Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Creating a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for Your Cat

Depending on where you live in the country, having a COVID-19 plan for your cat (or any pet) may be a good idea. It is something I actually didn’t think about until I came across some information while I was doing research for another post. And quite honestly, I didn't want to think about it. The thought of not being here for my girls is terrifying, but it's something I know I need to be prepared for. This may be a little late, but if you live in an area that still has a high number of cases it is something to consider.

I have been very fortunate during this pandemic and lockdown in New York State – I’m able to work both of my jobs from home, and I'm still bringing in my salary (something I give thanks for every day.) Lola, Lexy, and I have everything we need, and as usual, my girls want for nothing. But what would happen to them in a sudden emergency? 

covid-19 preparedness plan for your cat

Friday, May 1, 2020

Working From Home With Cats - Part 3

Hello, and Happy Friday! Well, Lexy and I are still working with Mommy at home. She's been pretty busy during the day, and we've been helping her. I have to say, it's exhausting! How do humans do this all the time? 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Working From Home With Cats - Part 2

Hello, and Happy Thursday Purrsday! As you know from our last Working From Home With Cats post, Lexy and I have been very busy keeping Mommy on track while she's telecommuting. 

Just a second... *yells over shoulder* What's that, Lexy? You've been busy working and I've just been snuggling in the morning?  Mind your business, please! 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Scruffy Paws Nutrition Scrub and Shine Dental Powder Keeps Your Cat's Teeth and Gums Healthy

One of my goals here at Lola The Rescued Cat is to bring information to our readers that can help their cats live happier lives. (Well, not only the cats but their people, too!) One way I accomplish this is by doing product reviews so pet parents can get a glimpse of different cat-related products that are out there that can make life easier for two-legged and four-legged family members. 

Scruffy Paws Nutrition

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Working From Home With Cats - Part 1

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in. It has been quite some time since I've taken over the blog, and I must say it's been just too long! I've missed chatting with you all. 

Today starts Mother's fifth week at home while New York is paused. Just like in most states, humans here are practicing social distancing and unless they are essential employees they are supposed to stay home. Mother is very lucky and very grateful to be able to continue her job from home. I've decided to start a little series on the blog called "Working From Home With Cats" because, in my opinion, Mother is very lucky to have me as an assistant. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Will You Adopt Me? Meet Purrogi - He Made an Incredible Transformation Through CPP

Last month we introduced you to a beautiful cat named Cinnamon at Monmouth County SPCA who is their Cat Pawsitve Pro (CPP) shining star. I received an update on another cat before the program was paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic who I'm excited to share with you today. Meet Purrogi, who initially had a difficult time adjusting to shelter life but is now playful and affectionate. 

Monmouth County SPCA

Friday, March 27, 2020

Paused in New York, and Some Self-Care Techniques to Help Get You Through a Difficult Time

As the world is experiencing turbulent times, I find myself living in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic – New York City. Super Storm Sandy and 9/11 couldn’t bring us to our knees, but the Coronavirus did. We’re practically shut down, and the streets are eerily desolate in a city where hustle and bustle, crowded streets, and bumper-to-bumper traffic are a daily way of life. Although those things can be frustrating and intolerable at times, right now it would all be a welcome comfort. Yesterday I went for a walk in the afternoon and I was actually afraid. 

I didn't take this photo. I will look for the source and credit. 

As I write this there are a little over 20,000 confirmed cases here in the city, and it is estimated that 80% of us will contract the virus. Overnight there were 100 deaths. I’m lucky to be well, and I’m extremely lucky to be able to work both of my jobs from home – for now. My anxiety is running high and is increasing every day. I worry about my family, some of who have pre-existing conditions, and I worry about friends who are essential workers who are out there every day. I hate to leave my house (which I rarely do), and it’s almost getting to the point where I’m scared to do so. My full-time job is in congregate care and every day I live in fear that I’m going to be told I have to return to work to take care of the clients (several who have tested positive for COVID-19.)