! Last month (on November 7, to be exact) I went to the dentist and I wanted to tell you all about my experience. The saga with my teeth actually started a while back. You see, when I was adopted almost seven years ago my two top canine teeth were already broken (life on the street was a little tough, what can I say?), but it never seemed to be a big deal until recently. When I went to my vet, Dr. Sheheri, in October she was a little concerned about how they were looking so she recommended that I go to a dental specialist to have my canines removed. She also thought that it was possible that bacteria was entering my broken teeth and could be one of the reasons that I’m stuffy, sneezy, and have a chronic runny nose.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Cat Themed Mugs For The Coffee Lover

Christmas is upon us, and I’ve been diligently trying to get a gift list together for our readers. Life and work have been hectic and I’m way behind in my blogging plan, but I was able to put together a pretty cool gift list I think you'll enjoy.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wordless Wednesday - Sister Chat