Lola The Rescued Cat
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Lola on the Road: Brooklyn Cat Cafe (Brooklyn, NY)

Welcome to the second post in our series “Lola on the Road”. Throughout the summer I’ll be visiting several cat cafes and sharing my experiences with our readers. Coffee and cats; two of my favorite things! If you missed our first installment in the series, you can read about Catsbury Park Cat Cafe and Tea House here

Today I'm happy to share a great local cafe in Brooklyn, NY;  Brooklyn Cat Cafe. I had been wanting to visit this cafe for some time, but you know how it goes – life gets in the way. While I was at Jackson Galaxy’s Cat Camp last month I was able to chat with Lyvann, one of the volunteers, who warmly welcomed me to visit. I was a happy cat blogger! 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Catnip Nation's June Report - What's Happening With the Cats at Google?

In March I brought you the sixth installment in a series of posts by Tina Traster, Producer and Director of the documentary film Catnip Nation. This month Tina tackles a New York Times article that is emotional for cat rescuers, advocates and lovers. Google's employee run group GCat Rescue, which does wonderful things for feral cats, has been getting pushback from an environmental group. The link to the story is here. Read Tina's response below and tell us your thoughts in the comments. This may strike up differing opinions amongst our readers, but if a colony of cats could be in danger we need to let the world know. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

5 Ways to Get Your Cat to Drink More Water (Raindrop Fountain Review)

A few months ago Lola had her annual wellness checkup, which included blood work and a urinalysis. The results of her blood work were perfect, but she had some crystals in her urine. The protein level was also a little high, and the Ph was on the acidic side. The vet advised me to encourage her to drink more water and come back for a recheck. 

Encourage my cat to drink water? I was stumped. I was worried that the results could lead to bigger issues, but I didn’t know how to get more water into her. After doing some research I discovered some helpful hints to get a cat to drink more water, which I’m sharing with you today. 

pioneer pet|cat hydration

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Getting Inspired to Write Quality Content

This post is sponsored by the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network™. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about how BlogPaws helps educate and inspire pet influencers but Lola The Rescued Cat only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. BlogPaws is not responsible for the content of this article.

Blogging is a lot of work! It requires a lot of time and dedication. A blogger can spend as much time (or more!) on their blog as they do in their full-time job. There are times where you may feel uninspired and it can be difficult to generate new ideas.

Today I've decided to share with you what inspires me to create quality content, even when it may get exhausting. 

reasons to brush your cat

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Selfie Sunday - My Hiding Spot is Spoiled!

Hello, and Happy Sunday! I've been a sneaky little devil lately. I've been hiding in the morning, and Mommy hasn't been able to find me anywhere. *giggle* I was pretty good. Then one morning I wasn't being careful and Mommy saw me slip under the bed. Drats! She found me! I figured I was in a bit of trouble, so I decided to look cute and pose for a selfie since I probably wouldn't be allowed back under here again. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Lola on the Road: Catsbury Park Cat Cafe and Tea House (Asbury Park, NJ)

Welcome to the first post in a new series on the blog: "Lola on the Road." Throughout the summer I’ll be visiting several cat cafes and sharing my experiences with our readers. Coffee and cats; two of my favorite things! The first in the series is the Catsbury Park Cat Cafe and Tea House in Asbury Park, NJ. 

I made a quick trip over to the Catsbury Park Cat Cafe and
Tea House while I was at the Catsbury Park Cat Convention in April. I couldn't think of a better way to spend a Saturday night, anyway. 

cat cafes|catsbury park cat cafe and tea house|lola on the road

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Selfie Sunday - Kissing Cousins

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in, and I'm happy to be participating in the Sunday Selfie blog hop! It's been a while, and we've really missed hopping with our friends. 

Today I have a family selfie. Yesterday our cousin, Ariana, came to visit us. Lola didn't come out from under the bed, so I had all of her attention. I thought it would be a great idea to do a selfie with her.