Lola The Rescued Cat
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Catnip Nation's January Report - Fighting For TNR Ordinances In Rockland County, NY

In October I brought you the fourth installment of a series of posts by Tina Traster, Producer and Director of the documentary film Catnip Nation. This month Tina discusses the importance of TNR ordinances to address the feral cat issue. I could not agree more! This summer I toured Alley Cat Allies' Atlantic City Boardwalk Cat Project, which is proof that TNR works!  One of my goals for my blog this year is to write more about TNR to educate the public on this very important topic.Tell me your thoughts in the comments below. Thank you, Tina, for being a voice for feral cats, not only in Rockland County (my home town), but everywhere. It makes me proud and elated that the Village of Haverstraw, where I grew up, passed Rockland County’s first feral cat ordinance to support Trap Neuter Return (TNR). My niece went to high school with the mayor, Michael Kohut, and I went to school with his brother. (The Village of Haverstraw is small... everyone knows everyone else!) My dream is for this type of ordinance to be passed nationwide. Let's all help Tina and Catnip Nation spread the word by sharing this post. Are there TNR ordinances in your area? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. 

Friday, January 5, 2018

4 Tips To Help Keep Community Cats Safe In Cold Weather

Hello, everyone.  This is Lexy checking in with another important PSA. 

It’s winter time and not only are we in a deep freeze here in the North East, as I write this we are in the midst of a blizzard. Lola and I are very lucky to have a home where we can be safe and warm inside. But not all cats are blessed like we are.  This time of year we always worry about community cats, so I thought it would be a good idea to give you some tips for their winter safety. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Make Litter Box Maintenance Easy With Tidy Cats Direct Disposable Litter Box #ChewyInfluencer

Lexy is a little disappointed (again) this month because I chose our product for our Chewy Influencer review. (She didn’t quite approve of my choice in September, either.)  I’ve read many reviews on the Tidy Cats Direct Disposable Litter Box, and have been wanting to test it out for myself for quite some time so I couldn’t resist the opportunity. (Sorry, Lexy. Maybe next month you’ll get food or a tasty treat to review.) 

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Selfie Sunday - Our New Year's Wishes

Hello, and Happy Sunday! I took this selfie on Christmas Eve when I was watching "It's A Wonderful Life" with Mommy. It's our Christmas tradition! 

it's a wonderful life|selfies

Friday, December 29, 2017

2017 Was A Busy Year For Lola The Rescued Cat!

As 2017 comes to an end it’s time to reflect on the year that has passed and give thanks for the many blessings that have come my way. I’ve started this post over two or three times, writing it in Lola and Lexy’s voice (since they did our look back last year.) But this year it seems to flow better coming from me (much to their dismay. Sorry, girls!)

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Our Secret Paws 2017 Goodies

Hello, and Happy Wednesday! This was our second year pawticipating in the Secret Paws Gift Exchange, organized by Mom Paula of Sweet Purrfections. (Last year our Secret Paws were Zoey, Ernie, and Wally of The Island Cats!) This is so much fun, and were we surprised on Christmas morning when we opened our gifts! Okay, without further ado we are going to reveal our 2017 Secret Paws! 

Secret Paws|Catmus|Secret Santa

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Praise To The Box Gods! It's Boxing Day 2017!

Lexy: Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in on one of my two favorite holidays of the year - Boxing Day! (My other favorite is International Box Day.) Today I praise the Box Gods for bringing cardboard to the world for cats to luxuriate in. 

Boxing Day|#chewyboxlove