Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday Blowout Sale! Get a Copy of Our Book Today!

Hello, and Happy Friday! We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. We're joining the Black Friday tradition today with a book sale! Our book, Lola: Diary of a Rescued Cat is now 30% off! 

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving 2018

Lola: Hello, and happy Wednesday! Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, Lexy and I wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday. We hope your Thanksgiving is full of love and blessings. 

cat on a pillow

Monday, November 19, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018 With the Cats at Tabby's Place

This past Saturday I attended the second annual Thanksgiving With The Cats at Tabby's Place in Ringoes, NJ. I had made a last minute decision on Friday night to go because I had a very large cat tree to donate and I needed to make room in my living room for my Christmas tree. And also because I missed last year's festivities, and, of course, I wanted to see the kitties (including my sponsor cat, Rose.)  

Tabby's Place|Cat Sanctuary

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Lola on the Road: Tiny Lions Lounge and Adoption Center (Ann Arbor, MI)

Welcome to the sixth post in our series, "Lola on the Road". Throughout the summer I visited several cat cafes, and I've been sharing my experiences with my readers. Coffee and cats - two of my favorite things! If you missed the last installment in the series, you can read about The Cat Parlour here. And if you'd like to catch up on the entire series, you can do that here

My travels have taken me to cafes in Brooklyn, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Texas. I ended the summer in MI, where I not only got to visit two fabulous cafes but I also got to catch up with old friends and meet a blogging friend and another long-time Facebook friend for the first time (all of whom I met through my cats or through blogging. Cat people rule!) It was a great end to the summer. 

Today I'm happy to share a wonderful cafe that I'm sure you'll love reading about - Tiny Lions Lounge and Adoption Center in Ann Arbor, MI. 

tiny lions lounge|cat cafes

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Sunday Seflies From Our Cat Tree

Hello, and Happy Sunday! I decided to take this week's selfie on our cat tree. If you read Lexy's previous post, you'll know that we're very happy it's still in the same spot by the window. 

napping cat|selfie

It's a very cozy spot for napping (when I'm not birdwatching, that is.) Here's a close-up selfie. 

napping cat|selfie

I hope you're having an easy Sunday, too. 

We're part of the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with our good friends over at The Cat On My Head. Hop on over to their blog to see more selfies. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Does The Time Change Affect My Cat? You Bet It Does!

Hello everyone. This is Lexy checking in with some information about the time change. This past Sunday at 2:00 am most states turned their clocks back one hour to return to standard time. Mother does not like the time change at all and always has a hard time adjusting. She’s a little grumpy and finds herself tired and hungry when she shouldn’t be. (Well, between you and me she’s always hungry. But don’t tell her I told you.) I was thinking “I bet humans wonder if the end of daylight savings time affects their cats?”  The answer is yes! Your cats can react to the time change.

does the time change affect my cat?

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Our Cat Tree is Safe!

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in for a Thankful Thursday post. (And would you believe, with everything Lola and I have to be thankful for, that this is our first ever "Thankful Thursday" post? Hard to believe, I concur.) I have something to be very thankful for today. You see, Mother recently bought new furniture. If you saw this Instagram post, you saw how we were living for a while. (Lola looks less than amused.)