Lola The Rescued Cat
Thursday, September 13, 2018

DIY First Aid Kit for Your Cat

If your cat had a minor medical emergency, would you be prepared? Before working on this post I was not. I’ve been reading a lot about the importance of having a first aid kit for your cat and I thought it was time for me to put one together. Medical emergencies can occur suddenly without warning (like the time Lola fainted). It’s important to get your cat to the vet immediately, but being prepared for minor emergencies before they happen can be beneficial to both you and your cat.  

First Aid Kit For Your Cat|DIY first aid kit

Here's how to make a DIY First Aid Kit for your cat.

Monday, September 10, 2018

The Brodie Fund Gives Hope to Cats With Cancer and Their Families

A diagnosis of cancer is devastating for a pet parent. Not only is it heartbreaking, it is also a confusing time as well. The options to treat cancer in animals have a broad range, and for some can be quite costly. I have two friends who had dogs diagnosed with cancer. One spent probably close to $20,000 to prolong her dog’s life for a little over a year, and the other did what she could to keep her dog comfortable because she did not have the financial means for extensive treatment. I wish I had known about The Brodie Fund at that time so I could have shared this information with my friends. 

The Brodie Fund

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Save the Date! Remember Me Thursday® is 9-27-18 (And We Have an Announcement!)

Hello, and Happy Thursday Purrsday! I have some very exciting news to share with you today that will definitely make you purr! But first, get your calendars out so you can save the date for a very important event. Ready with your pencils? Okay, the date is Thursday, September 27, 2018, and the event is… Remember Me Thursday

This is the third year that we’ve been participating in Remember Me Thursday, and we’re honored to be partnering with Helen Woodward Animal Center once again. 

Remembe Me Thursday|Helen Woodward Animal Center

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Jackie - In Memoriam of a Special Cat at Tabby's Place

The first time I visited Tabby’s Place in April of 2011 I met Jackie and immediately fell in love with her. I was warned that she can be feisty and to be careful petting her, and for some reason that made me more intrigued with her. She was not afraid to let everyone know that if you wanted to interact with her, you had to do it on her terms. She was a girl of conviction. 

Tabby's Place
Jackie wondering who all the intruders were in her suite.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wordless Wednesday - Happy Cats at Tabby's Place

tabby's place

tabby's place

Monday, August 27, 2018

Catnip Nation's August Report - Settlement Reached Over Jones Beach Ferals

In June I brought you the seventh installment in a series of posts by Tina Traster, Producer and Director of the documentary film Catnip Nation.  This month Tina brings us news about the settlement that was reached between New York State and the American Bird Conversancy over the feral cat colonies at Jones Beach on Long Island, NY. Tina first told us about the plight of the colony in this post from last year

I was hoping for better news for the Jones Beach ferals. In the eight years that I've been on social media (four of them blogging), I've never been publicly judgmental, attempting to keep Lola and Lexy's world a positive one. But I wonder how an agency can state worry over the existence and safety of one species with total disregard for the possible demise of another. All living beings are equally important in my book. But it doesn't seem that the American Bird Conservancy shares my view.

This is why TNR ordinances are necessary in every town of this country. Feral cats need to be protected. TNR ordinances work! You can read about a success story here. I thank Tina and her peers for working tirelessly on this issue and bringing important information to light. 

Are there TNR ordinances in your area? Tell us about them in the comments below. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wordless Wednesday - Cat Sitter Fun

Morning Yoga