Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, October 22, 2018

Saying Goodbye To Our Old Couch

Hello, and Happy Monday! You know, since I've lived here with Mommy and Lexy little things have changed here and there. Like the computer desk changed a few times, and then we got that DVD cabinet that Mommy hated for years. Just little stuff, nothing major. 

But then a couple of weeks ago, Mommy said we were getting a new couch! 

Cat on a couch

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Throwback Thursday - The First Time Lexy Saw Me

Hello, and Happy Thursday Purrsday! Today's throwback stars Lexy. Here is a photo of her the first time she ever saw me, when Mommy brought me out of the bathroom and sat me down next to her on the couch. Lexy was a little surprised to see me! (Please forgive the quality of the photos - Mommy didn't have a very good camera back then.)

Black and white cat

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Three Things to Consider When Choosing a Litterbox

Cats are fussy creatures. They are particular about many things, and their litter boxes are no exception. Here are three things to consider when choosing a litter box for your furry friend.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Throwback Thursday - Copying Lexy

Hello, and Happy Thursday Purrsday! I'm here today with a Throwback Thursday that goes all the way back to March of 2011. I had been living here just about two months when these photos were taken. 

I was still getting used to being an indoor kitty with a real home, and I was still learning what to do with myself, so I would copy Lexy. (Boy, how times change! MOL) One night I saw Lexy sleeping on the back of the chair and decided to give it a try. 

throwback thursday

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Groom Your Cat With Confidence With the Furminator - #ChewyInfluencer

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with our Chewy Influencer Review. 

FURminator|chewy influencer
Monday, September 24, 2018

Be Disaster Prepared with the Sleepypod® Go Bag

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. For years I thought I didn’t need to worry about being prepared because I have never lived in an area that required evacuation or that was hard hit by a disaster. Then in 2012, Hurricane Sandy decided to hit my area, and she hit us hard. When I saw the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel flooded, I began to worry.

(If the video doesn't play, you can watch it on Youtube.)

And when the local news showed a neighborhood just three miles from me totally flooded, I began to panic because I had nothing prepared. I ran around the apartment grabbing things and throwing them in a bag in case we had to leave.

Sleepypod Go Bag|Disaster Preparedness
Photo by WABC-TV
That made me realize that in order to keep my cats (and myself!) safe, I need to be ready.
Thanks to the folks at Sleepypod I have the perfect Go Bag to pack my emergency kit in.

Sleepypod Go Bag|Disaster Preparedness

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Why Lexy Writes to Save Lives - #RememberMeThursday 2018

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in for Remember Me Thursday. Lola, Mother, and I are very proud to be partnering with Helen Woodward Animal Center to promote this important day! We hope you’ll join us and our pals Three Chatty Cats in our blog hop to shine a light on pet adoption. (More details about that below.) 

Today I decided to tell you why I write to save lives. (Last year Lola wrote about her point of view on this subject, which you can read here.) My story may sound a little familiar to many of you because I wrote a post about it on my seventh gotcha day. But this is exactly why I write to save lives. Here’s my story…

Remember Me Thursday|Helen Woodward Animal Center