Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, September 6, 2019

Hanging Out on Our New Couch

Hello, and Happy Friday! Several months ago I posted about saying goodbye to our old couch. I really loved that couch and wasn't too sure how I would feel about the new one that was coming. 

Well, I've been trying it out, and it's not so bad. Lately I've been hanging out on the back of it. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Zen Clipper - The Worry Free Nail Trimmer (Review and Giveaway)

Living indoors doesn’t give a cat many opportunities to naturally shorten their nails, so they depend on their people to help them manage their “manicures.” Trimmed nails are not only more comfortable for your cat, but it’s also more comfortable for you as well. 

Zen Clipper|worry free nail trimmer

Friday, August 16, 2019

Getting Your Cat to the Vet: Fear-Free Travel

Welcome back to our “Getting Your Cat to the Vet” series. I’m excited to continue my collaboration with Tabitha Kucera of Chirrups and Chatter to bring you the second installment, Fear Free Travel.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Meow Meetup Chicago 2019 - A Fabulous Weekend!

Much to the delight of cat lovers, cat-themed conventions are popping up all over. I've had a lot of fun attending Cat Camp NYC three times, as well as Catsbury Park Cat Convention in NJ. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending Meow Meet Up Chicago with a group of my great cat blogging friends. Friends, cats, cat-themed merchandise, cat-centric presentations - what could make for a better weekend? 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Getting Your Cat to the Vet: Your Cat CAN Love Their Carrier!

As many of you know, I volunteer for the Jackson Galaxy Cat Pawsitive Program as a writer. I’ve met many wonderful people through the program, including Tabitha Kucera. Tabitha and I spent a weekend volunteering for CPP at Cat Camp NYC this past June and I had a ball talking with her. Tabitha is a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant as well as a Fear Free and Low Stress Handling Certified Registered Veterinary Technician. After picking her brain about different topics, I was thrilled when she agreed to partner with me for a series of posts on the blog.

Your Cat Can Love Their Carrier

Welcome to the first post in the “Getting Your Cat to the Vet” series. Today we’re focusing on carrier training. Your cat can love their carrier, and here’s how. 

Fear Free|carrier training

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

ökocause4paws Litter Donation Program

Hello, and Happy Wednesday! It's been some time since I've taken over the blog from Mommy, and I've got something fab to share with you today! 

We're helping our friends at Ã¶kocat support adoption by spreading the word about their Ã¶kocause4paws Litter Donation Program. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Your Cats Will Love The Catit® LED Flower Fountain! Review and Giveaway

I'm a big fan of Catit products, and so are Lola and Lexy. We've been lucky to review the Catit Oasis (which was one of our very first reviews - hopefully you can see the improvement since then!) and the Catit Lounge Scratcher, which were hits with the girls. (There are also a couple of other Catit products around the house that I've either purchased or won in giveaways). A few years ago I was also honored with an invitation to the Black Cat Soiree at their Catit Playground here in NYC, and it was a pleasure to get to meet some of the people from behind the scenes. 

Catit|LED Flower Fountain