Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, June 1, 2020

Lola and Lexy's Top Five Ways to Celebrate Adopt A Cat Month

Hello, and Happy Monday! Today is June 1st, which marks the start of a very important month. It's Adopt A Cat Month! Lexy and I just love meowing about it because adoption is very important to us. 

Today Lexy and I are sharing our Top Five Ways to Celebrate Adopt A Cat Month. But it doesn't stop here! All month our Top Five will focus on adoption, and there will be other posts about rescue as well. June is going to be a great month! You can read our post from last year here where we explain everything in detail, including some very important statistics. 

So, without further ado, here are our Top Five Ways to Celebrate Adopt A Cat Month! 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Lola and Lexy's Top 5 Litter Box Tips

Lola: Hello, and Happy Wednesday! As you know, we had to re-think our blog a little bit this year because of the "pause" in New York. Well, Lexy and I came up with a fab idea!

Lexy: I agree, Lola. I think it’s quite outstanding.

Lola: Okay, let me tell you all what it is. Drumroll, please…… *chases tail in a circle*

Lexy: While Lola is making herself dizzy, allow me to elaborate. Lola and I are starting a series on the blog called “Lola and Lexy’s Top Five.” We’re going to talk about different subjects and give you our top five tips, or the top five reasons, or the top five ways…. you get the picture.

Lola: It’s going to be just great! I’m so excited to be taking over the blog again.

Lexy: To start it all off, today we have our Top Five Litter Box Tips.

Lola: We hope you enjoy it! 

litter box tips

Friday, May 22, 2020

Working From Home With Cats - Part 5

Hello, and Happy Friday! I'm back today with part five of our "Working From Home With Cats" series. I was a busy bee in this post,that's for sure! Here's what we've been doing since we left off last time. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Put a Smile on Your Face With Your Cat on Your Feet - Printsfield Socks Review

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in, and I've got a fab review for your today. Times are a little stressful for a lot of people these days, but do you know the best way to put a smile on your face? It's by putting your cat on your feet! Stay with me, friends. It will all make sense in a minute! 

Printsfield Personalized Socks

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Working From Home With Cats - Part 4

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with part four of our "Working From Home With Cats" series. Lola and I are still very busy keeping Mother on track. Check out what we've been up to. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

Rescue Stories - Elf: Abandoned by His Momma Cat

Hello, and Happy Monday! We have another great rescue story for you today. (You all know what Lexy, Mommy, and I just love a good rescue story!) Today we're featuring our friend, Elf, from the fab blog Catscue. Read how he went from being abandoned by his Momma as a kitten to living a fab life. 


Cat Rescue Stories

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Creating a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for Your Cat

Depending on where you live in the country, having a COVID-19 plan for your cat (or any pet) may be a good idea. It is something I actually didn’t think about until I came across some information while I was doing research for another post. And quite honestly, I didn't want to think about it. The thought of not being here for my girls is terrifying, but it's something I know I need to be prepared for. This may be a little late, but if you live in an area that still has a high number of cases it is something to consider.

I have been very fortunate during this pandemic and lockdown in New York State – I’m able to work both of my jobs from home, and I'm still bringing in my salary (something I give thanks for every day.) Lola, Lexy, and I have everything we need, and as usual, my girls want for nothing. But what would happen to them in a sudden emergency? 

covid-19 preparedness plan for your cat