Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Rescue Stories - Chance: He was Shot in the Jaw, But His Rescuer Never Gave Up on Him

I've been Facebook friends with Pam for many years now. We met through our cats when Facebook had a very active and thriving cat community. Pam is a very caring person, cat advocate, and feral cat caretaker. She's a wonderful cat mom who has a special needs cat who has seizures. She also has a lovely son, who is an emerging cat man! I'm so happy she chose to share Chance's story for the blog, which I'm sure you'll enjoy reading. Thanks for saving him, Pam! 

March 23, 2018 was an unusually warm day, and I’m so thankful that is was. Normally this time of year we keep the overhead doors in the warehouse at work closed, but because it was a warm day the big doors were open. That’s how my friend, Robert, was able to see the new visitor that came by that afternoon.

It all started with a text - “You need to come back here now. New cat”. I was up in the front office at my desk, but as soon as I got that text I went rushing to the back of the warehouse. You see, I have a small feral colony there at my job and my friend, Robert, knows what they all look like. When he saw this new cat stroll by, he knew that I would want to see it.

Rescue Stories|Rescued Cats

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Boxiecat - The Healthier Clay Litter (Review and Giveaway)

One of my goals here at Lola The Rescued Cat is to bring information to our readers that can help their cats live happier lives. (Well, not only the cats but their people, too!) One way I accomplish this is by doing product reviews so pet parents get a glimpse of different things that are out there that their cat may enjoy. One thing I tend to shy away from reviewing, though, is litter. You may know how picky Lola and Lexy are about food, but they're even pickier about their litter. 

Boxiecat Litter

Monday, July 1, 2019

Rescue Stories: Willis - A Sick Kitten Found on the Side of the Road

We’re excited to share another rescue story that’s very special to us. Willis and his family, who we met through our Facebook pages, have been our good friends since 2011. Mommy went to MI over the summer and met Willis and his sisters (oh, and his mom, too), and had the best time ever. Willis is definitely a sweet boy. Without further ado, meet our friend, Willis!

A friend of mine was driving home on a dark road one night in June of 2008, when her headlights caught something sitting in the road. She got out of her car to see what it was and found a little black kitten just begging for help.

Rescue stories|rescued cats

Friday, June 28, 2019

Meow Meet Up 2019 - The Midwest's Premiere Cat Convention

I love attending cat conventions. There’s just something about being in a large space filled with cat lovers that makes my soul happy. I’ve been lucky to have been able to attend Cat Camp three times, as well as Catsbury Park and I’ve always enjoyed myself immensely (and I always come home with bags of goodies! I’m a sucker for cat-themed merchandise.) 

A group of cat blogging friends, some of my favorite friends in the world, decided we wanted to get together again so we’ve made plans to meet in Chicago to attend Meow Meet Up. When I was contacted by Lauren Meile, founder of The Catnip Times (a blog I absolutely love!) and Meow Meet Up to talk to my readers about the event, I was more than happy to oblige. I had a lovely conversation with her on the phone as we shared our passion for cats, rescue, and blogging. Her enthusiasm for the event was contagious! (Stay tuned till the end, because there’s a special ticket offer for Lola The Rescued Cat readers!) 

Meow Meet Up Chicago

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Three Reasons Your Cat Needs Wet Food in Their Diet

This post is sponsored by Purina. We received coupons for free 12-packs of Fancy Feast for ourselves and a giveaway to discuss the importance of wet food in a cat's diet. Purina is not responsible for the contents of this post. Lola The Rescued Cat only shares information we feel will be of interest to our readers. 

Cat Writers’ 25th Anniversary Conference

Purina has been a sponsor and supporter of Cat Writers’ Association since its inception in 1992, so I was thrilled that not only would they be presenting at the 25th Anniversary Conference, but they would also have a booth with staff available to speak one-on-one with members.

Purina|fancy feast

Monday, June 24, 2019

Cat World Domination Day 2019

Hello, and Happy Monday! We're celebrating Cat World Domination Day with our pal, Summer. We cats know that we dominate our people's lives, and today is the day we celebrate it! 

Friday, June 21, 2019

Catnip Nation Wins Best Documentary!

If you've been following my blog for a while, you've most likely read the posts about the documentary film Catnip Nation. I met Tina Traster, Producer and Director of the film, at Cat Camp NYC in 2017. I had a very enjoyable conversation with Tina which led to her contributing not only updates about the film but educational, thought-provoking articles about feral cat communities as well.