Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Spacious and Comfy Cabrio Multi-Functional Cat Carrier by Catit.

I'm always on the hunt for the perfect carrier for Lola. Soft carriers don't work well for her because she's a feline Houdini and has escaped from more than one of them in the car. Once when I was driving through the Central Park Traverse and another time when my friend was driving with her on the Grand Central Parkway. I should add there were a few more close calls, as well. In addition to her ability to flee from her confinement in the PTU (Prisoner Transport Unit, as many cats refer to it), she pees in the carrier. Every.Single.Time. Needless to say, a few soft carriers have been ruined. 

When I saw the Cabrio Carrier by Catit my interest was piqued, and I wondered how Lola would fare in it. When the opportunity came about to work with Catit on a review, I was very excited to give the carrier a try. (Read our tips on how to get your cat to love their carrier.) 

Catit Cabrio Carrier

Monday, November 25, 2019

Black Friday Adoption Event at Tabby's Place (2019)

Hello, and Happy Monday! As you know, a couple of weeks ago Mommy attended Chip or Treat at Tabby's Place. It was such a fun event! Today I'm sharing some photos of the kitties that she took that day.  

I also have some exciting news about their Black Friday Adoption Event! Keep reading for all the info!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Chip or Treat 2019 at Tabby's Place

Hello, and Happy Friday! A few weeks ago our mom attended a very fun event and I can't wait to tell you all about it! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

7 Ways to Help a Shelter Cat Without Adopting

Over the years I’ve often heard people say, “I’d love to help cats in shelters, but I just can’t adopt one.” The idea that adopting is the only way to help a shelter cat is a sad misconception. There are so many ways you can make an impact, and below I share seven of my favorite.

animal rescue

Friday, October 25, 2019

Rescue Stories - Nora: Found Her Forever Home in Brooklyn After Being Found Bleeding on the Streets of Iran

Hello, and Happy Friday! I am super excited to share today's rescue story with you! And it's our first story about a dog! We've been very good friends with Kai and his brother George on Facebook for a very long time, and our moms are friends, too. Kai and George's mom and dad adopted Nora, who was badly injured in Iran. Nora is a lucky dog - almost as lucky as her family is. I'm proud to introduce you to Nora!


rescue stories

Monday, October 21, 2019

Your Cat Will Love Being Groomed With HandsOn Gloves

I have two cats, but with all the fur dust bunnies on my hardwood floors (and furniture), you may think four or five live here. I can never understand how that much fur can come off of two short haired cats! One way to keep on top of the hair situation is to be sure I groom the girls regularly. 

Lola and Lexy are fairly easy to groom. I have to follow Lexy around the apartment a bit, but as long as I'm using a brush she likes she's okay with it. Lola likes a different brush, of course, so I often have to switch off or only groom one of them at a time. Thanks to the HandsOn Glove I can give both girls a good brushing while petting them.

HandsOn Grooming Gloves

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lola on the Road: The Windy Kitty Cat Café (Chicago, IL)

Welcome back to "Lola on the Road." After a little hiatus I'm back to bring you another cat café. In July I met up with a group of my great blogging friends for a weekend in Chicago to attend Meow Meetup, and I made sure I had time to squeeze in a trip to a cat café (or two! Stay tuned!) My first stop in Chicago was to The Windy Kitty Cat Café

cat cafes|the windy kitty|chicago