Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wordless Wednesday - Happy Cats at Tabby's Place

tabby's place

tabby's place

Monday, August 27, 2018

Catnip Nation's August Report - Settlement Reached Over Jones Beach Ferals

In June I brought you the seventh installment in a series of posts by Tina Traster, Producer and Director of the documentary film Catnip Nation.  This month Tina brings us news about the settlement that was reached between New York State and the American Bird Conversancy over the feral cat colonies at Jones Beach on Long Island, NY. Tina first told us about the plight of the colony in this post from last year

I was hoping for better news for the Jones Beach ferals. In the eight years that I've been on social media (four of them blogging), I've never been publicly judgmental, attempting to keep Lola and Lexy's world a positive one. But I wonder how an agency can state worry over the existence and safety of one species with total disregard for the possible demise of another. All living beings are equally important in my book. But it doesn't seem that the American Bird Conservancy shares my view.

This is why TNR ordinances are necessary in every town of this country. Feral cats need to be protected. TNR ordinances work! You can read about a success story here. I thank Tina and her peers for working tirelessly on this issue and bringing important information to light. 

Are there TNR ordinances in your area? Tell us about them in the comments below. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wordless Wednesday - Cat Sitter Fun

Morning Yoga

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

4 Reasons Your Cat Needs a Water Fountain - Enter to win a Petmate Fresh Flow Rain Fountain

To buy a fountain, or not to buy a fountain? I’ve heard this question from cat owners pop up many times over the years. Some reasons I’ve heard for not purchasing a fountain include not wanting spend extra money (some can have a higher price point, but there are many affordable options), dreading cleaning it weekly (it’s really not all that bad – I promise!), or not understanding the benefits of having a fountain. Here are four reasons your cat should have a water fountain.

why cats need a fountain|fresh flow rain fountain
Friday, August 10, 2018

Lola on the Road: The Cat Parlour (Pawtucket, RI)

Welcome to the fifth post in our series “Lola on the Road”. Throughout the summer I’ll be visiting several cat cafes and sharing my experiences with our readers. Coffee and cats; two of my favorite things! If you missed the last installment in the series, you can read about El Gato Coffee House here

I continue to be in awe of every cafe I visit. Each one brings me a new awareness of how dedicated the owners of the cafes are, and a greater appreciation of the hard work that happens behind the scenes. 

Today I'm happy to share a wonderful cafe with you, The Cat Parlour in Pawtucket, RI. 

cat cafe|the cat parlour

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Throwback Thursday - Me and My String!

Hello, and Happy Thursday Purrsday! For today's throwback, I dug way back into our photo archive. Today I'm taking you back to November 2011! One of my favorite things was my shoelace and I used to take it with me everywhere. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

MYLAP Pet Bed Makes Your Pet Feel Like You're Never Far Away - (Giveaway)

If someone were to ask me what I love the most about attending cat-themed conventions, I wouldn’t hesitate to reply that it is meeting  and making connections with other cat-loving people. If I make one connection at a conference, I consider it a success.

Cat Camp NYC took place this past May, and I actually considered not attending. ( I know, I know… what was I thinking?!?) I had a lot going on in addition to having recently attended Catsbury Park and BlogPaws, and I had an upcoming trip to the Cat Writers’ Association conference. But how could I not just pop in since it was practically in my backyard? (And the new location was right across the street from the Long Island Rail Road, which made it super easy.)

I’m very happy I decided to go because in terms of connecting with people it was a huge success! The first vendor I bumped into when I entered the exhibit area was Tammy Olley of MYLAP™ Pet Bed.