Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, May 22, 2020

Working From Home With Cats - Part 5

Hello, and Happy Friday! I'm back today with part five of our "Working From Home With Cats" series. I was a busy bee in this post,that's for sure! Here's what we've been doing since we left off last time. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Put a Smile on Your Face With Your Cat on Your Feet - Printsfield Socks Review

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in, and I've got a fab review for your today. Times are a little stressful for a lot of people these days, but do you know the best way to put a smile on your face? It's by putting your cat on your feet! Stay with me, friends. It will all make sense in a minute! 

Printsfield Personalized Socks

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Working From Home With Cats - Part 4

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with part four of our "Working From Home With Cats" series. Lola and I are still very busy keeping Mother on track. Check out what we've been up to. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

Rescue Stories - Elf: Abandoned by His Momma Cat

Hello, and Happy Monday! We have another great rescue story for you today. (You all know what Lexy, Mommy, and I just love a good rescue story!) Today we're featuring our friend, Elf, from the fab blog Catscue. Read how he went from being abandoned by his Momma as a kitten to living a fab life. 


Cat Rescue Stories

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Creating a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for Your Cat

Depending on where you live in the country, having a COVID-19 plan for your cat (or any pet) may be a good idea. It is something I actually didn’t think about until I came across some information while I was doing research for another post. And quite honestly, I didn't want to think about it. The thought of not being here for my girls is terrifying, but it's something I know I need to be prepared for. This may be a little late, but if you live in an area that still has a high number of cases it is something to consider.

I have been very fortunate during this pandemic and lockdown in New York State – I’m able to work both of my jobs from home, and I'm still bringing in my salary (something I give thanks for every day.) Lola, Lexy, and I have everything we need, and as usual, my girls want for nothing. But what would happen to them in a sudden emergency? 

covid-19 preparedness plan for your cat

Friday, May 1, 2020

Working From Home With Cats - Part 3

Hello, and Happy Friday! Well, Lexy and I are still working with Mommy at home. She's been pretty busy during the day, and we've been helping her. I have to say, it's exhausting! How do humans do this all the time? 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Working From Home With Cats - Part 2

Hello, and Happy Thursday Purrsday! As you know from our last Working From Home With Cats post, Lexy and I have been very busy keeping Mommy on track while she's telecommuting. 

Just a second... *yells over shoulder* What's that, Lexy? You've been busy working and I've just been snuggling in the morning?  Mind your business, please!